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I sighed, sagging down into the mattress.

“All right?” Mason laughed breathily, moving his head so he could meet my gaze.

“Half left, actually,” was my equally breathless response.

He laughed, propping himself up on his hands. “Always the joker.”

I grinned, but I was sure it was a half-drunk one. Not because I was actually drunk, but because that was how I felt. It was the same sensation as having six tequila shots one after the other.

God bless orgasms.

Mason slowly pulled out of me and stood, taking a few steps back.

I heaved myself over onto my side and onto shaky legs, pushing past him to reach the bathroom first.

“Should I be offended that you can walk?” he shouted through the door.

“No,” I called back, dropping onto the toilet. “But what goes up must come down, and I don’t want any bodily fluids on my bedroom carpet!”

“So sexy!”

I laughed. It took me a minute to pee and clean myself up, but when I was done, I grabbed the towel from the rail next to the shower and wrapped it around myself. Opening the door, I stopped and grinned up at him.

He was holding his cock in his hand. It was totally limp, but the condom was still on. “Do you mind?”

“So sexy,” I shot back at him.

It was his turn to laugh as he swapped places with me. After changing into some panties and a tank top, I went into the kitchen and poured two glasses of ice water.

Mason appeared a few minutes later wearing his pants with his shirt in his hand.

I looked at it. “Going somewhere?”

He glanced at the shirt. “I wasn’t—I didn’t want to assume anything.”

I walked over to him and handed him his water. “Mason, it’s one in the morning. I’m not going to send you home, okay?”

“You almost kicked me out earlier.”

“Yeah, well, you’ve given me an orgasm since then. The least I can do is give you a bed to sleep in.” I winked and tapped his cheek. “Turn off the lights, would you?”


I rolled over, my body colliding with another person.

I froze.




It was Lauren.

I was in bed with Lauren.

Because after I’d kissed her last night, she’d marched me into her bedroom and demanded I take care of her horniness before she did it herself.

Fuck me dead, she was something else. She had this confident front—this ballsy, out there persona, but she was hiding a lot. She was hiding a quiet, gentle side of her. I’d almost touched it several times, and I wanted to uncover it. I wanted to peel back the layers of Lauren Green and see what made her tick.

Because, damn it, I was falling for her.

I didn’t want to. I’d tried to fight it. I’d fought myself every step of the way, but here I was, lying in bed next to her, and there was no doubt about it.

My feelings for my fake girlfriend were very, very real.

Stupidly fucking real.

She moved, tilting her head my way. She’d pulled her dark hair into a loose bun on top of her head before we’d gone to bed last night, and it was now a bigger mess than it was then. Dark, loose tendrils framed her face, and a huge chunk of her hair had unwound itself and spread across the pillow.

Her long, dark eyelashes cast a shadow across her cheeks, and when I ran my eyes over her whole face, I smiled at the sight of a zit forming on her chin.

I have no idea why. I just… did.

Her phone buzzed on the nightstand next to her before it emitted a shrill ringing noise that made me wince. Lauren groaned, rolling over. She batted her arm around the air for a moment before it made contact with the nightstand and, on the fifth ring, her phone.

“Hello?” she said groggily into the phone before she realized it was upside down and tried again. “Hello?… What?… Iz, I had a late night. Stop judging me… Eleven? Okay. I’ll go. Where’s Jared?… Uh-huh, ‘kay. I got you. I’ll see you there… All right, bye.”

She pulled the phone away from her face and jabbed at the screen until it showed that the call was ended. “I didn’t sign up for this shit,” she muttered, putting the phone down and pulling the covers over her head.

I waited until she stilled, then I moved my foot across the mattress and tickled the back of her foot with my toe.

She screamed, jerking away from me so violently she fell off the bed.

I burst out laughing, falling onto my back.

“Oh, my God! You jerk!” Lauren jumped back onto the bed and shoved at me. “What the hell? Why would you do that?”

“Good morning to you, too,” I managed to get out through my chuckles. “You look pretty today.”

She leveled me with a glare that said she was not awake enough for my bullshit. “Shut up.” She climbed back under the covers, giving me a lame kick for good measure.

Tags: Emma Hart Romance