Page 10 of The Encounter

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“She’s running a few minutes behind schedule. Can I get you some coffee?” His blue eyes narrow while my pants ring again.

“No, thanks. I’ll wait here and look at the… art.” I motion with my eyes to the numerous paintings laying all over Tess’s large office.

“That, and maybe answer your phone.” I raise a brow at him and he smirks. Sashaying toward the door, he adds, “Just saying.”

I shake my head and turn to stare out the large window. He’s lucky I like him. Kevin’s been around a couple of years. He’s efficient and smart and he knows it. My phone starts to ring again, and Kevin groans. “For the love of God, Jax!”

I sigh. He’s not going to stop calling, so I might as well answer. Kevin’s right. It’s annoying as fuck.

“What?” I bark into my phone. I’m in a shit mood. Might as well go off on Reed. He’s part of the problem.

“There you are, asshole. Hold on a second.” Reed rattles off instructions to someone.

“You’re kidding, right?” I snap.

“Hold on—”

I hang up. I’m sure as shit not going to stand here listening to my twin delegate. Why did he call me if he’s busy?

Leaning one hand on the windowsill I look out at all the people going by. Melrose Boulevard is always busy. With its hip and trendy shops and restaurants, it’s kind of a tourist spot.

A silver car passes, blinding me for a second with the sun’s reflection on it.

Heaven on earth. Where else can you walk the streets in December and enjoy seventy-degree weather?

I should be happy. On paper, I have everything to be happy about.

Instead, I’m bored and angry, although I have nothing to complain about. Something’s eating at me.

My phone rings again. I smirk, can’t help it. Aggravating Reed makes my anger subside. It’s always been fun. He gets fired up easily.

“What?” I growl.

“The fuck? Did you hang up on me?” Reed yells.

“Yeah, I’m not in the mood to wait around for you.” I sound bored because I am. I thought maybe my niece and nephew might help. It’s been weeks since I’ve seen them.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” he snaps. “Should I be worried? Because I’ve got to tell you, I’m worried—”

“Why are you asking me that then?” I fire back before he can continue. Again, a dick move, but that’s me lately. I push off the windowsill and turn, glancing at some of the paintings. Reed is working his ass off, and he’s right. This is a big deal that we’re getting involved in, so I need to at least be supportive, considering I’m his partner.

“Just… continue.”

Silence. Fucking Reed. I’m getting ready to hang up again when he says, “I need you to be at the Four Seasons tomorrow morning, nine a.m.”

“So, you’re coming back tonight?” I lightly kick at one the paintings.

“Look, man.” His voice sounds matter of fact. “I don’t know what is up your ass lately, and quite frankly, I don’t have time to coax it out of you like a goddamn pussy. I haven’t seen my family in a week, I’m working on three to four hours of sleep. Do me a fucking favor and be there tomorrow so that we can close this deal.”

I squint out the window. A black SUV pulls up to the building. The door opens and out steps Tess, with her long legs and statuesque body. My niece and nephew follow her, wearing backpacks, laughing at each other, their hands covered in what looks like ice cream.


“Your family just pulled up,” I tell my brother.

“Wait, what? Where are you?” He’s breathing fast, and knowing Reed, he’s starting to freak out.

“At Tess’s office. You told her you’re not coming back tonight, so I’m taking them out to dinner.”

Again silence. “Reed? Is there a problem?”


“Okay… well, whatever. I’m taking them—”

“Uncle Jaxxxx.” Luke and Lilly burst into the office and throw their arms around my legs. Well, Lilly does. Luke is starting to get too cool for hugs. Lilly also seems to have enjoyed her ice cream, since she’s using my charcoal slacks as a napkin.

“Jax, put my baby girl on the phone,” Reed demands. I almost say no, but it’s Lilly and I can’t deny her that, so I hand her the phone.

“Your daddy wants to talk to you, Bunny.” She squeals and twirls.

“Hi, Dada.” She skips to Tess’s large desk.

“Oh my God.” Tess breezes in, holding her phone, cup of coffee, a painting under one arm, and her purse that’s more like a huge bag, which she dumps on her desk before spinning to grab Luke’s hand. His ice cream is dripping onto the floor.

“Sweetheart, finish it like your sister.” She motions for me to get the tissues.

“I know, Dada.” Lilly giggles and spins around in the chair.

“Is she doing that baby talking crap with Reed?” Tess’s eyes dart from Luke to me, then to Lilly.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins Romance