Page 38 of CADE & ANNA

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Anna is in labor, and we're trapped on the island by a storm, I need Mom to coach me through this, and you're going to have to be our relay.

Where's your phone?

Dead. The power went out, and the battery died.

Okay, hold on.

A few minutes later Isaac said, your mother is calling a midwife who lives two miles upstream from the island. If the storm lets up, she will get to you in a flash.

Cade let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

That's great. Could you ask her if I could use a twist tie from the bread to clamp the cord? I'm not sure I have anything else available that will create a tight enough squeeze.

A minute passed. Yes, that should work.

Great, I think I have everything else. But I really wish Mom were here.

We're heading back in a few minutes, just putting luggage in the car now. We will get to you as soon as we can.

Tell Mom, she is twenty minutes apart.

Okay, let me know when you need more information and keep us informed as the pains get closer together.

Thanks, Dad. You're a lifesaver.

You're welcome, son. We'll call the family and let everyone know. Take care of Anna and that precious baby and we will be there as fast as we can.

Cade glanced at Anna and caught her staring at him. “Mom said I can use the twist tie if I have to and she is calling a local midwife who is only two miles away. If the storm breaks, she will get to us quickly.” He paused and gave her a heart-stopping smile.

Needing to touch her, he joined her on the couch. Breathing deeply, he inhaled her warm toast and honey scent as it swirled around him. Just her unique smell could make it difficult to think straight. Placing his palm gently on her belly, he spread his fingers wide. Keeping that hand in place, he curled his other hand around the nape of her neck, pressing and rubbing in a slow massage. “We’ll get through whatever comes. Take some nice deep breaths and relax, cher. I got this.”

Anna grinned at her mate as he went back to preparing his birthing kit. His coloring looked better, and he was feeling confident again. For a while there, she’d been afraid he would pass out, and she would have to deliver on her own. She heaved to her other hip trying another position on the couch. Her efforts were a waste of energy. There was no such thing as a comfortable position when in labor.

Carefully, Anna hid her smile. She could feel Cade’s emotions and he was teetering back and forth between excitement and terror. She should be more worried than she was. But even stranded on an island, in labor, couldn’t frighten her when she had Cade by her side. Together they could do anything; she knew they would be fine.

Silently, he gave himself a pep talk. You can do this; your mate is counting on you. You need to be strong for her.

He needed to stay focused and follow the tips and instructions he’d learned. Logically, he knew, barring a breech baby, they would be fine. He just needed his shaking knees to understand that.

The past six hours had been the longest, most painful of his life.

Closing her eyes, another wave rolled over her abdomen, tightening and pressing hard. She took the long, slow breaths, she learned in class, trying to stay on top of the contraction.

Cade was struggling to keep a cool head. How was he going to deliver his baby if the pain debilitated him? Once again, he pushed down his concerns. They didn’t have a Dr. Marjorie here, and there was no way for help to get to them. At least not yet. He was all she had, and he’d be damned if he would let her down.

He gave them both a minute to rest before he stood to help her to her feet. “Come on, let’s get you settled in the bed.”

“Would you get me a glass full of crushed ice?”

“Sure, babe, once you’re comfortable.” He crushed a bunch of ice cubes, then paused. Head down, breathing deeply, he steeled himself for the possibility of delivering their baby. He refused to give in to fear and panic; his girls needed him to be strong, and he would die before letting them down.

Thankfully, he made it to the bedroom and onto the bed before another contraction hit. He didn’t have time to crush more ice if he spilled the cup.

He felt the telltale tightening that preceded the pain. Gripping the sheet, he tried to breathe through it like Anna did. When it ended, they both moaned, lying like limp noodles on the bed. Beads of sweat seeped into her eyes and her hair looked like she’d just walked from the shower. She had never been more beautiful.

Tags: V. A. Dold Billionaire Romance