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But I also couldn’t shake how long I’d dreamed of making my life here in Fairhope. There was no reason to rush to something like offering to move and looking crazy. There was also the risk that he’d turn me down and go running if I brought it up.

“So when does the restaurant open?” Lin asked. “Harper keeps telling me, and I keep forgetting to pay attention to her answer.”

“Three days,” Greyson said. He gave me a look. “I may need you at the inn every day until then so we can run through some mock dinner services and get all the wrinkles ironed out.”

I swallowed hard, nodding. I knew the grand opening was coming, but I still felt a pang of pure terror at the thought of it. I’d been spending hours every day preparing as much as I could. Greyson promised we were going to open with limited seating for the first few weeks so I could get a handle on things before they were too crazy. I still felt like I hadn’t practiced cooking the menu enough or confirmed with the vendors enough times that they’d have the ingredients I needed every morning.

Lin made a thoughtful noise. “I know everyone around here will probably want to try it out, but do you really think it’s going to help the inn? It seems like a bit of a stretch.”

“It’s not, actually.” Greyson set his drink down and a light of excitement flickered in his eyes. “There are three destination towns all within thirty minutes of Fairhope. I pulled the numbers, and if we even managed to skim ten percent from each of them, we’d be over capacity every night. That means the travelers are already in the area–they’re just not coming here to stay because there’s no reason to. I’ve already been running ads that push Fairhope as a quiet getaway within driving distance of all the tourist destinations. And I’ve been calling in favors to get the restaurant mentioned by colleagues in the culinary world.”

Lin smirked. “Okay, so you’re saying you kinda know what you’re doing?”

“He’s pretty amazing once you get past the grumpy exterior,” I said.

“I’m hardly grumpy,” Greyson complained.

“Ehh,” Lin said. “You do sort of have this resting asshole face thing going on. Very unapproachable.”

“That didn’t stop you from throwing yourself at him the first time you met,” I mentioned.

“Yeah, well I also love to pet the cats people say don’t like anyone. It’s a problem I have.”

“One of many,” Farrah muttered.

A pig squealed in the distance and I saw Molly was in a crowd of children chasing after it. They all had wet paint brushes and their clothes were covered in every color of the rainbow. I usually lived for all the silly little festivals and gatherings Fairhope held, but I’d barely even skimmed the rules for this one. All I cared about was knowing I’d get to see Greyson.

And with that thought, I knew I was leaning dangerously into the dream of a fantasy future with Greyson that I had no grounds to believe was coming. No matter how many times I tried to stop myself, I kept falling back into thinking this was really it. This was how my Once Upon A Time started. But the more I wanted it, the more I felt the dark spaces still ahead of us. The uncertain corners and the pitfalls looming like bright eyes in the shadows.

I chewed the inside of my cheek and my leg bounced while I watched Greyson get up and go after Molly.

Farrah raised her eyebrows at me. “He is so insanely hot.”

“I know,” Lin said. “I can’t believe you’re banging that.”

“Shh,” I said, laughing and blushing at the same time. “I’ll have you know we have a quaint, wholesome relationship.”

Lin tucked her chin back skeptically. “Right. One where he cordially introduces his giant cock to your pussy–it is huge, isn’t it?”

“Stop,” I said.

Farrah smirked. “It’s definitely big. You can tell just from looking at him.”

“Both of you need to stop trying to imagine his penis.” I paused. “Because it’s mine. And yes, it’s impressive.”

Lin clapped, laughing and nodding. “I knew it.”

“So lucky,” Farah sighed. “Do you think you could ask Mr. Big Dick if he’ll give me a job at that restaurant again?”

“Definitely. I’ll push him on it tonight and let you know what he says. Want me to ask for you, too, Lin?”

“Hmm, would I rather pour brews for lame townies, or would I like to be rocking it in the kitchen with my best friends?”

“Okay. He kind of already said ‘yes’, I just need to ask him to make it official.” I smiled, and I felt the first hint of hope that this really could work. I imagined working at the restaurant with Lin and Farrah while stealing flirtatious looks at Greyson or maybe even a kiss in the back office. Was he really going to follow through with going back to D.C. when we had our own slice of perfect right here in Fairhope?

Tags: Penelope Bloom Romance