Page 15 of CADE & ANNA

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“Talking about hovering and watching over us, are your guys fixated on safety and security? Cade is about to drive me mad.”

“You have no idea,” El growled. “Stefan insists he come to the ranch every morning and evening. And if my ranch manager isn’t there to ‘watch out for me.’ He stays the entire time I’m training the horses. The babysitting routine is annoying as hell.”

“Simon was like that for a while, especially after I was kidnaped,” Rose said quietly, making sure the spa ladies didn’t overhear. “I try to cut him some slack because he was terribly traumatized by the experience of losing me, even for a short time.” She glanced at Emma and gave her a soft smile. “A very wise lady helped me understand the inconceivable terror a mate goes through when the other is threatened and the very real possibility they will lose their mate exists. She helped me understand his need to ensure it never happens again.”

Anna adjusted her position in the chair. There was just no comfortable way to sit, or stand. Heck, lying down was an issue. “Cade was intense at first, but he’s gotten a lot better.” Then her lips twitched into a wide grin. “Actually, some of the things he does are extremely entertaining.”

“What does he do?” Emma’s eyes gleamed with mirth.

“The most recent thing happened after my doctor appointment where he saw the ultrasound. Seeing the baby triggered something in him and it suddenly became very real. When we got home, he immediately went online and bought every baby and pregnancy book he could get his hands on. And last night, he mapped out three routes to the hospital. When I asked why three, he said, he wanted to be prepared in case there was a roadblock or something.” Anna laughed as she shook her head. “He’s schedule a day off next week so he can practice driving all three routes several times.”

El, Rose, and Emma gaped wide-eyed at her.

“You’re joking, right?” El asked.

Anna chuckled. “Not even a tiny bit.”

“I’m never getting pregnant,” El insisted.

“Really? Simon and I are talking about babies, but we decided to wait a little longer. I definitely want to have at least four though,” Rose admitted.

“Have you and Cade discussed how many children you want?” Emma asked nonchalantly.

“Before I got pregnant we talked about it and we both agreed we wanted at least two. After that, we are going to wing it.”

Emma nodded. “Sounds like a sound decision to me. You might find you’re done after two, especially since you already have Thomas and John.”

“That’s what we thought, too.”


Cade glanced at Stefan and Simon to see how their projects were coming.

I better not interrupt them.

“Can you two handle this while I help Thomas with the security cameras?”

Simon scrunched up his chin and nodded. “Yeah, I think we’re okay.”

“Sure, Cade, we’ll keep plugging along,” Stefan assured quickly before ducking his face. If Cade saw his expression, he might panic. They were in trouble; he had already given up on the instructions and was guessing as best he could to put the changing table together.

“I’ll be right there, Thomas,” Cade yelled back.

Cade left the mess of the crib he was working on where it lay and walked from the room.

“Do you understand your instructions?” Simon hissed at Stefan the instant Cade was out of earshot.

“Hell, no. I gave up on them after five minutes. I’m trying to figure it out as I go.”

Simon’s eyes brightened. “How’s that working for you?”


The hopeful gleam faded from Simon’s eyes. “We really are screwed, aren’t we?”

“Beyond all hope,” Stefan growled. “But I’m going to try anyway. Who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky.”

“I don’t know about you, but I started praying to the Goddess the minute we took these out of the boxes.”

Stefan growled as the changing table listed left. “Not a bad idea, I could use all the help she’s willing to give.”

Cade found Thomas on a ladder running wires in the living room. “What can I do to help?”

Tags: V. A. Dold Billionaire Romance