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And then he saw it.

Shadow’s fingers gripped tight to Asmodeus’s wrist, begging for relief as the marid held him down. He was able to touch Asmodeus when the intention was not to attack.

The enchantment was a defensive one only.

Ah, Asmodeus, White shook his head smugly, your paranoia will be the end of you.

With thoughts of harm quashed beneath his obsession to find his mother, White reached out and snapped the rope from Asmodeus’s neck. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw fire explode in the hallway, the vivid hue of blue and red warning him his brother’s Glass and Red had arrived to join the fight. White instantly teleported back to his father’s room, knowing the fight would definitely be out of his favor once Red and Glass joined ranks with Asmodeus.

It was possible that every jinn in all of Mount Qaf was alerted to Asmodeus’s realization that the ring had been stolen.

The lieutenant’s roar literally shook the palace and the mountains beneath it.

White slammed the doors to his father’s chamber, blocking out the war cries that seemed to pound down on the palace from every side. He slipped on the Seal of Solomon, feeling its power, his mother’s power, rush through him. He stroked the brass and iron ring with tenderness. Within it resided his mother’s spirit and very soon, she would be reunited with her body.

Quickly, White strode around to his father’s bedside.

Azazil looked up at him with a strange mix of pride and rage. “You have no idea what you are about to unleash.”

White shook his head. “Mother is balance. Our world is not the same without her. And if you are going to blame anyone for this … blame yourself. You were the one who granted my daughter the favor that brought you so low. You knew something like this might happen. You invited it.”

His father nodded wearily. “I kindled a darkness, yes, but you are about to set the world alight with the blackest flame. Lilif will cast us all into shadow.”

“Enough of your lies, Father.” White uncurled his hand, staring at the ring. “I command you to tell me the location of Lilif’s body.”

Slowly, and in great pain to do so, Azazil closed his eyes. With a sigh of exhaustion, he revealed his greatest secret.



Thy Will Be Undone

White lit candles upon entering the mausoleum built into the deepest depths of the Menelik, their light flickering over the sarcophagus from the old sconces. This was an area not even the state knew existed, hidden behind a rock door only accessible by powerful jinn. Considering only one jinn knew of its existence in the first place, White found the tomb undisturbed. It was small, dark, carved out in a near circular shape, the rock walls protruding out here and there.

In the center, balanced on an elaborate pedestal, sat the sarcophagus. Sealed by royal blood, it could only be opened by royal blood.

White conjured a small dagger and scored a deep slice across his open palm. Quickly, before it could heal, he curled his hand into a fist and dripped his blood into the center of the carved coffin.

Electricity filled the air. White watched with anticipation as the sarcophagus began to melt, revealing the youthful face of his beautiful mother. As her rattily-clothed body was revealed to him, he reached out to catch her before the sarcophagus completely disappeared. Cradling her in his arms, White felt tears of elation prick his eyes as he knelt to his knees and pulled out the seal.

This would most probably hurt her.

“Forgive me, Mother,” he apologized softly, his eyes glued to her sweet, pure face.

With a cry of triumph, White raised his fist with the seal inside and smashed it through Lilif’s breast. An ember glow immediately lit up inside her and Lilif’s eyes flew open on an anguished gasp.

As White removed his fist and watched her chest heal over, Lilif’s frightened eyes searched the room before swinging up to his face. Slowly, as the pain diminished in her dark gaze, light returned. She recognized him.

“I knew you’d find me,” she whispered, a soft smile on her lips.

White closed his eyes in absolute relief. Everything would be all right now.

Opening his eyes at his mother’s coughing, White helped her sit up, her entire body trembling against him. “Can I get you something?” he asked.

She placed a palm to her chest and winced, shaking her head. “I would say give me a minute, but we don’t have the time.” When her eyes came back to him, White froze in confusion. Within, he saw a hard intensity he did not recognize. “We must bring on The After, son, and we must do it soon.”

The sound of her shower running slowly woke Ari from her dreamless sleep. Prying her eyes open, she stretched a hand out, sliding her palm over the warm space where Jai had lain next to her. The shower turned off and she smiled into her pillow.

Tags: Samantha Young Fantasy