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It felt good—too good.

I drew in a deep breath and turned my head to the side. My lips were just millimeters from his, and the temptation to move and close the distance was almost overwhelming.

Just to see what it would feel like to kiss him for real.



“Would you kill me if I broke the rules and kissed you right now?”

“Why don’t you find out?”

He hesitated for all of a second before he touched his lips to mine. They were soft and full and warm, and I leaned right into the kiss. My heart thumped inside my chest, and the fabric of his shirt bunched easily inside my hands as I made them into fists.

Mason slipped one hand up my back to cup the back of my neck. I didn’t think he could hold me any tighter, but he did, and now our bodies were pressed completely together. The only way we could be any closer would be if we were naked.

Right now, as he sent shivers down my spine, it didn’t seem like such a bad idea at all.

He deepened the kiss, flicking his tongue against my lower lip. I moved onto tiptoes to respond, parting my lips for him. He kissed me gently at first, his tongue moving against mine tentatively. When I didn’t pull away, he went deeper, kissing me with the kind of passion that sent shivers all over my body.

We kissed for what felt like forever. Night and day could have passed and I would have been oblivious, even though I knew in my mind that it was nothing more than a minute or so.

I was dizzy, like I’d been spun around a thousand times and left to find my own balance. Fiery lust flooded through my veins, and—damn it.

Would it be so bad?

To break the rules?

Just for one night?

In my heart of hearts, I knew the answer was yes.

The only way I could save myself was to stop kissing Mason Jackson. Right now. This very second. Doing anything else; continuing this, doing more, would be nothing short of a very stupid fucking idea.

Yeah, well, someone needed to tell my clitoris that.

Actually, my entire body needed the memo. My hardened nipples, my flushed cheeks, the goosebumps that coated my arms, the hairs that stood on end on the back of my neck—all of me needing telling that this was a very, very bad idea.

This was a bad decision.

I didn’t make bad decisions. Well, not regularly. Not like this.

But here I was.

About to throw caution to the wind and pretend like breaking the rules was totally okay. Like we weren’t going to walk down a path that potentially gave us a one-way ticket to Regret-ville.

Mason pulled back slowly, dipping to kiss me one last time. “You didn’t kill me yet.”

I shook my head, raising my gaze to meet his. His eyes look as if they were on fire, blazing with indiscernible feelings that I didn’t want to get into and dissect right now.

“Don’t say a word about this.” I dropped my hands, grabbed his, and pulled him through my apartment toward my room.


“I said be quiet.” I shoved the door open and pulled him into the room with me. “Before I change my mind.”

He raised one eyebrow. “What about the rules?”

“We just broke them. May as well obliterate them entirely for tonight.”

“Are you sure?”

“No, I regularly bring men into my bedroom to have sex with them without being entirely certain,” I drawled. “I’m starting to think you don’t want to have sex with me.”

“I didn’t say that.” He paused. “I just don’t want to complicate our relationship.”

“Mason, strangers have sex with each other all the time. I think we can both admit that we’re attracted to each other—otherwise, you wouldn’t have kissed me, and you wouldn’t have a third leg in your pants right now.”

He adjusted the waistband of his pants. “A third leg. Interesting.”

“I didn’t bring you in here to talk. My offer only stands for another thirty seconds before I kick you out and take care of myself.”

His eyebrow went up again, this time taking his lips with it in a dirty smirk. “Take care of yourself? And you’re here snarking about me having an erection.”

I folded my arms across my chest. “I’m turned on. I’m not ashamed of that. So, either you do something about it, or I will.”

“I suppose we both benefit from this.”

“And it’s only happening once. I won’t offer again. This is literally your only chance to get you some of—”

He cut me off with a swift kiss, yanking me against his body roughly. His hard cock pressed right against me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, grazing my teeth over his lower lip.

He groaned, sliding one hand down to cup my ass. Together, we staggered back toward my bed. My legs hid the side, and we fell down together, laughing between kisses as he covered my body with his.

Tags: Emma Hart Romance