Page 2 of My Bully's Father

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I came hard knowing that she was right here in the house while I was fucking her dad and how close we were to being discovered. I bit my lover’s ear as he pumped out the last of his cum in me and let my legs slip down over his hips and thighs just as Darla started back down the stairs.

I felt his cum running out of me and down my inner thigh as I walked back to my seat and picked up the magazine I’d left there as if I’d been reading it all along. Gregory walked over to the sink and looked out at the backyard as if lost in thought.

It was an innocent picture when Darla-Sue walked back into the kitchen. She jabbered on in her usual fashion as her dad, and I made eyes at each other with lots of promises in those looks. “Oh drats, I forgot. Corey and I have a date; I’m so sorry, Jenna.” I let my face fall as if upset and ran my finger along the top of the marble kitchen island where I sat.

“Oh, come on, don’t be mad. I know you and dad can have a movie night. Come on; it’ll be fun.”

“Oh, I don’t know. Mr. Jarvis must have better things to do.”

‘’Oh, come on, I’ll feel awful if you went back to that room all alone. Dad, please help me out here.”

Gregory turned from the sink with a frown on his face. “Actually, hon, I was planning to go out to dinner tonight, just my lonesome.”

“See, now it’s settled, you can take Jenna out to dinner and then a movie or something. You two can keep each other company. It’s better than both of you being alone.”

We both did an excellent job of pretending to need to think it over. “I’m game if you are.”

“Oh, thanks, Mr. Jarvis, but I don’t have anything suitable to wear to any of the places you go.”

“You can borrow something from Darla-Sue.”

I looked over at Darla-Sue in time to see the flush come over her face.

“I know, she can wear something of mom’s they’re about the same size, and mom has lots of clothes in her closet that hasn’t been worn.”

“I don’t know. Do you think she would mind?”

“Of course not, come on.” I let her grab my hand and dragged me down from the stool looking back over my shoulder once to catch the wink from Mr. Jarvis.


W e raided Susan’s closet while she lay on the bed, staring blankly up at nothing. Her caretaker could be heard moving around in the en suite bathroom, cleaning up after her bath. “Are you sure this would be okay with your mom?” I looked towards the door leading into the bedroom from the walk-in closet.

“No problem, mom can’t wear this stuff anyway, and since you’re so tiny.” Jenna didn’t miss the frown lines on her friend’s face or the way her lips turned down as she made this comment, but of course, she said nothing.

“I hate it when you act as if you’re so much bigger than me. You can’t be more than a size eight, which is perfect for your height.”

I knew the words meant nothing to her, as shallow as she is, but I found great joy in sharing them, nonetheless. In the end, we settled on a spaghetti strapped midnight blue silk dress that came to the knees. Nothing over the top, but the price tag said eight grand. I don’t think she even looked at it or even cared. I did notice that she’d tried to find the ugliest thing there, though, bypassing all the bright colors that would’ve stood out. Once an insecure bully, always an insecure bully. Too bad she didn’t notice what the color did for my eyes until after I’d put it on.

Dinner that night was at one of the top restaurants in the neighboring town. It was our first ‘real date’ as Gregory and I had only fucked like bunnies in the two weeks since we started. Our dates consisted of wild romps in the master bedroom, which he no longer shared with the ex who slept down the hall. That’s a whole other story in itself.

We sat across from each other with the candlelight between us and his big toe rubbing my clit beneath the fancy tablecloth. He’d slipped off his shoes as soon as we sat down and started to play. I looked at him longingly as I dipped the lobster in the warm butter and ran it along my lips. He swallowed hard, and my pussy showered his toe with my juices.

“Are you almost done?” I nodded my head with my eyes still on his as I finished off the last morsel. He gestured for the check, and I pouted. “No dessert?”

Tags: Jordan Silver Billionaire Romance