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She gave him a soft, sad smile. “Jai, there isn’t time to rest. This isn’t just about Charlie. Lilif may be targeting him, but there are other people affected by the change, most prominently Derek and Fallon, and Lilif might come after them if she can’t get to Charlie. If Fallon is a target, then the entire Roe Guild is.”

Understanding the magnitude of what Ari was saying, Jai turned with a heavy heart to Michael. The Guild Hunter had been nothing but supportive and loyal to them, and they’d brought him nothing but upheaval and danger. “Michael,” Jai shook his head, not even knowing where to start, “I’m sorry, but Ari’s right.”

Michael waved him off with an impatient grunt. “Don’t. I see the guilt in your eyes and I don’t like it. We are jinn, and we are hunters. We face danger every day. You didn’t bring this upon us, it was thrust upon us.”

Fallon, who’d been unusually quiet, suddenly sat up from her armchair, her cute nose wrinkled in consternation. “Would someone like to catch me up? I’m totally confused.”

Michael gave his daughter a tender but worried look. “The Guild needs to scatter to our safe houses.” He turned back to Jai. “We have them all over.”

Ari stepped toward their Guild leader. “I suggest we keep Fallon and Charlie together, which means Jai, Trey, and I will be with your family, Michael. Where’s your safe house?”

“Bridge of Allan. It’s a small village in Scotland.”

Ari raised an eyebrow and gave a half smile, affection warming in Jai’s eyes. She was excited at the prospect of going to Scotland, even under the dire circumstances. “Scotland. Cool.” She nodded. “Okay, here’s the plan: Jai, you’ll accompany Michael, Fallon, and Caroline on—”

“And Gerard and Megan,” Michael interrupted. “My brother and his wife share the safe house.”

“Okay, Jai, you’ll accompany all of the above on the flight to Scotland since they don’t have access to the peripatos, and I’m the only one who can take someone with me into it. Trey,” Ari spun around and gave him an apologetic smile, “you’re coming with me to convince Charlie and his family they need our help.”

So far, Jai wasn’t liking the plan, mostly because it meant he and Ari would be separated for twenty-four hours. “I’ll come with you. Trey can accompany the Roes.”

“Baby,” Ari sighed, “not to be mean or anything, but you aren’t as charming as Trey.”

Trey’s grin widened and Jai squinted in warning before he could say anything cocky.

“I mean, you are charming …” Her lips twitched. “But only ever to me.”

Fallon coughed in an obvious attempt to mask her laughter.

“Trey will be better at helping me convince Charlie. You might just—”

“Scare the crap out of them?” Trey offered.


Scare the crap out of them? Jai glowered. He would never scare the crap out of them. He could be a pretty friendly guy when he needed to be.

“That, right there,” Fallon made a motion with her palm toward his face, “that’s the glower that will scare the crap out of them.”

He looked to Michael for backup and found him hiding a smile as he shuffled “paperwork.” Jai gave in. “Fine. Trey with you, me with them.”

Ari nodded militantly and shot a questioning look Michael’s way. “Can we get some protection enchantments put up around Derek? I don’t think they’ll go after him, but just in case?”

Michael nodded, his eyes glimmering with more amusement as he watched Ari take complete control of the situation. He seemed proud of her, not at all insulted by her ousting him from leadership.

Frankly, Jai was proud of her too. And on a far more intimate level, he was finding Ari in take-charge mode incredibly hot. He buried that thought, realizing now was definitely not the time.

“I’ll put the call out to the Guild, get them moving to safe houses, and asking those on assignment to pull out and go to their nearest safe house,” Fallon offered.

The five of them looked at each other and then Ari clapped her hands, trying to force away her exhaustion. “Let’s do this.”

After handing Ari the address to the Scottish safe house, Michael left the room with a “be careful” thrown their way. Fallon followed him out. Jai caught Trey’s eyes. Give us a minute?

Trey nodded. “I’ll be outside, Ari. Whenever you’re ready.”

She gave him a grateful smile and as soon as the door closed, she rushed into Jai’s arms. He leaned his chin on her head and stroked her back, thinking how much he loved the way she nuzzled her face into his throat when they embraced. “You’re going to be careful,” he told her, unable to keep the command out of his voice. When he was worried, it translated to bossy. He couldn’t help it. And right now, with his heart slamming against his chest, Ari had to know how worried he was.

Tags: Samantha Young Fantasy