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Peace descended as she decided to right the wrongs between them at the very first opportunity. She would wait for just the right opening and give Drake what he’d given her. She’d bare her soul and strip herself as bare as he’d stripped himself so they were on equal terms and footing. If such a proud, powerful man could go to such lengths to humble himself, then she could certainly do the same and give back to him what he’d given her.

If it turned out she was wrong—about Drake, about their relationship, about everything—then she wouldn’t have a single regret for doing the right thing. She couldn’t control his actions, his decisions, his thoughts or feelings, but she could certainly control her own and use them in a loving manner.

Her heart fluttered with hope, swelled with need and ached for fulfillment only Drake could provide. Five days was such a short time and yet it had seemed an eternity of loneliness and a lifetime to grieve for all she’d thought she’d lost. Now she had a second chance. The opportunity to right previous wrongs. Both of them did. And she planned to make the most of this chance and show Drake how very much he mattered.

“You look miles away from here,” Drake murmured as he laid her on the bed.

She flushed, but he didn’t chide her or even ask what she’d been thinking. Instead he began divesting her of her clothing, pausing to kiss and caress each new area of flesh exposed. By the time he stood to remove his own clothing, she was panting breathlessly, her body tingling with desperate need unlike any she’d ever experienced.

Her gaze fed hungrily on his muscled physique, his wide shoulders and broad chest. His jaw was lean and chiseled, his eyes fiery with answering hunger and need. Heat rose in her cheeks and spread through her body when his straining erection bobbed into view.

He was rigid, his cock bulging, the veins heavily distended, and his erection lay flat against his lean abdomen pointing aggressively at his navel. Moisture beaded the dark plum-colored head, and she licked her lips without even registering she was doing so.

He groaned and closed his eyes, his chest heaving as if he were trying to maintain control. “You’re killing me, Angel. Do you know the last five days have seemed like an eternity without you?”

She smiled at hearing his words that echoed her exact thoughts of just moments before.

“And that I lay here every night, aching, missing you with every breath?” he whispered as he came down next to her on the bed. “That I couldn’t sleep for wondering where you were, worrying whether you were safe. God, all I could see was your face after what I did to you. And the fear that kept me awake was that even after I found you, you wouldn’t forgive me, that you wouldn’t give me—us—another chance. I’m not complete without you, Angel. The last five days have proved that beyond a doubt.”

She turned on her side, snuggling close to him, and put a finger to his lips to stop the flow of self-recrimination.

“Shhh, darling. You weren’t the only one who couldn’t sleep at night. I lay awake aching, wanting, needing and missing you with my every breath. I cried myself to sleep every single night.”

He flinched and closed his eyes, sorrow and regret etched deeply into his features.

“I didn’t say that to make you feel bad,” she whispered. “I only said it to let you know that we both suffered. That we both grieved. But we have another chance now. Let’s make it perfect this time.”

“You’re far too good for me,” he said gruffly. “Too sweet, too innocent, too compassionate and too loving. I don’t deserve your forgiveness or your love, but God help me, I need them. I need you.”

“And I need you,” she said just before she pressed her lips to his. “Make love to me, Drake. Take away the loneliness of the last five days. Make me forget. I need you so much.”

He rolled over atop her, his eyes blazing. He planted both forearms on either side of her head and straddled her body, staring down into her eyes until she was drowning in his gaze. Then he lowered his mouth to hers and took her lips in the most tender of kisses.

“Are you sure?” he asked in a strained voice.

“Please,” she begged softly.

He stopped her plea with his mouth and swept his tongue inside, tasting her, making love to her tongue with his.

“You’ll never have to beg me for anything,” he said. “All I have is yours for the taking.”

Her heart did a peculiar twist that momentarily robbed her of breath. He sounded so serious, as though he were making a vow for all time.

“Then I want you. Now,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and lifting her head to kiss him back. “Now,” she urged. “Hurry.”

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic