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‘Dahl,’ Raffaele answered for her.

‘Coral,’ Coral added, smiling as sweetly as she could.

‘Yes, I’m sure there are plenty of things you will want to chat over tomorrow. I’ll look after things here, Salvatore, since you’ve got your hands full with Kyla.’ He manoeuvred himself to stand beside Coral, leaving Salvatore no option but to nod curtly and head off into the party.

‘He doesn’t like me,’ said Coral, watching him retreat. ‘If he’s got a problem with me it’s going to show in the pictures.’

‘Relax. Salvatore takes a long time to trust people. He’ll be fine with you.’

‘And that’s coming from you? He must be bad! Look how long it took me to get past your barricades.’

‘Let’s just say I’m more susceptible to your charms.’

She stared straight ahead. ‘That’s the last thing I want you or anyone else round here to think.’

‘As I said earlier, caring too much about what people think will only lead you into trouble. You can go after what you want in life and still have a lot of fun. They’re not mutually exclusive.’

She looked around to see who was listening. Raffaele stood utterly still beside her, surveying the scene in that outwardly expressionless way of his.

The party was now in full swing, full of cool, beautiful people, relaxing and having a good time. People who were at the top of their game, who were respected the world over. And she was part of it. She was barely out of college and she was right here, in the heart of a world she desperately wanted to belong to.

‘OK. I’ll admit that the kiss we had earlier was amazing. But that’s it. We’re both clear about what I’m here to do and what I’m not going to do.’

‘As long as we’re both clear.’

Coral couldn’t be clearer. ‘Completely. But I can’t thank you enough—honestly.’

‘You’re here on your own merits. Despite what anyone may try to tell you. I don’t suffer fools and I don’t tolerate anyone incompetent. If you were either of those you wouldn’t have made it off the Tarmac, as we’ve already discussed.’

She swallowed and looked at him. She tried not to, she really did, but it was impossible. The gleam of his shirt drew her eyes to the wall of chest muscle underneath. It was cut close to his body and she had such an urge to slide her fingers in between the buttonholes to feel the silk of his skin and the springy dusting of hair on the rock-hard abs she just knew would be there.

Forcibly, she drew her eyes away.

‘I know I can do this,’ she said simply. ‘I won’t let anything spoil it.’

‘What could spoil it? You deliver what the magazine wants, then stand back and bask in the glory. Nobody is interested in anything else, despite what you might think. And if you don’t want any fun—don’t have it.’

All around her the party was kicking up its heels. She could sense hedonism taking hold. These people worked hard and played harder. And this was shaping up to be a night to remember.

‘Looks like it’s going to get messy.’

‘What?’ The music had suddenly gone up at least ten decibels. She leaned forward to hear him.

‘I said—’

He put his hand on her waist, lightly, and pulled her closer. She leaned in to listen and her lips almost brushed his cheek. Half drunk with lust, she glanced up and noticed his gaze on her face. Her body kick-started again.

‘I said, looks like it’s going to get messy.’

He indicated the room, where the music was slowing and people were beginning to grind their hips and dance as if nobody was watching. She saw two of the young interns locking lips. Hands were skimming bodies. It was electrifying.

Despite the throb of the party, all the women still slid their eyes to him. And even if her head was still telling her to step away from danger, her body was welcoming him home.

But then he turned his head and stepped to the side. One of his men had approached and was whispering something. He frowned, then nodded. Then they separated and he returned to her side.

‘I’m afraid I’ve got some things to finish off, so I’ll leave you here. I’m not sure when I’ll be back.’ He slid his fingers gently down her cheek. ‘Take care, cara. The champagne might tempt you to have some fun after all.’

Then he slipped off into the party. Her eyes strained to watch him go but he moved quickly from the dimly lit lounge, through the loggia and out into the velvety blackness of the night.

Coral felt the loss of his closeness like a chill and hugged an arm around herself. But it was better this way. At least the decision was out of her hands.

Tags: Bella Frances Billionaire Romance