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‘Oh, it’s fine. I used to make up stories to cover up the fact that he wasn’t there when I was growing up, and then I went through a phase of trying to find out who he was. I read every letter in the house and went through everything I could find. All I know is that he was her boss when she first came to London. That’s it. Anyway,’ she said brightly, determined to change the subject, ‘it’s nothing like what you’ve had to deal with. I suppose this must feel odd? Kyla taking over the old villa you grew up in?’

‘The villa? No. What’s past is past. The present is much more interesting.’

He lifted the bottle of brandy, poured them both another drink, and with each soft splash of liquid in their glasses it felt as if the air was being cleansed, the ghosts banished.

‘You look beautiful tonight.’

She smiled, raising her glass to meet his, grateful for the change in mood.

‘Saluti…’ he said.

‘How does anyone resist you?’ she said.

‘You’re the only one who’s ever tried.’

‘I’m made of stern stuff, Signor Rossini.’

He raised an eyebrow. ‘We’ll see.’

The soft light from the lamps bathed the side of his face in gold as the slight smile slid from his lips. Her gaze landed there, in that shadowy space where her tongue could slide. If she wanted it to…

‘So, your photo shoot tomorrow—any ideas?’

She swilled the brandy around her glass and took another sip.

‘Maybe something fresh and natural. We didn’t use any of the casual clothes. That would be a lovely counterpoint to the high glamour of today. We could do it on the beach.’

She flicked her eyes up to see what he thought, but as usual he was giving nothing away. Totally unreadable.

‘Do you have an opinion?’

‘I do. But it might not be what you want to hear.’

‘I value what you think.’

‘OK. I think that you and I need to talk about this thing between us. You need to acknowledge that it’s real. And that it’s going to happen sooner or later.’

The brandy caught at her throat and she spluttered.

‘I thought you were talking about the job tomorrow?’

‘You know exactly what I’m talking about. You’re deluding yourself if you think that we’re not going to take it further.’

‘You sound very confident.’

‘I am confident. About everything. Always.’

He spoke so simply, so matter-of-factly, and stared at her so intensely that she began to feel the air thicken, making it hard to breathe.

‘We could enjoy ourselves right here, right now. Or we could wait until you come to your senses and come looking for me. But it won’t be long, cara. I can sense you right now. You’re burning up.’

He was right. Her body had fired up with every word. Desire was seeping through the room like the scent from an exotic candle, flooding the space and making her languid with longing.

‘Am I? You really think you’re so irresistible?’

‘I think you want me more than you’re admitting even to yourself. I’ve made you realise what passion runs in your veins.’

He put his glass down. She trailed every movement. The way his eyelashes closed over his brilliant eyes as he glanced down, then up. The shapes and shades of his cheeks, hollowed in the half light. The inviting swell of his lips as he curved them into a mocking smile.

‘Since the moment we met you’ve wanted me to make love to you. You stood in my house totally undone and I could have taken you to bed there and then. But I respect you.’

Fire ran through her veins, lighting up every sensual area. She crossed her legs, squeezed her thighs together as her sex swelled and pulsed.

‘Respect me?’ she said, her voice a whisper.

‘Of course. You’re an intelligent, beautiful, ambitious young woman. You’re amazing. And I want to make love to you.’

His hand slid across the table and lifted hers. She looked down at the long, blunt fingers, the strong, broad palm. A lover’s hands. He lifted her hand and kissed it.


She wanted to tell him how right he was—that she’d never ever seen a man like him. A man who lit up a room, who drew everyone’s attention. A man who commanded not just one empire but two. Who looked after himself and looked out for his adoptive brother, even when his brother kicked back so viciously. A man whose life was cursed and blessed in equal measure.

Yes, she longed for him. She longed to see every last inch of his perfection. To taste him and make love to him. To have him make love to her.

But everything her mother had drilled into her, everything Mariella had warned her about, was right here in front of her. If she followed her heart she would have a night of passion. A night she’d remember for the rest of her life.

Tags: Bella Frances Billionaire Romance