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Her mother had hugged Drake at least a hundred times and thanked him profusely not only for his generosity but also for making her baby so happy. And one had only to look at Evangeline to see that she radiated happiness. She glowed from head to toe with contentment only someone deeply in love could feel.

And to properly and creatively express her gratitude for all he’d done for her family, Evangeline had wickedly made love to him aboard his jet the entire flight back to New York City. He’d jokingly told her as they’d gotten into the car at the airport that she’d worn him out and that he wouldn’t be able to get out of bed to celebrate Christmas with her.

She had very seriously told him that if he couldn’t get out of bed, then she would have no choice but to join him there, and since she’d be bored out of her mind she would have to come up with ways to keep herself entertained. He’d informed her that what she was saying wasn’t exactly a threat and he could certainly think of worse ways to spend the holiday.

Christmas Eve dawned clear and cold, a brisk wind whistling through the streets, but the skies were completely clear and cloudless, the sun bright overhead, much to Evangeline’s disappointment. After all, what was Christmas without snow?

Drake laughed and told her that snow was indeed in the forecast starting early in the evening.

Evangeline hustled around the kitchen the entire morning in preparation for Drake’s men to arrive for an early Christmas Eve dinner that afternoon. She’d bought every single one of them a gift and they all lay wrapped underneath the tree. Along with the dozen she’d bought for Drake.

He’d been highly secretive about what he was getting for her, even going so far as not to put a single one under the tree that had her name on it. She pouted every time she looked at the tree, and he merely laughed.

Drake found her tending one of the many skillets at the stove and slid his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest. His lips feathered over the side of her neck and he nibbled at the sensitive flesh just beneath her ears.

“There you are,” he murmured. “Planning to spend the entire day in here? I’m starting to feel neglected.”

“You poor baby, you,” she said without real sympathy. “You won’t be complaining later when you taste what I’m making.”

He sniffed appreciatively. “It smells delicious. What is it? It doesn’t look traditional. Aren’t those fish fillets and shrimp over there?”

She smiled. “Yep. I’m cooking you down-home Southern food for Christmas Eve. Tomorrow I’m forgoing turkey and ham, and instead I’m cooking a rib roast with several delicious sides and we’ll have lobster bisque as a starter.”

He groaned. “God, woman. I’m seriously going to have to hire a personal trainer. I swear I’ve gained twenty pounds since I met you and you started feeding me.”

She lifted an eyebrow and turned her head so she could look up at him. “Where are these twenty pounds you’ve gained? Because they aren’t anywhere I can see them.”

He pretended to give the matter serious consideration. “Well, I suppose the fact that you ravish me on a daily basis balances out all the calories I’m consuming. Satisfying you is very strenuous activity.”

“I can always curb my appetite,” she said sweetly. “I’d hate for you to suffer needlessly.”

“Try it,” he growled. “If I die, I’ll go a happy man. Well fed and sexually sated by the most gorgeous, sexy, desirable woman on the planet.”

“Wow,” she murmured. “Biased much?”

He smacked her playfully on the ass but it carried a bite, causing her pulse to surge to life.

“I’m not biased. I’m a man of discerning tastes. I refuse to settle for anything less than the best. Which is why I waited for you.”

She was speechless and precariously close to tears, and she wasn’t about to ruin the light and playful mood by sobbing all over him.

He sighed and gave a mock groan of exasperation. “When will we ever get to the point that I can compliment you without you crying all over me?” he chided.

“Never,” she mumbled. “Get used to it.”

“It appears I have no choice,” he said dryly.

The door buzzer sounded and Drake made a disgruntled noise. “So much for being alone anymore.”

“Don’t be rude and antisocial toward our guests,” she reproached.

He laughed at that. “Darling, I’m always rude and antisocial. They’d likely have me committed if I ever wasn’t. Or at least they’d think I’d been abducted by aliens.”

She elbowed him in the gut as he moved away from her to answer the summons. A few moments later, Drake’s men were crowding into the apartment, all carrying brightly wrapped packages that were immediately stuck under the tree.

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic