Page 7 of Just Hold On

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Chapter 6

Ty was a good rider.I knew that. I'd watched him do it enough times, but I hadn't expected to see him wear a helmet. I'd thought about it a few times, but it wasn't required, and the one time I'd tried, I felt like I'd never live it down.

The guys had spent months making sure I knew that if I was scared of the bulls, then I needed to pick another sport. Never mind that if I wanted to be pretty, then I shouldn't take the risks that came with the most dangerous sport on dirt. Besides, my father always said that the point was to hold on when ya can and to pick yourself up when ya can't. I figured if I couldn't get back up, then that was the day that the bull would finally win, so I wouldn't need one anyway - or the crap that came with it.

But that wasn't what threw me. It was the smile he'd flashed when I'd finally given in and cheered for him. That perfectly straight, bright, and oh so panty-dropping smile had been for me, and I had no clue how to deal with that. Yeah, I couldn't see it perfectly behind his helmet, but I knew it well enough to fill in the gaps in my mind.

I ducked back behind the wall just as his gate opened, and the moment the buzzer went off, I was gone. He'd ridden a full eight, but that wasn't shocking. He usually did.

The way Ty made my palms sweat and my face get all hot? Yeah, I hadn't expected that. I thought I'd mastered the art of being overlooked a long time ago, but it was a whole lot harder when someone, well, looked. This wasn't something I knew how to handle. That I liked it made it even worse!

There was one person who'd know exactly how to deal with this. Hurrying back to where I stored my stuff, I found my phone. That went in a back pocket. My chaps went in the bag, right over that stinky shirt I'd been trying to keep anyone from getting close enough to smell. My spurs went on top, and my keys belonged in my hand. Packed, I slung the whole thing over my shoulder and headed out the back exit, aiming for the farthest corner of the parking lot.

On a Saturday night, there were a whole lot of cars between the convention center and my truck. Although, while the riders were still going, there weren't a lot of people out here. Somehow, it made me feel a little more connected, like I hadn't actually floated off into some neverland where girls like me got the guy like him. Nope, everything out here was completely normal, boring, and predictable.

Tossing my gear in the back seat, I pulled my wallet from the console and checked. There was still enough cash inside, and I deserved a treat, so I turned my feet to the bar. Two beers, and I'd head back to my truck when the cowboys started showing up. Hell, maybe they even served food. I was already sick of corn dogs and funnel cakes, but that was all they had worth eating at the concession stands inside.

While I walked, I worked my phone, scrolling down the list until I found the name I wanted. One press of a button and it was ringing. And kept ringing. It shouldn't be too late, but I never knew what Shelby was doing anymore.

"Hey?" she answered.

"So, I did it again."

Her enthusiastic squeal was soft, proving her son was already asleep. "That means two full rides in a real PBR event? Like, is that enough for a check?"

"Dunno." I kicked at a rock as I passed it, watching it skip off toward the curb. "Still have to go tomorrow, and that's when everyone will be trying their hardest."

"Uh huh. So why don't you sound happy? They already giving you a hard time?"

The sigh fell out before I could stop it. "No, not really, but they just figured it out tonight. That's the thing, Shel. I had a bad dismount and had to get hauled over the fence by one of the other riders."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah." Of course, she worried about that first. "Nothing more than a few bruises. And guess who hauled me over? Your main man. And my hat was still in the arena."

For a moment, she was perfectly, completely silent. "Ty McBride? He had his hands on you, and that's a bad thing?"

"Shel! They figured out I'm a girl. Ty tried to buy me a beer last night - well, did - but had no clue. Now this? He knew my face, he knows my name, and there's no way he missed that I'm not one of the guys, and that's the weird thing."

"Hun, you aren't making a lick of sense. What is wrong with Ty McBride buying you a beer, groping you, or throwing you into bed?"

Yeah, she always had a way of putting things into perspective. "Ok, well, nothing exactly. It's just that he doesn't seem to mind that I'm a girl, and he asked me to cheer him on."

"Please tell me you did? Please, please, please, please? I want every single detail of how his ass looks in those chaps, and how he smells, and the size of his - "

"Not going there!" I cut her off. "Seriously. You know what happened with Cole. I'm not dumb enough to do that twice. I just, um, kinda wanted to know how to tell if he's just being nice or trying to play me for the fool."

"Oh." This time, she was the one that sighed. "Cody, do you really think the professionals are going to feel threatened at all by you? I mean, wouldn't they have like, rules or something?"

Yeah, there were plenty of rules and regulations about how we were expected to act. That didn't really stop anyone, though. I was pretty sure that slutting it up every night might not fit the PBR's idea of conducting ourselves respectably. Plenty of the tantrums thrown behind the chutes when someone had a bad go definitely weren't. Hell, I'd even learned a few new words back there, and that was saying something.

"Ok," I conceded. "Let's assume that he's not willing to date me for three months just to make me into the laughingstock. Considering we're talking about Ty, I'm thinking a single night might be all he needs, which is a whole lot less setup."

"And you're not some stupid virgin to be traumatized over it. Honey, who cares if he says you slept with him? Who even cares if you do? The best Cole had on you was that you were a twenty-year-old virgin and he popped your cherry. Blow it off and don't you dare turn down the chance to let me know what that cowboy looks like undressed. Hell, pictures would be nice, too."

She was only half teasing, and we both knew it. Yeah, she was trying to make me feel better, but she'd also been crushing on Ty worse than anyone else I knew. At that moment, I decided that I'd get her a picture. Not the naked one she was hoping for, but I'd make sure to ask him for one just because I owed her so much. She'd always been the one to stand by me when my going got tough.

"So what do I do?" I asked.

Her answer was a giggle. "Smile at him. Just start with that. The patented Cody scowl is not going to help you catch the hottie. Try smiling and see where it goes. If he leans in for a kiss, don't punch him. Cody, you're a goddamn bull rider. That means you're allowed to do every single thing they do, including getting laid whenever you feel like it. Ok?"

"Not about that," I groaned. "I am not going to turn into some Ty-loving floozy, ok? I mean about the guys knowing who I am, that Cody Jennings isn't one of the boys. How the hell do I pull this off?"

"Same way you always have. Lift your chin a little higher, make your spine a bit straighter, and roll those shoulders back to stick your boobs right in their faces. It's not your problem if their dicks hurt because some little girl is showing them up. You got this, hun. Easy-peasy. And when the taunting gets to be too much, find a quiet corner and bawl your eyes out. Just make sure you blow your nose before you start flirting with Ty again."

The last bit was so unexpected that a laugh burst out. "I am not flirting with him."

"You should be."

"But I'm not!"

"Please," she whined. "For me, Cody? You know he's one of two bull riders that I'd piss off Justin to see naked. I mean, even if you don't flirt, just, um..." She paused as if coming up with a new way to torment me. "How's this? If you can't flirt, then just don't run away. I need you to get me every single detail about that cowboy that you can. I'm depending on you, hun."

Which meant there was no way I'd ever live this down. "Ok, fine. Look, I'm almost to the bar - "

"He's meeting you at a bar?" she gasped.

"No. I'm getting something that resembles dinner, and then a little something to help me get some sleep. My bull today guaranteed that every single muscle I own is going to make sure I toss and turn all night long."

"Hot bath, some Advil, and a roll with a cowboy always takes care of that for me. If you're not into Ty, there's always J.D. I mean, he's pretty cute, too."

I just shook my head, even though she couldn't see it. "Yeah, no. J.D. is a dick. Ty's a player. You're married, and I'm not really looking for someone to tell me what I'm supposed to do. How about we just forget about who is cute and just worry about me not making an idiot out of myself, ok?"

She harrumphed in mock frustration. "I've been married long enough that your thrilling life is all I got to look forward to. So how's this instead? A margarita and something exceptionally fattening? A full belly and a little tequila should put you out like a light."

By this time, I was almost at the door. "That's what I was thinking. Look, I'm gonna let you go. If you see my dad, let him know that I tried to call before I went, and I know he's at the Elbow tonight, but I'm good and still moving up."

"I can do that. I'll see him at church in the morning, and I'm guessing you don't want to hear his opinion about it, huh?"

"Exactly." I paused. "Maybe next time you'll have to come with. Have a good night, kiss little Eric for me, and I'll talk to you Monday, ok? Hopefully, I'll have a check to cash. Probably won't be much, but I'm hoping to break even."

"Can't squeeze in a call tomorrow?" she begged.

"Won't get much time. I ride, then we have awards, and then I'm back on the road. The little man will be sleeping before I get a chance, and neither of us want to wake him. I'll call you Monday when I get up. We can go out or something, and I'll tell you every last detail, deal?"

"Sold. Go have dinner, and good luck tomorrow."

"Yeah," I breathed, feeling the smile on my face. "Thanks, Shel. Not just for that, but everything, ok?"

"Any time and every one. Knock 'em dead, hun, and have a good night."

Ending the call, I shoved my phone back into my pocket, but I was smiling. All the worries, fears, and paranoias I'd started with vanished before Shelby's enthusiasm, and that was exactly what I needed. It also meant she was on to something, so I'd take a little of her advice. I was definitely going to eat too much and drink something a bit stronger than I should.

Inside, the place was a little busier than it had been last night, but not by much. One of the waitresses looked up and smiled, trying to guess if I was claiming a table or heading right to the bar. Seeing my spot from the night before was still open, it was an easy decision.

Tucked around the corner, it was close to the door, but not in the main line of traffic. It also wasn't right beside the space that looked like it was meant to be a dance floor. In other words, I wouldn't be stuck when the bull riders started showing up.

The girl who'd smiled made a beeline for me. "What can I get ya?"

"Serve any food?"

She wobbled her head back and forth. "Got some cheese sticks, a roast beef sandwich, and chips with queso. Pretty much it."

"I'll take the sandwich. Oh, and a margarita."

At the mention of the drink, her overly friendly smile reappeared. "Gotta get a little something in ya before the real drinking starts, huh?"

"Something like that."

In all honesty, I didn't intend for it to be anything like that, but my willpower was weak. The beef was real. The margarita was sweet. When she asked if I wanted another, I agreed before I even thought about it. I was just following Shelby's orders, and she was the one who understood men. No matter what I was going to do, my secret was out, and right about now, a little liquid courage sounded like the perfect way to deal with anyone possibly recognizing my face.

When she came back for the third time, I didn't even hesitate. I deserved to be a little stupid for once.

Tags: Kitty Cox Romance