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The only thing I could do was laugh. This situation was insane, and I wasn’t quite sure what I was doing here, but I was having fun.

Goddamnit, this was going wrong.

Yet, I still laughed. And when I’d spun enough to meet Mason’s gaze again, I caught my tongue between my teeth, grinned, and winked. It was a little saucy, but hey—that was how I felt.

It’d been a long time since I’d let my hair down like this, and after the afternoon of guilt-tripping I’d had, it was worth every second.

Mason hugging me had taken the edge off the tension I’d held in my shoulders but being dragged into dancing with his family had removed whatever was left.

Why were my family parties never this fun?

The Macarena trailed off, only to be replaced with the cheesy, upbeat tune of The Birdie Song.

I looked directly at Mason. He held up his hands, his eyes going wide, and vehemently shook his head. I nodded, and he backed up as much as he could before he hit the bar. Thanks to my lack of heels, I was quick, and I darted across the room to grab him and pull him to the makeshift dancefloor.

“Lauren.” He fully groaned my name, but he stopped to put my clutch and shoes on the nearest table.

I put my hands up at my chest and flapped my arms like a bird.

He laughed, throwing his head back at my silliness when I caught my tongue between my teeth and grinned. “You’re insane.”

“I know.” I linked my arm through his, and we spun. “It’s another part of my charm.”

“Charm. That’s one way to put it.”

“There’s no need to be rude. I’ve already told you that I’m a delight.”

“And I’ve told you that I agree.” He laughed, swinging me round to stand in front of him. “You are a delight.”

“It doesn’t sound sincere when you say it. Maybe you should wink or give a boob squeeze or something to really drive your point home.”

“You want me to squeeze your boob?”

“I didn’t say I wanted you to, maybe that you should.”

“You’re giving me mixed messages here.” Mason made the birdie thing with his hands. “Should I squeeze your boob or not?”

“Probably not.”


We linked arms again to dance.

“Don’t you want to squeeze my boob?”

“You’re so weird.” He released me, shaking his head. “One day, you’re going to catch me out, and I’m going to be screwed.”

I sighed, moving to the side when the song ended. “I know, but I think you’re catching on to me.”

“Just a little. It’s a close one, though.” He handed me my glass of wine. “I have to stop and think every single time I reply to you. The whole ‘offense’ conversation is stuck in my head.”

Grinning, I raised my glass to my mouth. “That was fun. But you haven’t called me cute since, so that’s a win.”

“I don’t know. Watching you do the birdie dance was pretty cute.”

“Wash your mouth out with soap.”

“What’s your aversion to the word ‘cute?’”

“It diminishes things. A baby is cute. A kitten is cute. A dress can be cute. I’m a twenty-five-year-old woman. I’m not small, nor am I an adorable item of clothing that will sit in my closet for six months before I remember I bought it. I’m not cute.”

He dropped his gaze to my mouth. “I don’t know. This little tantrum is cute, but mostly because you’re pouting your lower lip out like I just stole your teddy bear.”

I immediately pulled my pout back in and pursed my lips instead. “Shut up.”

“Now you’re cute because you’re sulking.”

“You’re going to start a fight if you carry on.”

“If we fight, we’ll have to make up, which means you’ll have to kiss me.”

I swallowed. “Okay, no fighting.”

“Is kissing me that repulsive?”

“No, but it’s against the rules.”

“There’s no need to act like it’d give you nightmares, then.”

“How did I act like kissing you would give me nightmares? All I said was that we wouldn’t fight. That’s hardly me acting like it’s repulsive.”

Mason shrugged. “I know it’s off limits, but would it really be the worst thing in the world?”

“I didn’t—I don’t—we’re not getting into this,” I said, shaking my head. I put my shoes on the floor to slip my feet into and paused. “Wait. Did you just do that deliberately?”

Mason frowned. “Do what deliberately?”

“That, just then. Because that’s what I do to you.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“What?” His lips twitched.

“You’re trying not to smile at me!” I reached out and slapped his arm. “You did! You did it deliberately!”

He grinned and grabbed my wrist, pulling me into him. “How does that medicine taste, Lauren?”

“Cold. Like my revenge will be.” I narrowed my eyes and nudged his chest. “You’re a pain in the ass.”

“Again… Your own medicine.”

I opened my mouth to say something, but Pru appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my hand, pulling me after her before I even had a chance to think.

Tags: Emma Hart Romance