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“I really do feel like Cinderella now,” she said with a wide grin.

“What you are is special, Evangeline,” he said sincerely. “And very beautiful. I’m glad I’ll be going with you and Drake tonight. I’m going to be a smug bastard muttering ‘I told you so’ the entire night watching grown men make asses of themselves in front of you.”

“Oh, that’s right!” Evangeline exclaimed. “I had forgotten you’re going. I’m so glad. That makes me feel so much better now that you’ll be there.”

She hugged him again and he carefully held her away from him by her shoulders so she didn’t mess up her hair and makeup. Then to her surprise, he lowered his head and kissed her on the cheek.

“I’ve got to go now so I can change and get back in time to accompany you and Drake to the benefit. Do not allow anyone up unless it’s Drake or one of us. Got me?”

“Yes, oh lord and master,” Evangeline drawled.

His dark gaze smoldered. “If you were in my bed, you’d know I was exactly that and you wouldn’t joke about who was your master.”

Butterflies scuttled around in her belly, but she refused to let him shake her.

“Out,” she ordered. “You’re just trying to rattle me. I have quite enough lord and master to deal with already, thank you very much.”

Silas winked and then sauntered to the elevator. “See you in a few, doll. Don’t mess up my work of art.”

Evangeline went in search of her phone, hoping Drake had texted to let her know when he’d be home. When she didn’t find a notification, she nibbled at her lip and briefly pondered whether to text him or not.

They’d never had an actual discussion about her texting or calling him when he was at work. She just took it on herself never to do so because she didn’t want to be a distraction or bother. But couples texted one another all the time. In the beginning she had reason to doubt her place in Drake’s life, but he’d made it clear ever since their reconciliation that he had no intention of her going anywhere.

“Quit being a chicken,” she muttered.

She could have asked Silas whether it was a good idea for her to text Drake at work, but she hadn’t thought of it until after he’d left. Shaking her head at her cowardice, she typed in a quick text and hit send before she could change her mind.

Hi. Hope you had a good day at work. Just wondering what time you’ll be home. I’ll be ready and waiting. xoxo –Evangeline

Her face grew hot. She felt like a complete idiot. What was with the xoxo? Jesus, what was she, in high school?

Her phone pinged and she hurriedly punched in her code so she could read the return message.

Will be home in fifteen minutes. Day was good. Will be better when I get home to my angel. xoxo back at you. –D

A million tiny flutters assaulted her chest and she felt her lips split wide open as a huge smile attacked her face. Who knew a text message could be so sweet? She read it twice more, savoring each word. Lord, but she was in so deep she had no hope of ever finding her way out. For that matter she had no desire to.

She squeezed herself and then danced across the living room floor in her sparkly princess heels. It was going to be a perfect night. She loved Christmas and the holidays. Loved Christmas music and decorations and lights. A night at Carnegie Hall with a kickoff to the holiday season was about as awesome as it could get. But being there on Drake’s arm? To boldly go where no woman had ever gone before?

A giggle escaped her at the insane direction of her thoughts. Then she let out a dreamy sigh. Drake in a tux, her on his arm for the world to see.

Absolute perfection.


Drake squeezed Evangeline’s hand as the car came to a stop behind several others waiting to drop off passengers on the red-carpet entrance to Carnegie Hall.

“You look stunning, baby,” he said in a warm voice.

Her gaze was riveted to the mass of people at the entrance and at all the news cameras and photographers. Flashbulbs were cascading in waves as people got out of their vehicles. Oh God. Drake had warned her, yes, but she hadn’t expected this. Like they were freaking celebrities or something.

“Breathe, Angel,” Drake whispered. “Maddox, Silas and I are all with you. We won’t let anything happen. I promise.”

She swallowed the knot in her throat but it promptly got lodged when their car moved ahead and was next to disembark. The door swung open and Drake got out, shielding the inside of the car with his big body. Immediately, Maddox and Silas both pressed in on either side of him as he reached inside for Evangeline’s hand.

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic