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He twitches underneath my fingertips, but doesn’t wake, allowing me to look and touch my fill. According to research passed on from Grace, the scientist who was supposed to lead a team at Exilium, the morts were once like us, a long time ago. They were human until the radiation that drove the generations before me into the sky altered them forever. He’s human-like, but not. The shape of him is similar, from the flatness of his nipples to the shape of his abdomen. There isn’t a place I leave unexplored, curiosity drawing me down, down, until I pull away the sheet that covers his hips and thighs.

We’d come to an agreement in the hours of mindless, tension-filled travel since our conversation about having a two-night stand. Nothing is off-limits unless the other says a safe word. I smile, remembering that conversation.

Theron’s brows had furrowed at my explanation. “But I will always keep you safe,” he’d said, looking up from my breasts where he’d be lavishing his attention. That much hasn’t changed. He’s fascinated by them.

“No, I mean if there’s something one of us does during sex that the other doesn’t like. We’ll say the safe word, which will let each other know to stop and not to do that particular thing again.”

The furrow didn’t disappear. “What would I do that you wouldn’t like?” he asked. “The book the human females wrote about mating rituals has many things, but it never mentioned safe words or one-night stands. I’m afraid we morts still have a lot to learn about your ways.”

I really needed to read this so-called sex manual. Or maybe not, considering my mother was supposedly one of the females who contributed to it. I lifted a shoulder, which made his gaze flit back to my breasts momentarily. “I don’t know.”

Confusion melted away and his expression had turned wicked. “Do you like this?” he asked before dipping his head down to take one nipple into his mouth.

My breath caught in my throat, hindering my ability to speak. He switched to the other and I clutched at his head. Maybe he deserved to act like a cocky sonofabitch if he could make me feel the way he did.

When I didn’t answer, he looked up at me. “You must answer, shooting star, so I know when I go too far. I never want to make you feel like I did the first time.”

I felt a little guilty at the sound of regret in his voice. “I know you don’t.”

Theron pushed up to his knees and settled between my spread legs. “I have a proposal,” he said, as he dragged his cock between my folds, wetting the head until it was glistening.

“W-what?” I asked, my body already thrumming with anticipation.

“We’ll take an inventory, like I do with the Mayvina. I’ll do everything to you that I can think of and you’ll tell me if you like it or not. With the safe word.”

I swallowed thickly. Theron was nothing if not creative. It should make me nervous to think of letting him have liberties with my body, and maybe it does, in an exciting sort of way. Eagerness rolls through me, wondering what he’ll try to do first.

“What safe word should we use?” I asked, my mind totally blank save for the trilling alarm of feeling the head of his cock pressing insistently against me. My eyes crossed as I felt the tip breach just an inch.

He seemed wholly unaffected, whereas I was losing my mind. I wanted him to go harder, deeper, but he was content to work the slightest bit of his cock back and forth as he pondered.

“What about rogcow?”

I didn’t know exactly what that was, but it didn’t sound pleasant. “What’s a rogcow?” I managed between gritted teeth.

“A great dirty beast. Tastes rekking delicious.”

His cock slipped deeper and I gasped. “Sure. Fine. Whatever. Just fuck me.”

The memory dissipates, leaving me more turned on than ever. I plant my knees on the bed and my gaze flicks back up to him. He’s fast asleep, which wasn’t a line we’d drawn. I liked having him wake me up with his mouth, his fingers, or his cock. Now I’ll get the chance to return the favor.

His cock is soft when I take it in my hands, but I know it won’t be for long. I curl my body over him and suck it into my mouth, the taste and scent of him flooding my senses, burning its way through my memory. He hardens and pre-cum bathes my tongue, making it tingle. I remember how it had felt to be frozen beneath him and I grow wet between my legs. He’s finished on my tits, back, ass, or stomach every time since then, but there’s a secret part of me that wants to feel him above me as I’m unable to move again.

Tags: K. Webster The Lost Planet Fantasy