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“I don’t care,” she hissed. “They’ll never make me regret being with you.”

Fire smoldered in his eyes and he squeezed her hand, holding it between them on the table.

“They won’t bother us here. Our table is private and we aren’t seated where photographs can be taken through the windows.”

“Then let’s enjoy our evening and forget about those leeches,” she said. “I can’t wait to get home and call Mama and Daddy. Oh, Drake. They’re going to be so excited that they get to come to the city for Thanksgiving.”

“I’d say you’re pretty excited yourself,” Drake said indulgently.

“You are so good to me, Drake. I’ll never forget all you’ve done for me.”

A waiter appeared and Drake ordered for both of them, choosing a shrimp variety platter for Evangeline. After pouring wine for both of them, the waiter disappeared, once more leaving them to their privacy.

Evangeline shifted in her chair and looked questioningly at Drake.

“Do you think I did the wrong thing by letting my girlfriends up to our apartment? Maddox insisted that I never let them up if I’m alone.”

“Evangeline, you don’t have to ask my permission to invite someone up to our apartment,” he said gently. “It’s your home as well as mine. I hope it feels that way to you. I think you did just right by listening and taking what they said with a grain of salt, and I also agree with Maddox that you shouldn’t allow anyone up unless I or some of my men are there with you. When it comes to you, I find it better to play it safe.”

Evangeline sighed. “They probably think I’m an unforgiving bitch holding a grudge, and I’ve never been like that before.”

“I think they will consider their own part in all of this and realize that you are leery of being hurt again. No one can blame you for not immediately accepting their apologies or their wishes to pick up where the four of you left off. I think you know that isn’t possible now. Too much has changed, Angel.”

“You’re right, of course,” she said with a sigh.

“I for one am not sorry,” he said in an unrepentant voice. “Their loss is definitely my gain.”

“Only you could make me feel like I did the right thing,” she said with a grin. “Clearly I need to take more lessons from you. My girlfriends always despaired of me for being too nice and too forgiving. Somehow I don’t think that’s the case now that they are the recipient of me suddenly being an unforgiving mean girl.”

“I like your mean girl,” Drake said with a lazy, sexy grin. “Feel free to be as mean as you like later on tonight when I get that dress off you.”

She arched one eyebrow at him. “I thought that was your job to keep me in line. You’re slacking lately, Mr. Donovan. I’m beginning to think you have secret fantasies about me being a dominatrix and I have to tell you, that image is so not sexy.”

He burst into laughter, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

“So I’m not doing my duties, huh. Is that what you’re saying, my angel?”

She sat primly in her chair with her hands in her lap as she looked across at him. Then she leaned forward so her whispered words wouldn’t carry farther than their table.

“You’ve been treating me like I’m made of glass. I won’t break, Drake. I want your dominance. I need it. I can’t even remember the last time you flogged me or spanked me. You’ve been exquisitely tender and don’t think I don’t appreciate your regard, but what I want most is for things to go back to the way they were before . . . that night. Or is that not what you want anymore?”

She was completely vulnerable in that moment, having bared her secrets and her desires to him. She caught her bottom lip with her teeth because she was trembling, afraid she’d gone too far and angered him with her criticism.

“My darling angel,” Drake said in a tender tone. His eyes were warm with desire and approval. No sign of irritation was present, to her immense relief. “Have you been feeling neglected by me? Have I not been doing what I should to keep my angel happy?”

She flushed and ducked her head, mortified by his words. “Oh, Drake, no! That’s not it at all.”

“Baby, I was teasing you,” Drake said, reaching over the table to touch her cheek. “Look at me, Evangeline.”

There was authority in his voice and it sent a delicious shiver chasing down her spine. Chill bumps danced down her arms, prickling the flesh as he caressed her face.

“Never hold back from me your thoughts, your needs, your desires. You are right. I have been discreet with you lately. I’m sorry for that. I couldn’t bear the thought of pushing you too hard or doing anything that made you uncomfortable with me. This is new territory for me, Angel. I’ve never overly concerned myself with what a woman thought of me. I’ve always been a take-it-or-leave-it kind of guy. But you, I care about. You, I don’t want to lose. And I’ve already fucked up so much with you and I came so very close to losing you. As a result, I fear I’ve been too cautious with you and for that I apologize.”

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic