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Obviously, it's Nicolaas I'm talking to, but because Stone is standing next to his best friend, he stiffens and asks, "Excuse me?"


I didn't realize Stone would assume I'm talking to him, but before I can apologize and explain myself, I hear Nicolaas drawl, "Don't worry. You'd be the last person in the world Ms. Cavendish would ever call an asshole—-"

Stone's face hardens. "Are you being sarcastic?"

Nicolaas glances at me, and the contempt in his gaze stuns me at first. A moment later, I find myself completely enraged. How dare he? Like seriously, how dare he?

"What do you think, Mary?" he taunts. "Shall I tell Stone the truth?"

Oh, this fucking piece of shit.

Is he threatening me now?

Does he think I'll leave him alone just so he won't expose my feelings for Stone?

"Asshole!" I'm so furious that I feel tears of rage burning my eyes. "You really are an asshole—-"

"Asshole or not," he snarls, "at least I always tell it the way it is—-"

I can't believe this. I seriously can't believe what I'm hearing, and I have the craziest urge to throw my shoe at him. "Are you for real? You don't deserve an angel like Che—-"

Nicolaas lets out a humorless laugh. "An angel? How the fuck is she an angel when she has dear fucking Kevin waiting at home—-"

I stagger back in shock. Kevin? Did he just say 'Kevin'?

"I read all of your messages," Nicolaas bites out, "and she's lucky that's all I fucking did—-"

Oh God.

It really is my fault, after all, and when I look at Nicolaas, I'm no longer blind like I was earlier. I thought what I saw in his eyes was contempt. But now I realize it's nothing but pain and betrayal...and I feel like crying again when I realize he's hurting just as much as Francesca.

"I'm so sorry—-"

"It's not your fault," Nicolaas says tightly. "I should've—-"

I shake my head. "I wished you had talked to me first, but..." I swallow hard. "I get why you didn't."

"Just forget about it—-"

"Not until you know the truth. Kevin—-"

Nicolaas stiffens. "I said just fucking forget—-"

"—-is a vibrator."

Silence explodes inside the room.

"A clit vibrator to be exact," I say miserably, "but we've named him Kevin so people don't realize what we're talking about, and I'm just so, so sorry—-" My voice trails off.

There's no point speaking since Nicolaas has already stalked out of Stone's office.


Just one more minute, I tell myself, and then I'll start working.


But a minute passes, and then another and another, and I still have no energy to take pictures and shoot videos.

I'm at another invitation-only gig for vloggers, and our venue this time is a historic home that's just been turned into a B&B. But unlike most other events, I was already paid an advance for this, so I don't actually have a choice.

I need to work—-

And I will.


I just need one more minute—-

What's that about?

People around me have started to whisper rather excitedly, and in my experience there are only two reasons for this.

Either someone did something unexpected...or it's someone who's come unexpectedly. And a moment later, I have my answer.

"Franny, look!"

Cha-Cha is one of the few vloggers I'm close to, and the excitement in her tone leaves me bewildered.

"What's happening?"

"Nicolaas Verhaege posted something on social media—-" Cha-Cha drops her phone in my hands. "—-and he tagged you."

Just hearing his name and the words 'social media' in the same sentence is traumatizing, but because it's never been my style to bury my head in the sand, I force myself to take a look.

I'm sorry, Francesca. I fucked up. You were the best thing to happen to me, and I fucked up.

I know I don't deserve you, but I also know I can't live without you.

Give me a chance to win you back. I love you.

I hand Cha-Cha's phone back to her. "Thanks." My voice sounds so fragile even to my ears, and I hate it. I've always seen myself as strong, but Nic's cruelty has made me realize I was vulnerable like everyone else.

"You don't look so good," my friend says worriedly.

"I'm okay," I assure her. "I just need some...air." It's the lamest excuse, but it's all I can think of. I just want to be alone all of a sudden, and I manage a smile for Cha-Cha's benefit before turning around...and bumping straight into him.


I don't need to look up to know it's him. The way this great hush of silence abruptly swallows the entire room tells me enough, and just knowing that it's really him standing in front of me makes my vision start to blur.


The mere sound of my name on his lips feels like a punch in the guts—-

"I'm sorry."

—-while his apology makes my heart feel like it's about to explode in pain.

"I posted something on social media—-"

"I don't care," I whisper.

"Have you read it?"

Tags: Marian Tee Billionaire Romance