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Heavily accented but recognizable, he’d complimented her in her language. Morgaine had blushed bright red as if this were a courting man outside her cottage bearing flowers and a gift of smoked sweet meat. “Thank you.”

Then came the teasing “Aren’t you going to tell me I look pretty too?”

Giggling, giggling, Morgaine stepped back, tray secure in her hands, and went to her fur. “If you’re trying to be pretty, I’ll gladly sew you a dress. I’m not sure how you keep warm as it is.”

“I would gladly have you keep me warm, any way you choose.”

When she looked up, she found such heat in his eyes. Longing, hunger, desire, adoration. He looked at her just as he had that first time, only seeing it now didn’t send her heart thumping in fear. Nor did his impossibly deep voice. What had at first sounded like two mountains scraping together now reminded her more of a rumbling sea. Soothing, constant, even warm as he changed the subject and talked to her about…

What had he been talking about?

Several times she’d lost track, watching the subtle movements of his body, or the way the light might play off his chest. Lost in thought, Morgaine muttered, “Ome

ga Superior told me I didn’t have to meet with you anymore if I did not want to… that I never have to cross the tiled line on the floor or leave these rooms… but I have come to every meeting.”

Arms crossed over his chest, head cocked to the side, and paying attention to every last nuance in conversation, Simin stated, “And you don’t know why.”

“I feel better with you than I do alone in my room.” Every word was true. Morgaine had struggled with thoughts of why for weeks. She had struggled with the very obvious fact that she was slowly growing to like him. “Maybe it’s the purr.”

Another one of those glorious smiles. “I’ll stop purring and you tell me if you still like being near me tomorrow.”

Endless hours of introspection… time she had in abundance here… had yielded nothing to solve the riddle. “I thought it was cologne… something you put on your skin. You don’t smell like other males.”

Seemingly unconcerned, Simin had shrugged into his lounge. A great big, lazy predator smirking as he said, “I won’t smell like other men to you.”

“That’s my point. You don’t smell like a man at all.” Realizing that her phrasing was slightly offensive, Morgaine amended, “You see, the fur scraps Uriel made me use in the sleeping pit stank of men. You smell like…” She stopped herself and bit her lip.

The wry cock of his eyebrow and twist in his lips didn’t exactly look appeased. “Like what?”

Unable to resist a coy jab, Morgaine’s eyes came alive. “Food. You smell like spice cake.” He pulled a face, making her laugh all the harder. “It’s a flattering comparison, I promise. At least, if you like spice cake.”

A voice like velvet, the Alpha returned, “I’ve always thought you smelled like sunshine.”

Warmth filled her cheeks and made her shy to look at him.

“I have a question for you, Morgaine.”


“Tell me about your dress. Every day I see something new you’ve added to it.”

Even though she couldn’t make herself meet his eyes at that moment, she could feel the weight of his gaze. And knew why today of all days he asked. Over the weeks of their courtship, she’d crafted detail into the skirt, used colored thread to embellish the bodice and sleeves. Today there was something special in the sash around her middle.

Simin had noticed right away, his eyes alight when he first saw her. But he had bided his time before pointing out. “You are wearing green.”

“I made the dye from the seeds you delivered. There was enough so I might make the other Omegas a gift. This”—she began to untie the sash died the exact shade of the Heidron’s house colors—“I thought you might like.”

Just as he had offered the fur, Morgaine held out the strip of cloth.

The Alpha looked at it with a sigh, still lounging. “I cannot reach it, kor’yr.”

Cautious, she took a step, her foot landing closer to the golden line than she’d ever dared. Outstretched her arm fully, but still he did not raise his hand.

Simin waited for her to come to him.

“If I cross, I’m no longer safe.”

“You’re always safe with me.” Patient, determined, he tried to cast a new light on what they had shared. “I would only hurt you for your pleasure. I only bite so you know I’m yours.”

Tags: Addison Cain Knotted Paranormal