Page 15 of The Encounter

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Again, what are the odds? I’d call it fate, but I don’t believe in that. If anything, it’s probably a bad omen since anytime I’m at my lowest, Jax Saddington seems to appear.

Focus, Ava.

That text should buy me a couple more days, meaning Phillip not canceling my credit cards. By then I will have been able to get ahold of Melissa, or even Eden. At least I had enough sense to get my ass up to go shopping this morning. Not a bad idea since I somehow thought it was wise to get a room at the Four Seasons. Yeah, that’s definitely the place to stay if you’re broke and have no options.

With a sigh, I scoop the olive out of the glass, barely enjoying the salty, bitter taste as I go through my list. Clothes and hair are done—I made sure of that today. I literally had to text my stylist in New York for a number, but I’m now back to dark brown. Or at least that’s all Dolly, my new stylist, and I could come up with for my natural color. I’ve been dying my hair since I was twelve. I got a bunch of clothes for interviews, some jeans and sweaters. Los Angeles is much more casual than New York.

God, my main problem is cash. If I start pulling it out of my American Express Black card, he’s gonna know and cancel it.

“Hey, beautiful, those guys got your check.” The bartender’s white teeth bring me back to the now and I blink at him, trying to breathe through my stomach flipping.

What is wrong with me? Jax is a playboy. I need to get the hell out of here. He’s also still hanging out with Tess. I just can’t deal with her, not that she’ll remember me. I look different now. Wait, did he say guys?

“Who took care of my tab?”

“Them.” He motions with his head. I look over my shoulder at the two guys in the corner wearing jeans and T-shirts, smiling at me.

“Jesus,” I mumble, standing. “Did they tip you?”

“Yeah.” He winks at me, and I fight the eye roll. Grabbing my bag, I head for the back door, hesitating at the door handle. Ashlee’s voice invades my head. I told you years ago to fuck someone on the side. It’s hard to like sex when all you’ve ever had is an old man, sweetie.

“Goddammit,” I whisper. What am I doing? I should leave. I’m not in any condition to start anything with anyone.

“You waiting for someone?” The voice is deep, gravelly even, and my hands tighten on the metal door handle before I turn.

My heart is pounding, because he’s standing close, too close, yet instead of opening the door, I look into his turquoise eyes.

Jesus, no man should be blessed with looks like his. He is by far the most gorgeous man I’ve seen, with slightly wild dark hair that curls around his ears, along with his full lips. Not to mention his freakin’ body. If I’m gonna have a one-night stand, this is the man to do it with. I can hate him—and myself—tomorrow.

“Maybe. I haven’t decided.” My voice is slightly hoarse, even breathless, but strong and confident. If I could I pat myself on the back, I would. He puts one arm on top of my head and looks down at me.

“I got rid of my sister-in-law only to find my goddess had fled.” His breath kisses my face, smelling of sugar and citrus. I want to lift my face and kiss his lips to taste him, devour him. After all, this is a one-and-done night. I have to remember who and what he is: a Saddington twin. One of, if not the most sought-after bachelor in the world. He’s rich, tall, and fucking beautiful, and tonight his turquoise eyes are dipping to my lips.

He wants me.

“Can I buy you a drink?”

“Is that what you really want to do?” Holy fuck, it’s like an alien has taken over my body. I’m never this bold. Then again, who would I be bold with? Certainly not Phillip.

He grins and his warm hand is surprisingly rough on my chin as his thumb traces my lips.

“I want to fuck you, if honesty is what you want.” He pushes off the wall and takes my hand. The loud bang of the door opening makes me shiver.

What the hell am I doing? He hasn’t even asked my name or offered his. In fact, he seems happy with nothing but silence. I should stop him. Something tells me all I’d have to do is say I’m not sure, and he’d leave me alone. But I am sure. Very sure.

Gazing up at the dark sky, I notice there are not many stars. It’s cold and I can smell the ocean. My heart is pounding and my body feels sensitized, as if one touch from this man might destroy me. I hope he does. I want to feel so badly, just have someone’s touch that doesn’t make me want to hide in shame. He looks down at me as he texts on his phone, I’m sure for his driver, and I shiver.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins Romance