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Silas and Maddox immediately zeroed in on Evangeline’s distress and demanded to know what was wrong.

“Nothing,” she said sharply. “Let’s just get back, please.”

She stalked ahead, leaving them to fall in behind her or be left behind. They escorted her back into the box and she slid into the seat next to Drake, her heart pounding. She saw Drake look curiously at her from her periphery and then glance sharply at Maddox and Silas.

Thankfully the lights dimmed and applause rang out as the concert began. Once the music started, Evangeline was able to put the unpleasant bathroom encounter behind her. At least temporarily. The symphony was pure magic and she adored every note.

• • •

Drake sat watching Evangeline absorb the music with a look of enchantment on her beautiful face. He glanced back at Silas and Maddox, who sat just behind him and Evangeline, and arched an eyebrow in question. Something had upset Evangeline and he wanted to know who the fuck was responsible.

Silas picked up his phone and motioned that he was texting Drake. A few seconds later, his phone on silent, Drake glanced at his phone and had to bite his lip to keep from uttering savage curses. Son of a bitch.

Remember the crazy bitch you hooked up with about a year ago? Tall brunette named Lisa? She was in the bathroom with Evangeline and when Evangeline came out she was pale and shaken. I’m sure Lisa filled her head full of all kinds of shit.

Drake’s jaw was clenched so tight with fury that his teeth ached. Jesus Christ. He tried to think back on just how much time he’d spent with Lisa. It hadn’t been much. Hell, he couldn’t even remember what they’d done together. But that didn’t mean she hadn’t filled Evangeline full of poison and ruined her entire night in the process.

Goddamn it.

When the lights came back up as the music ended, the chairman of the board for the two charities money was being raised for tonight came out on stage to give his prepared speech engineered to solicit as many donations as possible. But Drake had had enough and he wasn’t going to torture Evangeline a moment longer than necessary.

“Get the car,” he said back to Maddox. “We’re leaving now.”

Evangeline turned, having heard Drake’s command. “Is it over?” she whispered.

“The good part is,” he said. “The rest is just speeches and soliciting donations. As I’ve already given one in your name as well as my foundation, it isn’t necessary for us to remain.”

She nodded stiffly and then turned her attention back to the stage. A few moments later, Silas tapped Drake on the shoulder to indicate that Maddox was waiting out front. Drake reached for Evangeline’s arm and then slid his fingers down to tangle with hers. He pulled her up next to him and then wrapped his arm tightly around her waist and guided her out of the box.

Silas’s expression was black but most notably, worry was evident in his eyes as he studied Evangeline’s somber countenance. As soon as they stepped outside, Silas immediately stepped directly in front of Evangeline, blocking her from the photographers and news cameras. Someone shouted at her, calling her Drake’s latest skirt, and she flinched, mortification brimming in her expressive eyes.

Silas snarled and decked the guy who’d shouted the insult and bodies went flying. Drake picked Evangeline up and dove into the car, sending both their bodies sprawling across the backseat. As soon as Silas jumped into the front, Maddox roared off.

“What the fuck happened back there?” Maddox demanded.

“Dick mouthing off to Evangeline,” Silas growled. “Better give your lawyer a call in the morning, Drake. Son of a bitch had it coming to him, but it doesn’t mean he won’t scream like a little bitch and try to sue.”

“If he does, me and the boys will pay him a little visit,” Maddox said grimly.

“That’s enough,” Drake ordered.

Evangeline was already freaked out enough. The last thing she needed was to be privy to the seedier side of Drake’s world.

He picked her up and cradled her in his arms, holding her against his chest as he stroked one hand up and down her arm soothingly. He kissed her hair and left his lips there a long moment.

“You okay, Angel?” he murmured.

She nodded stiffly, and he cursed under his breath. Whatever the crazy bitch said to her in the bathroom must have really done a number on her.

“Take us home and drop us off,” Drake said tersely.

Silas turned slightly in his seat and focused his gaze on Evangeline. “You all right, doll?” he asked gently.

It was like a fist to Drake’s gut when tears filled Evangeline’s eyes. She turned quickly away but not before he and Silas both saw her distress. Drake pulled her more firmly into his arms and tucked her head beneath his chin as they rode the rest of the way in silence.

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic