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He had no doubt that what he had planned was nothing she wasn’t ready for and couldn’t take. He just wished that the night were over so he could take her home and sate the erotic fantasies that had taken over his entire being since the moment he’d first laid eyes on her.

Finally Evangeline leaned all the way back into Drake’s embrace, tucking her head beneath his chin, and let out a contented sigh.

“I can’t eat another bite. I want to, but I’m about to die I’m so full,” she said ruefully.

He pushed the plate away and enfolded her in both arms, enjoying the feel of so much feminine softness in his arms. There wasn’t a better feeling than holding a contented woman against him. Contentment he was responsible for. It was a huge ego boost and he could readily admit that.

He nuzzled his face into her hair, being careful not to mess up the elegant knot she’d arranged or else she’d flee to the bathroom and redo it all over again, and he much preferred her to stay right where she was for the time being.

“You were right,” she said softly, her breath softly whispering over his skin.

Curiosity overcame him because he was fast learning that Evangeline spoke whatever was on her mind, and he was positive that he would never be able to predict exactly what was on her mind at any given time.

“What was I right about, Angel?”

“It is very intimate to have someone feed you,” she confessed. “I would have thought it silly before. But it was . . . It . . . aroused me.”

He smiled at her inherent honesty, applauding his decision to make a blond-haired, blue-eyed angel his.

“It aroused me as well,” he said huskily.

“Too bad you made other plans for me,” she said in a mischievous voice.

He chuckled. “Oh, don’t worry, Angel. I have more planned for tonight than just your surprise. In fact, I have a lot planned for when we get home.”

She squirmed on his lap, obviously turned on by his insinuation, and he nearly groaned out loud, because her squirming was not helping his dick and the fact that he wanted nothing more than to bury his dick as deep inside her as possible.

She sighed. “You’re such a tease, Drake. How am I supposed to enjoy my surprise now when I know what happens after?”

He cupped her breast through the thin layer of the dress she wore and thumbed at her nipple until it was hard and jutting outward. And then he captured her gasp with his mouth as he kissed her long and hard until both of them were struggling to catch their breath.

“You have a good time and then we both will have a good time together.”

The ride home was unnervingly silent, but at least Evangeline sat nestled against Drake’s hard body, curled underneath his arm, her cheek resting against his broad chest. His hold was possessive, which she’d decided at some point over the past few days, she liked. She liked it a lot. She felt as though for the first time she belonged. That she fit in, though the idea of her fitting into his glittering, excessive lifestyle was absurd. And yet there it was. She had her first real sense of belonging since she’d left her parents’ home to move to the city.

Who would have ever thought that she would have had so much fun in the very club she’d endured such humiliation in just a short time ago? Short in literal time, and yet it seemed a lifetime ago. So much had happened since that fateful night. In a twisted, really screwed-up way, her decision to agree to her girlfriends’ plan—and the subsequent disaster that ensued—was responsible for where she was now and more importantly whom she was with now.

As her mother always said, fate worked in mysterious ways and trying to predict the future was like trying to prevent water from sliding through your fingers. She sighed and snuggled a little closer into Drake’s side.

Drake’s head turned in her direction, his chin rubbing over the top of her head.

“What was the sigh about?” he asked.

She made a shrugging motion and pushed her face into his chest. For once she didn’t blurt out the truth. How could she explain what she didn’t even fully understand herself? Not to mention that while her experience with men was limited, she was pretty sure uttering words like fate this early in a relationship would cause most men to hit the brakes hard. She was getting ahead of herself and needed to remember, for the first time in her life, not to focus on next year, next month, next week. Live in the moment. Today. Take each day as it came and enjoy the ride.

Surprisingly Drake didn’t question her further. Perhaps he sensed her sudden introspection. They rode the rest of the way in silence, his warmth surrounding her like a cocoon.

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic