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“I don’t kid about being right. Just like you apparently don’t kid about kissing.”

He smirked. “I don’t.”

“You did. You kissed my cheek.”

“Are you still salty about that?”

“Yes. I thought you were going to kiss me properly. Way to tear a girl down.”

“I did kiss you properly.”

“After I had a bitch fit.”

He shrugged. “I was keeping you on your toes.”

“No, you were doing what I’d done to you the day before.”

“And that bitch fit, Halley, makes you a hypocrite.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but I couldn’t. He was kinda right about that. “Except I went right in for your cheek, and you actually told me that you wanted to kiss me.”

“I’ve kissed you a few times since then. Can you focus on those instead?”

“No, because then I’ll get distracted and forget to make you feed the raccoons.”

“Halley, you could be in labor and you’d still demand someone feed the raccoons.”

“Actually, I’d make sure they were looked after before I went into labor. It’s not exactly a surprise, you know. Childbirth is guaranteed after pregnancy.”

“Well, I hope you have all boys because this world doesn’t need another you.”

“Oh, please. There could never be another me. I’m far too unique for that.”

“Remind me again why Reagan and Ava spent the entire morning telling me all about your lack of self-confidence?”

I looked him dead in the eye and said, “Because I have raging mommy issues and use sarcasm as a form of defense?”

He looked as if he was going to say something but stopped dead. “I’m sorry. That was too far.”

I shrugged. “It’s a fact. I do have mommy issues, and I do use sarcasm as a form of defense. Honestly, I have plenty of self-belief, but I do struggle with confidence.”

“Aren’t they the same thing?”

“Not in my eyes. Think of it like this.” I moved so my wine was resting on my knee. “I believe in myself. I know I’m good at my job and that I can achieve anything I put my mind to. The world is my oyster and all that cliché bullshit. I know that. I believe that I can do anything I want if I just work hard enough.

“On the other hand, a part of me is always whispering that I’m not good enough. That it’s all ridiculous, I’m ridiculous, and nobody actually cares about what I’m doing. That voice is a demon that was born of years of me wanting my mom to pay me attention after my parents divorced. If she doesn’t care, how can anyone else?”

Preston tilted his head to the side. His eyes were full of gentle curiosity, but none of the pity or sympathy that I usually got when I spoke about my family issues. It was… nice.

“You keep all of that inside every single day and still manage to be an upstanding, functional member of society? I had no idea until today.”

“That’s the point, isn’t it? That’s why you need to be kind to everyone you meet. It doesn’t matter how kind or friendly or outgoing someone is. You have no idea what battle they’re fighting on the inside. Sometimes all you need to do is tell someone their hair looks great and you can change their entire day.”



“Your hair looks great today.”

My cheeks flushed. “You said that because of what I just said.”

“Maybe, but it doesn’t make it any less true.” He grinned and leaned forward, tugging gently on my hair. “You’re right, by the way. We should be nicer to people. You included.”

I pursed my lips, but I was fighting a smile. “I think it’s a little different when it’s your best friend’s brother and you’ve never gotten along, ever.”

“Who’s fault is that?”

“Both of ours.”

“Shit, you’re right.” He laughed and rubbed his hand over his stubbled jaw. “In my defense, I had a crush on you.”

My eyebrows went up so high that they were practically part of my hairline. “Really?”

“Yeah. It’s not that hard to believe. You’re smart, funny, and beautiful.” With a wide smile, he tapped my nose. “It was easier to avoid you than admit that I had a crush on my sister’s friend.”

Well, if we were admitting things tonight… “Okay, then I should be honest, too.” I paused. “I’ve had a crush on you for years.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

I laughed, dipping my head and covering my face with my hand. My fingers smudge over my glasses lens, so I put down my glass and pulled them off so I could clean them using my shirt. “It’s true. Honestly. Why would I lie about it? This time last week, I was horrified about you being my competition in the booth because I’d have to see you kissing other women. Or hear it, rather.”

Preston shifted so he was facing me. “If we’re confessing things… I bet you so I’d have an excuse to kiss you.”

Tags: Emma Hart Kiss Me Romance