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One of the men looked over at Drake, whose outwardly cool and calm demeanor masked inner turmoil unlike anything he’d ever experienced before in his life.

“That’s a sweet piece of ass you’ve got there, Donovan, and I sure as hell wouldn’t give a fuck if she could cook or not.”

The others chuckled and nodded their agreement.

“I wouldn’t mind having a taste of that for a while. If you toss her, let me know, yeah? And if you don’t toss her right away, give me a heads-up when you do so I can move in and take a shot at her.”

Drake smiled even as he seethed inwardly. “She’s very talented in other ways, if you know what I mean, which makes up for her lack in others. She amuses me for now, but I’ll keep your offer in mind, and when I get tired of her and the good no longer outweighs the bad, then you’re welcome to her.”

Drake hated every word. It sickened him to even talk about Evangeline with such disrespect and casually discuss passing her along to another man like used goods. All that kept going through his mind was seeing his angel’s eyes when he’d denounced and humiliated her in front of the others. How he’d spent so much time building her up, building her confidence after the number her ex did on her. And now, in just a few minutes’ time, he’d utterly destroyed everything he’d worked to achieve and give back to her.

And what he’d done to her had been far worse that what that shithead had done to her. Because she trusted Drake. She believed in him, had faith in him unreservedly. No conditions, stipulations. She’d given him and only him the precious gift of herself. She’d given him what she’d never given another man and he’d shit all over it and her.

He wanted to puke his guts up.

He had a hell of a lot of explaining and groveling to do when he got back home. On his knees. He would do something he’d vowed never to do again. Beg. Whatever it took for Evangeline to forgive him and trust him again. Because for the rest of his life, not one day would pass that he wouldn’t remember this night and the pain and humiliation, the tears streaking down her beautiful face while he ripped her apart in front of others who’d stood there watching in amusement—and approval.

“Now, if we can get down to business and dispense with something so unimportant as my latest piece of ass,” Donovan said acidly.

The others dropped the joking, their expressions growing serious. The leader, the head of the Luconi family, leaned forward, his voice low.

“Are you willing to back our takeover of the Vanuccis?”

“That depends,” Drake drawled.

No way in fucking hell would he ever do business with men who showed Evangeline such blatant disrespect, even if it was the height of hypocrisy since Drake had instigated it all. But he could arrange to make it appear as though one of the Luconi family fed information to the Vanuccis, which in turn would start a war between the two rival families, resulting in the removal of two pains in Drake’s ass.

“Name your price, Donovan,” the older Luconi said in a gravelly voice. “Your name carries enough weight on its own. If you’re linked in any way to us, then the Vanuccis won’t even put up a fight because the last thing they’ll want to do is piss you off.”

“I’ll consider your proposition,” Drake said, pretending to give the matter serious consideration. “I’ll have one of my men contact you in a few days to discuss terms. When the Vanuccis get wind of our meeting, they’ll come to me with their own offer, so you better come with your best.”

The older Luconi’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Drake. “Now how the hell would they know we met with you unless you told them?”

Drake laughed scornfully. “You’re a fool, old man. If you think the Vanuccis don’t have a man inside your organization reporting every time you so much as take a shit, then you’re not as smart as I gave you credit for.”

Already he was planting a seed of doubt for when he did in fact leak the information to the Vanuccis, thus instigating a bloodbath between the two crime families.

To Drake’s relief, the entrées were finally delivered and he ate quickly, not even tasting what was in front of him. He made it a point not to check his watch to see how much time had elapsed because he wanted these sons of bitches gone while they appeared to be taking their sweet time.

They weren’t stupid. He made it a point to never underestimate his partners or his enemies. He had no doubt they were taking their time and keeping close watch on him and his actions so they could determine just what his motives concerning Evangeline were.

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic