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Some of the awful tension coiling through his muscles eased and he sagged, weak with relief at knowing that Evangeline and their baby were going to be okay.

“Can I take her home soon?”

The doctor frowned. “Her prolonged state of altered consciousness is worrisome, but given the circumstances, not surprising. She’s suffered a traumatic experience, and sometimes our minds act in a way to protect us. I’m not opposed to letting you take her home, since you’ll simply be moving her to the top floor of this building; however, I’d like to come check in on her at least once a day, and call me if you have any questions or concerns regarding her condition. I want to know the minute her condition changes. Patty will give you a list of things to be on the lookout for, and if she exhibits any of the symptoms listed, you’re to get her back here or to the closest hospital immediately.”

“Thank you,” Drake said sincerely. “I’ll take excellent care of her and make sure she takes it easy until she’s completely recovered.”

The doctor smiled. “I have no doubt you will. And, Drake? Congratulations, son. You’ll make a fine father.”

To Drake’s surprise, when he turned back to Evangeline, her eyes were open and fixed on the ceiling above her. He rushed to the bed and slid his fingers through hers.

“Angel? Baby, I’m here. You’re safe now. You’re both safe. Nothing can hurt you now. The doctor says you can come home with me. Would you like that?”

But she didn’t so much as acknowledge a single word. It was as though she hadn’t even heard him. Her unblinking gaze was distant and so very far away that a chill of foreboding gripped him.

He looked at the doctor helplessly and the doctor grimaced even as he checked Evangeline’s vitals again.

Oh dear God, had he done this to her? Was this what he’d done? She was a hollow shell of herself. So very fragile, on the verge of shattering completely. Or perhaps, finally, she already had and he was looking at the remaining pieces.

He gathered her in his arms, closing his eyes as he pressed his lips to her hair.

“Come back to me, Angel,” he begged. “Come home. It’s safe now. Don’t leave me. I love you. I’m so sorry I’ve never given you the words, but I was afraid. So very afraid. But you make me fearless. You make me strong. You give me the strength to face the absolute worst with the knowledge that with you I can overcome anything. As long as you’re with me, my love. As long as we’re together.”

“I want to go home,” Evangeline said in a small, lifeless voice. “To my parents.”

Drake went utterly still, torn between jubilation that she was awake and speaking and despair at what she’d said.

Dread gripping him by the throat, he slowly pulled away so he could see for himself that she was aware. Her eyes were dull, lacking the sparkle that was quintessentially Evangeline. Her face was bland and expressionless. She might as well be discussing the weather for the emotion she displayed. There was no anger, no passion, no color to her cheeks.

“Angel, please,” he said huskily. “Give me a chance to explain. There’s so much I must beg forgiveness for, so much I have to make right with you. Please, just come home with me. Let me take care of you and let me explain—apologize. I know I don’t deserve your sweetness, your light, your love, but, Angel, I’m begging you. Give me one last chance. I swear you won’t regret it this time.”

Agitation and fear—God, fear—registered in her eyes, replacing the flatness with panic. She began to struggle against him until he finally loosened his hold on her and leaned back far enough that she wasn’t pressed against his body.

“I want to go home,” she repeated, her tone and inflection never changing. Lifeless and dull. Like her eyes. Her body language. Her expression.

Her eyes chased to the doctor, a plea for an ally. Help. One would have to be made of stone not to react to the desperation in Evangeline’s eyes. But the doctor remained silent, studying Evangeline with a slight frown.

Drake closed his eyes, trying in vain to swallow the knot threatening to rob him of breath. Tears burned like acid in his eyes and he blinked furiously, refusing to break down. If he let go, if he ever let go of his tenuous grip on his composure, then he would completely fall apart and shatter into tiny, deadly shards.

“Angel,” he whispered. “Come home with me. To our home. Give me this much this one time and I’ll never ask for more. Please let me make this up to you. I can’t live without you. I don’t want to live without you. Without you . . .”

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic