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Flashing Emily a wink, I said, “Two coffees. Surprise us. And please make something special for the clients as well.”

“Oh…oh. All right. Of course, sir.”

Sandra sounded flustered as she hung up, with good reason. I was always completely precise about what flavors and caffeine level I wanted at any particular moment. I don’t think I’ve ever asked her to pick for me. If I wasn’t available for consultation, Sandra knew my standard brew for early morning, mid morning, and lunch.

Emily looked absolutely delighted as she twirled her hair around her finger. “Are you implying that I’m coming with you?”

“Absolutely. We’ve been together all day, I’m not going to leave you alone now.”

“But won’t people wonder who the heck I am?”

“Who cares,” I said, slipping on my jacket. “All these people want to know is that their latest round of global research and documentation is being compiled by a top corporation, and that we are giving them the best quality for a reasonable price. I could bring a koala in with me and they probably wouldn’t say a word.”

Emily laughed, fixing my collar that I was almost certain was already in place. “You’re surprisingly funny,” she said. “Why don’t I bring my fancy new laptop, and sit in the back? I can take notes on your presentation style, and then we can review them after.”

“We can review them tomorrow,” I said quickly. “Tonight I’m taking you to dinner.”

She stood up, her pretty skirt draping gracefully around her legs as she picked up the computer.

Stretching up to whisper in my ear, she said, “How about this – if you do an A-plus job, I’ll go to dinner with you. If you fail, you’ll come back here and I’ll give you assignments to study.”

I couldn’t believe the cheekiness of this girl. I also couldn’t believe that I nodded. “Deal.”




Watching Mason pitch his ideas to five strangers was absolutely incredible. He was self-assured, yet humble. Completely in control of the room, yet relaxed.

I sat in the back, taking notes on, among other things, how he should stop checking his impressive designer watch so often. He was probably timing his presentation, but showing off such an expensive item might be seen as being flashy.

Every time he caught my eye, that fiery tingle spread across my chest and stomach. It was absolutely impossible to think that such a gorgeous man had kissed me, and said he wanted me to be his girl.

It was even more amazing that he really listened to what I had to say.

And his description had been written in my journal years ago. Life was always full of funny surprises.

As the meeting wrapped up and Mason walked the new clients to the elevator, chatting casually about Saturday’s big jazz festival, I closed my laptop and began clearing the coffee cups from the board room table.

I’d just collected everything on a tray when Sandra appeared, looking astonished. “Oh my goodness – Emily, thank you, but that’s my job.”

“I was right here anyway,” I said, smiling.

I wasn’t sure why, but she looked unsettled. She whisked everything away, and I left the room behind her, practically running into my dad.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked. “I assume you need a ride home. Tonight your mom is making a special pre-weekend pasta.”

Whenever my parents went away for the weekend, mom always made a huge dinner so that I would have leftovers. It was sweet how she coddled me, and I couldn’t very well ask her to stop.

Mason appeared at my right shoulder, obviously having overheard. “Great work today, Emily,” he said. “We can talk tomorrow about your notes, and the next steps. Enjoy your pasta.”

I nodded, and as soon as my dad turned away, Mason winked.

On the ride home, I got a text.

Mason: I certainly wouldn’t want to disrupt your family plans. Hopefully we can have dinner tomorrow night?

Tags: Haley Travis Billionaire Romance