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“That’s for sure, no wonder he’s tired of closing the office down. Thank god Mary has stepped up to the plate.” I turn around and notice Quinn is going through her stack of mail she’s been slowly going through this week. It’s slowly dwindling down, but I couldn’t believe how much she brought with her that accumulated over the past six months.

She’s reading a letter, and her face goes as white as a ghost. “What’s wrong?” I question Quinn. She doesn’t respond, her eyes are locked on the piece of mail in her hand. I go over to her, my eyes find what she’s reading. Looking at the logo on the top right corner I see it’s from her old modeling agency.

As I continue reading, I let out a low hiss, followed by “That cum guzzling gutter slut.”

It breaks the tension and Quinn giggles, before she erupts in tears. The letter stated her previous agent is suing her for a breech in contract. One she didn’t want in the first place, her last one before leaving the agency for good, and this is what her agent does.

“I didn’t break the contract though, how could I? I wasn’t here where I wanted to be, I was being pinched, pulled, and prodded doing what I was supposed to do. What does this even mean?”

“I’m not sure, but we’ll get our attorney to look at it this week. It’s bullshit, this should have never come in the mail, even certified. You’d need to be served for this to have any real bearings,” I respond holding her tight as Quinn’s tears soak through my shirt.

I fucking hate like hell she’s going through this, and there’s nothing I can do to soothe her pain until Monday.



“I’ll call everyone and cancel today,” Mason offers.

“Hell no, you said so yourself. There’s nothing we can do until Monday, today is the day we have your family over and relax,” I counter.

“My family is your family too, Sunshine. You have to know I’m full in on our relationship,” Mason’s arms are around me, my head is tilted up to look into his eyes.

“I’m in this with you and beside you. Now and always, Mason,” I reply.

“Well good, let’s get everything ready so when little dude wakes up, we won’t be scrambling.” Mason leaves me with a kiss that knocks my socks off and I think to myself, I’m already falling in love with him. All it took was just one touch, and I knew. He was meant for me, like I was meant for him.

With one last glance at Sawyer, who is sleeping peacefully on his back spread out like a starfish, I make my way to the kitchen.

The last time I was at my place, I made sure to bring Grams recipe book over and I’ve been making her recipes this whole time.

Mason and I get everything ready, browning the meat, cutting the onions, mixing the beans, and seasoning. We let it simmer and by the time the kitchen is clean, Sawyer is waking up with a huge smile on his face.

Even with the thought of a million-dollar lawsuit knocking on my front door, Mason and his family keep my hopes up and my future bright.

“Good morning, baby boy,” I coo. Sawyer babbles as I change his diaper, we make our way into the kitchen where Mason has his breakfast ready which is baby cereal with some baby food on the side.

I take Mason in, he’s looking at me with longing in his eyes. The same look that I know is on my own face. Tonight is the night I’m going to give Mason all of me. I’m all in when it comes to him. I don’t care that we’ve been inseparable in a short amount of time. My soul knows he was meant for me.



My whole family is here, Rome, Heath, Mom, Summer, Sawyer, and Quinn. The smile that’s been on her face all day has made it all worth it. Even when she had tears streaming down her cheeks, it was worth it to see how at ease she is among us.

Especially with Heath, the damn pain in my ass. He corners me and says, “How much longer till I have another sister?”

“If I had it my way it would be tomorrow,” I don’t miss a beat. She already means that much to me.

“When us Carter boys fall, we fall fast,” I quip.

“Just wait brother, you’ll be the one that falls the hardest,” I leave him and make my way to our mom.

“Hey, honey. How’s my boy doing?” She pats my cheeks as I take a seat next to her.

“Doing good, thinking I may need your help to go ring shopping soon though,” I tell her.

Tears start to shimmer in her eyes, “All my boys, growing up and doing damn good for themselves, it’s more than I could ever ask for. Leave it up to me, I’ll come over this week and spend some time with Quinn. Figure out her style, we already know she’s not a showy type of person. All those years working in the fashion industry and she’s still down to earth. You bet I’ll take her under my wing.”

Tags: Tory Baker The Carter Brothers Romance