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It was hard not to respect a sweet, gentle woman who looked like she could be easily intimidated and yet breathed fire when defending people she felt were being unfairly judged.

Justice hadn’t been impressed with the women Drake associated with in the past but had never concerned himself over the matter because he never kept a woman more than a few days at most, but Evangeline seemed to be, from all appearances, someone Drake intended to keep around for far longer. Never had he outfitted one of his women from head to toe. He normally gave them an expensive gift—usually jewelry—and then sent them on their way. Justice felt an unfamiliar protective instinct arising in his chest, tightening to the point of discomfort at the idea of Drake callously discarding her when he tired of her. If the man couldn’t tell the difference between Evangeline and the bitches he’d hooked up with in the past, then he was a stupid bastard, and if Drake tossed her, the thought crossed Justice’s mind that he would be more than willing to step in and give her the respect and care she deserved.

He’d taken her to one of his favorite restaurants before embarking on the shopping trip, and she’d seemed as uncomfortable in the expensive eatery as she did in the upscale designer shops. She’d studied the menu for several long minutes, concentrating so hard he thought her head might burst. When he realized she’d chosen the most inexpensive item on the menu, he’d ignored her request and ordered her a Wagyu steak. She’d immediately squeaked in horror and whispered that it cost two hundred dollars! For a steak! He’d merely smiled and told the waiter to serve him the same and then asked Evangeline how she liked her steak cooked. She looked so befuddled and appalled at the price that he’d gone the middle road and ordered medium for her and medium rare for himself.

When the meals arrived, she’d stared at the small steak, shaking her head in disbelief.

“Just try it,” Justice coaxed. “It melts in your mouth. Best steak you’ll ever taste. Guaranteed.”

“Two hundred dollars good?” she asked skeptically. “Two hundred dollars more than feeds me and my roommates for an entire month.”

He’d just grinned at her and cut into his own steak, silently observing her as she gingerly cut a small piece almost reverently as if she hated the idea of consuming something that was exorbitant—to her—in price. But when she’d delicately chewed that first bite, her eyes closed and a low moan escaped her lips that had him clenching his jaw, his own steak forgotten as he watched the sheer enjoyment on her face.

“Oh my God,” she said with a groan. “This is amazing.”

“Told you,” he said smugly.

“It’s still not two hundred dollars amazing,” she muttered.

He merely grinned and resumed eating his steak, barely tasting it, which was a crime in itself because he was too absorbed in watching Evangeline’s first experience with the decadent beef.

After they’d finished, he’d announced they were going shopping, something that would delight most women. Certainly all of Drake’s previous women. Evangeline, however, had looked as if she’d just been told she had to clean toilets.

Now, they were nearly done. Only one more destination.

He nearly grinned when she realized their next stop was a lingerie store. And not just any lingerie store. One that dealt with decadent, sexy, alluring garments meant to drive men insane with lust.

Her cheeks flamed bright red and she turned pleading eyes to Justice, and he had to rub his chest to alleviate the discomfort over her obvious embarrassment.

“You can wait outside,” she whispered. “It’s not necessary that you be here. Drake has arranged an assortment of stuff in every other store we’ve visited, so I doubt this will be any different.”

And then she promptly blushed, likely realizing that Drake had called and given the saleslady what he wanted in exacting detail, and Evangeline would have to face the woman knowing that Drake had been explicit in his wishes.

He smiled gently at her and palmed her shoulders. “Sweetheart, there’s no reason to be embarrassed. You’re right in that there is a pile of stuff waiting at the counter, and I tell you what. I’ll go to the counter and wait while you look around and see if there’s anything that catches your eye. Bring whatever you pick out to the checkout and I promise not to give it a single glance. I’ll pay for it and then turn my back. But I can’t leave you in the store alone. Drake would have my balls for leaving you unprotected for one moment. He wants me with you at all times.”

Her flush deepened to the roots of her hair, and his heart softened when he thought he was incapable of such a feat. He briefly touched her cheek.

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic