Page 53 of Just Hold On

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Chapter 48

Max was thrilledto get my signed contract. He told me not to worry about trading out my gear. Said all he needed were the sizes, then he'd get a set made up just like it, and then steal the ones I had now to put logos on for next time. I asked if he'd put green rhinestones on the chaps he made, so I could tell the difference. Since these had been a present and all.

Ty, however, asked about stipulations on my dating life. That made Max's eyes narrow a bit. The sweet, almost cherubic guy who was now officially my rep suddenly turned serious.

"You mean if she can act like you boys do? New bar, new girl, new entertainment every night? Or are you talking about how you kissed her the other day before she rode?" Then he waved that away. "No, Tillman doesn't have anything in the contract about that. It's the same version we give the guys." Then he looked at me. "But as your rep, Cody, lemme just say that if you get any problems, from anyone - Tillman, PBR, or another sponsor - you call me. I'll get an attorney on it and sue their asses so fast their heads will spin. You are here to represent strong, confident women, and that means we'll make sure they don't treat you any different than the guys."

"But if she sues Tillman, won't you lose your job?" Ty asked.

Max shrugged. "I've got enough offers out there. Seems I have a pretty good record with PBR contracts, and you know why? Because my job is to take care of my riders first. Not the companies on their vests. Besides, if I leave, so does J.D. Adkins."

Ty chuckled. "Well, when my contract comes up to be renewed, we may need to talk."

Max eyed his vest. "Wrangler? Yeah, I can do that. You just give me about a month's notice, and I'll come up with an offer for you, Mr. McBride."


Max nodded. "I'm also getting a funny feeling that J.D. isn't my most powerful client anymore." He lifted the stack that made up my signed contract to show what he meant. "I'll be around tomorrow to check on you, but my goal is to not get in your way. You have my number, Cody. Call me if you need anything. Ok? Enjoy the rest of your weekend."

And with that, Max turned and toddled off toward the hall that led to Sports Medicine. I had a funny feeling he was going to talk to J.D. next, but that was ok. Maybe he could convince the guy to take a weekend off and heal up his leg. I doubted it, but I could still hope.

Ty caught my wrist and gave me a little tug toward the exit. "So this means you're an officially sponsored rider now. Wanna go home and celebrate?"


Although the word "home" felt strange when talking about a hotel. Still, this was my new life now. A different city every week, a different hotel to lay my head, and a different set of bulls to conquer. For the first time, it really hit me that I was doing this. Not just playing at doing it, but actually succeeding.

The ride to the Marriott was quick. The traffic was light. J.D.'s truck wasn't in the parking lot, but I knew he'd be a while yet. Still, I checked my phone for messages when we were on the elevator, and found nothing. Hopefully, that meant everything was going to plan. And then we were once again in Ty's room, but this time it was just us.

He and I, alone, with no reason not to go all the way. Ty had made it more than clear that he wanted me like that. I definitely wanted to get him naked, but I wasn't really a pro at this. Riding bulls was easy. Making a move? But there was something I needed to consider before I got into that.

"Shower first?" I said, flashing him a smile. Then I made my way over to my bag. While I dug to the bottom for my stuff, I couldn't convince myself to look at him, but there was something that needed to be said. "Just so you know, I'm on birth control. You don't really need a condom." Man, I hoped that didn't sound as weird as it felt to say.

"Mhm. Pill, shot, or something else?"

"The shot."

He stepped behind me. I could feel him there, then his hands slid along my waist, pulling me back against him and up straight. Ty bent his mouth to my ear. "Cody, relax. I'm not rushing you. I just want to curl against you tonight, cheer you on tomorrow, and kiss you a hell of a lot more. I'm ok with taking it slow."

I carefully turned in his arms to face him. "What if I don't want to?"

His hand came to rest against my jaw. "Baby, I'm gonna be real honest with you." I watched him close his eyes and take a deep breath. "Tulsa was the first event I've spent alone. I had every intention of picking up some girl, having a little fun, then forgetting all about her as soon as I pulled back onto the road."

"I know." That's what they all did.

He just swiped his thumb against the side of my face. "Then I saw you. Baby, I've had a few girls in my bed. I know you're not some little blushing virgin, but I'm not chasing you for a piece of ass. Ok?"

"I know, but I can't figure out why you're ok with all of this."

He pressed his forehead to mine and sighed. "Hell if I can explain it, but I can't stop thinking about you. As much as I need the next event, I need to see you, to hold you, and to keep talking to you. I'm not going to chase you off just to blow my load. I want more than that."

"Like what?" I barely breathed.

He just pulled me against his chest. "I dunno yet, baby. I just want you to stay mine, whatever little part I can get." His hand ran down my hair, smoothing it against my head. "And I'm not about to pressure you into anything. Not sex, not trusting me enough to go without a condom, nothing."

But he'd left off one big thing. Right now, it was the elephant in the room. "What about J.D.?" I asked.

He chuckled once. "That's between you and him, and I'm ok with however that turns out. How about this? You stay on that birth control, I'll use a condom until you're sure I haven't picked up something you don't want, and we'll worry about the whole group of men in your life later on when you figure that part out, deal?"

I just stepped back and shoved a hand into my hair. This wasn't how I'd imagined a romantic night alone with him to go. Then again, I'd kinda killed the mood by bringing up birth control. He was saying all the right things, but he wasn't moving in. He wasn't trying to kiss on me, and I didn't know what that meant! So I did what I always had. I screwed it up even more.

"Yeah, I'm a real turn on. Doing good, Cody," I mumbled to myself. "Now, let me see if I can make this any weirder." Then I turned, grabbed my shampoo, and marched into the bathroom.

Ty was on my heels. He caught me before I could shut the door in his face, spinning me around - but he didn't say a thing, just kissed me. I gasped, struggled while my brain tried to catch up, then gave in, all in the space of a single heartbeat. This wasn't what he was supposed to do! He was supposed to laugh, give up, or ditch me for something less complicated.

But he wasn't. His hands were on my ribs. His tongue was in my mouth. Then my back was against the wall. His arm pulled my hips against his as his chest held me there, and I grabbed at his shoulders, kissing back.

His hand caught in my hair, baring my throat, then his lips were on my neck. I moaned, struggling to find the button of his jeans, but he wouldn't let me. There was no space between us, but in the best way. He just kissed me and kept kissing until I had to pull back for a breath.

"Cody," he panted against my skin. "You're sexy. You're so damned sexy that I'm fighting everything I have not to take you." He caught my wrist and pushed it back against the wall. "But slow down, baby, or you're gonna kill me. We got a whole lot more than eight seconds, ok?"

"Yeah." Closing my eyes, I nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Everything about you makes me just want more, even seeing you with J.D." He kissed the side of my face, the passion still simmering. "I'm just trying to make sure you know this isn't about getting laid for me. Don't know about you, but I want so much more than that."

"With me?"

He nodded, pulling back enough to look in my eyes. "With you. Just you. And yeah, I really wanna have my way with you, too. Damn, woman. The way you kiss me?" He leaned into me a bit more, the thick ridge in his jeans proving the point. "I think you keep me hard on purpose."

I slid my body against him, watching his eyes close. "No. I just want to drive you crazy enough that you can't resist me."

"Fuck a shower." He scooped me into his arms and stormed back to the closest bed, tossing me onto it. "If you don't want those fancy clothes destroyed, you'd better be out of them before I get my jeans off."

He grabbed the waist of his pants and twisted the button free. I stripped, worrying more about fast than sexy. His eyes never left. Lying there on the overly crisp comforter, I felt exposed - devoured - and the man before me never blinked. The corner of his mouth just slid higher, then he pulled out his wallet, dropped it on the bedside table, and flipped it open. Ty slid out a foil condom packet, leaving it within reach of the bed, and then his jeans hit the floor.

"You'd better decide real fast," he warned, "just how far you're letting me go, because I'm ok with all the way."

I just crooked a finger, daring him to come closer. "I think I can handle you, Ty McBride."

"Good." Then his mouth was on mine.

I sucked at his lower lip as my leg hooked on his ass. Ty grabbed my thigh and lifted. My lower back came off the mattress, and he slid his arm beneath as he crawled halfway up my body. Flesh against flesh, he was teasing me, seducing me, and I loved every minute of it. With the lights on, I could see the look in his eyes. He wanted me. From the size of his erection to the way he refused to let me go, I could feel it. I tried to pull him closer, he tried to kiss every inch of my skin, and we tangled our limbs together, but neither of us cared.

My hand found his ass. His found my breast, one thumb sweeping across my nipple. My eyes flew open and I sucked in a breath, but that was all he needed. His mouth took its place, sucking, lapping, and teasing that aching pebble. I could feel the slickness on my thighs and knew he could too, but Ty wasn't satisfied with good enough. He shifted to my other breast, that arm behind my back lifting my chest toward his mouth.

I couldn't think, couldn't help. All I could do was feel. The heat of his body. The calluses on his hands. The pressure of his tongue, teeth, and lips. I gave in, wrapping my fingers in his hair to make sure he couldn't escape. This was how I wanted it to go, but my body wanted more. The way Ty touched me was nothing like I'd ever experienced, and I didn't want it to stop. Then he moved lower.

"Don't you dare," I growled, pulling his head up. Right now, there was only one thing I needed. "I have been waiting too damned long to get you inside me."

So he kissed my lips again. "Yes, ma'am," he teased, reaching to the side.

I heard the foil tear, then he leaned back. Those strong hands of his rolled the latex on and I watched. Then he stroked the length of his dick, shifting his hand to give me a better view. My heart was pounding, but I couldn't tear my eyes away. All of him was glorious, hard, and waiting right between my knees. Somehow, I'd gotten not just any man, but him, and this was going to be one hell of a night to remember.

Then he grabbed my thigh again and pulled, lining my body up with his. My eyes naturally found his, filled with raw need. He wanted me, but he was waiting for something, some sign that I actually was ready.

"I want this, Ty," I whispered.

His lids slipped closed and he leaned in, sliding deep into my body. He didn't stop until his mouth could reach mine, every last inch of him buried inside me. My back arched, feeling my body stretch around him, then he withdrew, only to come back immediately. Hard and fast, he set the pace, daring me to keep up. I pushed him deeper with each thrust, rocking my hips to take as much of him as I could, until I couldn't think about anything else. That was when his hand began to move.

Up my ribs, his touch was feather-light, completely at odds with the pounding inside me. When he found my breast, he pinched, holding my nipple between his thumb and first finger just hard enough to make me moan. I bucked. He rode it. I held on, locking my legs around his back and ass, but that wasn't good enough. Ty was working me, hitting all the right spots, and I couldn't keep myself from crying out.

"God!" I gasped, writhing onto him.

He didn't say a thing, just did it again. With one hand on my breast, he lifted himself up, watching my face as he thrust his cock deep inside me until I was his, completely. The bed was creaking, the springs protesting the abuse, but he didn't care. He also wasn't being gentle. Over and over, he stroked me, teasing my body with every long, hard inch, until I couldn't stop the sounds from coming out. I could barely focus. He felt so good, so real. Nothing else mattered except the pressure building inside me that I'd never felt before.

"C'mon, baby," he groaned. "Give it to me. Let go, and give it to me."

I couldn't answer, couldn't think enough to even form a word. All I could do was moan and cling to him. My nails pressed against his back, seeking something to hold onto, but the slickness made it hard. I felt when I scratched him, but he didn't care at all. He just kept going while my heels tapped against his ass, and my entire body ignited. Every nerve, every breath, every shift of our bodies brought me ever closer, until I couldn't hold it back. With a primal cry, I came, pulling him down toward my chest.

But he rode it, teasing the most out of my orgasm before his body tensed and he just couldn't move any more. For a moment we paused, both trying to remember which way was up. Our panting breaths were out of time, but neither of us cared. It was like we both had to catch up with what had just happened - and how amazing that had been.

Eventually, he bent to kiss me again, I relaxed my knees, letting him drop onto the mattress beside me.

"Damn," Ty panted, pulling himself up as he peeled off the spent condom. "Shoulda known you would rock my world." Then he padded around the corner and into the bathroom.

With a satiated giggle, I called after him. "I'm just warming up."

"Will definitely have to remember that," he said, coming back to flop onto the bed beside me. Then he stroked the outside of my thigh. "I just hope you aren't sore tomorrow."

"I'm fine," I insisted.

The truth was that I didn't want him to know how new all of this was for me. Cole had been nothing like him. He'd seduced me, made me think I was important, then fumbled around on top of me until he grunted, never once caring about how I felt. This ache between my legs? It was the good kind, and I had no idea if it was normal, but I kinda liked it - the same way I liked how my skin felt tingly all over and I wanted to keep smiling.

Ty leaned closer and kissed my neck. "You may be tough, but the last thing I wanna do is beat you in the rankings because I screwed ya. C'mere, Cody. I need a little cuddling, even if you're too good for that."

I wasn't, not at all. As I shifted my head onto his shoulder, I realized he probably knew that. That had been his way of saving a little of my pride, but damn. From the way he kept proving he respected me, to how he looked at me, everything about Ty McBride was so much better than I ever could have imagined.

Tags: Kitty Cox Romance