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She could sit it out and wait for Basa to grow tired of her—because he would grow tired of her. And he might even end up hating her again once the media got stuck in. Or she could make it easy for both of them. Make it so that her best friend’s wedding wasn’t overshadowed by the scandal that had so nearly ruined the Caine family two years ago.

‘Would it be okay if I used your bathroom?’ Her hair had come loose as they’d pushed their way into the house, and she touched it now by way of explanation.

‘Of course. You aren’t hurt, are you?’

His eyes widened suddenly, his pupils merging with his irises, and she felt as if she was falling into two dark pools, her body weighted with rocks.

She shook her head. She wasn’t hurt. Not in the way he meant.

He showed her to the bathroom, and after closing the door she sat down on the side of the bath. It was all over before it had even begun. Just like every other part of her life, she had ruined it. Driving her father away, wrecking her career, and now sabotaging her relationship with the only man she had ever wanted.

Last time he had walked away. Now it was her turn. She didn’t want to do it, but she couldn’t blight the lives of the two people she loved most in the world. Nor could she bear this flame between her and Basa to be slowly extinguished by the mistakes of the past.

She reached into her bag and pulled out her phone.

When she came back into the living room, Basa was on his own phone.

‘Look, I have to go, but I’ll call you back later,’ he said to the caller, then paused, his dark gaze resting on Mimi’s face. ‘Yeah, I’ll tell her.’

He hung up and tossed his phone onto the sofa. ‘That was Alicia.’

‘I know.’ There had been a softness in his voice, a protectiveness she’d recognised and loved, that had told her he was speaking to someone he loved. And this was her chance to protect him.

‘Is she okay? Is your dad okay?’

His face tensed, and although she hadn’t moved she could almost feel the space between them widen.

‘They will be. They’re holed up at Alicia’s flat, but Philip’s there, and my security team is going to move them once it gets dark.’

She winced inwardly. He must be so worried about Alicia, and even more so about his father, and yet he was playing it down. The matter-of-fact way he was talking about his life imploding made everything a thousand times worse.

‘You’re a good man.’ Mimi tried to smile, but who could smile when their heart was breaking?

Basa frowned, and she knew that something of what she was feeling must show in her face.

‘What is it?’ he asked.

She took a deep breath, forcing herself to speak past the lump in her throat. ‘I can’t stay here—not now. Not with—’

He cut her off. ‘This isn’t how it’s going be for ever.’

‘Maybe not,’ she said quietly. ‘But we don’t have for ever, Basa. Alicia is getting married in less than three months. And that’s what’s important here, isn’t it? Making sure her wedding isn’t ruined by a lot of messy headlines.’

She waited, the lump in her throat swelling. Part of her—the wretched, hopelessly in love with him part—was hoping that he would pull her against him like he had on the jet, and then in the car, and tell her that he loved her, that she was what was important to him, now and for ever. But of course she knew he wouldn’t say that.

So before he had a chance to reply she said quickly, ‘If Paul could give me a lift I have somewhere I can stay.’

It was his opportunity to stop her, and there was a part of her heart that trembled with the hope that he would. But he didn’t say anything, and she felt something split apart inside her as he nodded slowly.

Five minutes later Basa led her through the house and out through the garden.

‘You won’t have any trouble leaving this way.’ He glanced at the modest, nondescript saloon idling by the kerb. ‘Especially not in this car. Just tell Paul where you want to go.’

His smile was taut, the muscles in his jaw tense like piano wire.

‘Thank you.’ It hurt her to smile—more so to look at his face.


Tags: Louise Fuller Billionaire Romance