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Her pulse ratcheted up. Who on earth would be here to see her? Surely Eddie wasn’t that stupid. No, it couldn’t possibly be him.

“Who is it?” she asked nervously.

“His name is Silas. He works with Mr. Donovan, as I’m sure you’re well aware.”

Evangeline’s heart sank and a knot formed in her stomach. Oh God, she wasn’t ready to face any of Drake’s men yet. Why was he here? It was on the tip of her tongue to tell Edward she was indisposed, but she refused to be a coward any longer.

Squaring her shoulders, she sucked in a deep breath. “Send him up, Edward, and thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, Evangeline,” he said warmly.

She paced in agitation as she waited for the elevator to arrive and then realized that she was standing just outside the opening as if worried over his unexpected visit. She hurried into the living room and flipped on the television and settled on the couch as if she’d been enjoying a relaxing day in without a care in the world. The last thing she wanted was for Drake’s men to see her as a fragile weakling.

She tensed when the elevator doors opened, but she forced herself to relax and then she rose, a welcoming smile plastered on her face. Her features felt stiff and frozen and fake as hell. She only hoped Silas wouldn’t see right through her guise.

When she rounded the couch to greet him, she was surprised to see him weighted down by multiple takeout bags. Flustered, she hurried forward to rid him of the ones on top and sent him an inquiring look.

“What’s the occasion?” she asked in bewilderment.

He set the bags on the island in the kitchen and then took the sacks she was holding and began taking out the containers and lining them up buffet style.

“We had an agreement to have a once-a-week takeout date,” he said calmly. “Or did you forget?”

She flushed, heat scorching her cheeks, and she glanced away, unable to meet his gaze.

“No,” she said in a low voice. “I just thought . . .”

“You thought what?” he demanded bluntly.

She licked dry lips and fidgeted, twisting her fingers together in agitation.

“I wasn’t sure you would still want to come over and eat with me,” she whispered.

Silas let out an uncharacteristic torrent of savage curses that had her flinching. Then he reached and pried one of her hands loose from the other and cradled it in his.

“Look at me, Evangeline.”

It was no request. No one with half a brain could possibly interpret his statement as anything more than a command. Reluctantly, she lifted her head to look into his eyes, and the black anger simmering there nearly had her running away as fast as she could. He looked . . . dangerous. And he was extremely pissed.

“Listen to me, Evangeline, and listen good because I’m only going to say this once and you’re going to heed my words or so help me, I’ll make good on my threat to spank your ass.”

She swallowed, her eyes going wide with panic.

“You did nothing wrong,” he said in a forceful tone. “You are not to blame for anything that happened that night. The fault lies solely with Drake, but he was in an impossible situation and he did the only thing he could to protect you. He had no idea you would be here. If he had, he would have never brought those men within a mile of you. He hates himself for what he did, and I can’t say I’m very happy with him myself, but at the same time, given the circumstances and the fact that he was completely unprepared, he did the only thing he could, and no one has punished him more than himself for hurting you.”

“He explained,” Evangeline whispered. “I don’t fully understand, but he said the same thing you did.”

“Now perhaps you want to explain to me why the hell you think that I or any of the others would possibly hold you responsible or think badly of you when you were the one hurt and humiliated?”

She bit into her lip, determined not to cry. Damn it, she’d cried enough. No more. It was time to stand up and be stronger. She was made of sterner stuff. How could she possibly prove worthy of a man like Drake when she was forever acting like a weak crybaby?

When she didn’t immediately answer, Silas sighed and squeezed her hand in a comforting gesture.

“I and all the others have Drake’s back. Unconditionally. Each of us would give our lives for him without hesitation, and he’d do the same for us. That loyalty and protection extends to you as well, and furthermore, our protection of you is not contingent on your relationship with Drake. Not anymore. Should anything ever happen between you and Drake, our loyalty to you doesn’t go away. If you ever need anything at all, I expect you to contact us, and if you absolutely can’t bring yourself to do that, then you better damn well contact me. And I mean for anything at all. You get me?”

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic