Page 28 of Just Hold On

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Chapter 27

Well,my little talk with Ty seemed to wake his fool ass up. Although, the moment I got him off the phone, I reached over for my vape pen and took a long pull. The cannabis hit me hard and fast, but it sure made the aches go away. Besides, vaping wasn't really smoking, which meant I could get away with it in the hotels. Once I felt my head start to lighten, I took another hit, then a third just for good measure.

Unfortunately, getting high did nothing to solve my problem: Cody. When I'd first heard Tanner telling Isaac that there had been a girl on the bulls, I thought she'd be a joke. There were a few women registered in the PBR, but none had made it to the Tough Enough Series yet. Well, except Cody. Most of the rest rode with two hands - which was allowed for the girls - but not in the big leagues. Nope, to ride on this circuit, we all had to play by the same rules, which meant we had to have some serious upper body strength.

She did. Granted, growing up riding steers and stacking hay explained it. She wasn't very big, but every inch of her was sheer muscle. Even her will. I'd liked her from the moment I watched her sit down on Disco Breakout. The look on her face had been pure concentration. Just like all the other riders who actually made it in the PBR.

But Ty was a problem. I'd seen how she looked at him. I didn't want to be the one to break it to her that he was the PBR's biggest slut - and I meant that in the best way. The man was hot, and he knew it. So did everyone else, from his sponsors to his fans. He tried to play the sweet and polite Canadian, and maybe he even believed it, but she shouldn't. My gut just said that a broken heart would chase her off the tour faster than a broken leg.

And all of that I could work with. I could protect my rookie from the everyday hazards that we ran into on the road. The problem was me. The whole time we were in Tulsa, she was just another rider. Didn't matter to me if she had a dick or not. She could ride, and I could respect that. Then I saw her at home with her hair down and a fitted t-shirt on.

When her pretty blue eyes had lit up at the sight of me? Damn, but I felt something in my chest crack a little. I didn't normally go for the sweet and dainty kind of girls, but while Cody might look like that, she didn't act like that. In so many ways, she was as much of a man as Ty. She was also all woman, in the soft and curvaceous ways. Feeling the heat of her leg beside mine, and hearing her laugh like I was one of those long-time friends of hers?

Yeah, I had a damned crush on the new girl. Fuck, this was going to be a problem.

Because if I wanted things with Cody to get serious, then I'd have to trust her. I didn't trust anyone, though. My secrets, my life, and my free time were all mine. I sent my checks home to my mama, and my chicks went home alone. And yet, the idea of her riding beside me in my truck, talking bulls and bull riders?

Yeah, I could definitely get into that. Lying in bed naked, I'd hoped that a few hits would put me to sleep, but that girl was waking things up - and she wasn't even here. Still, I knew how to take care of that. Reaching one hand under the covers, I wrapped my fist around my dick and pumped once. No, too dry. So, with a sigh, I tossed back the sheets and headed into the bathroom.

There, with a fistful of cheap lotion, a hand on the edge of the sink, and the other wrapped around my dick, I tried again. My own reflection stared back at me. My tattoos were a motley collection of whatever caught my attention, inked onto my body as a roadmap of my life. Each one hid a scar, but they weren't all the physical kind. Watching them flex as I stroked myself kept my mind occupied for a moment, but it didn't take long before Cody was playing a part in my fantasies.

With Ty.

Because, let's be honest here. Those two looked damned good together. I could easily imagine him sliding in between her legs, pumping her hard enough to make those little tits of hers bounce. She'd throw her head right back, but she wouldn't close her eyes. No, those would be locked on me, hoping I enjoyed the show. Her little ass would be pressed onto the counter, her hands holding Ty's broad back, and she'd ride him as hard as she rode her bulls, his ass flexing with each plunge into her body until...

I choked out a groan, barely getting a tissue in my hand before I made one hell of a mess. Then I had to just stand there. Even in my imagination, that girl could rock my world. Wiping the excess lotion from between my fingers, I tossed my mess in the toilet, flushed, and made my way back to bed, deciding it was the weed that made me stagger, not the girl.

I was so full of shit.

Still, blowing my load and one more hit finally let me close my eyes and just shut down for a few minutes. Outside in the halls, I could hear people moving around, letting me know it wasn't that late yet. I didn't care. I had plans tomorrow, and a couple of ladies to impress. When I finally fell asleep, my dreams were filled with her sweet smile, cattle chutes, and my rookie in the spotlight.

I woke nine hours later to my phone screaming out some sound I couldn't ignore. I smacked at it, hoping to make it shut up. Then I tried swiping. That worked for five whole minutes. When the damned thing wouldn't leave me alone, I finally gave up and opened my eyes. There on my lock screen was a message from Cody.

Cody:We still on for lunch? Because I should be done with the hay by eleven!

Using the back of my hand, I rubbed at my eyes, then tried to type a message back.

J.D.:Yeah we're on. I just woke up, so haven't looked, but is there anywhere else to eat besides that dive?

Then I looked at the time. It was 10:23am, so I wasn't exactly late. Still, my mama had taught me to never keep a date waiting, so I forced myself to get out of bed and turn on the shower. I glanced at my vape pen, wondering if I'd need a hit to keep my knee from killing me, but decided against it. Not if I was going to be driving, and definitely not if I wanted to make a good impression. After all, today was the day I got to meet her father.

Before I made it into the shower, she replied.

Cody:Nope, just the Elbow. Shelby's kid's with her mother for the afternoon. I was thinking about having her drive me up there in about an hour. You wanna meet us?

J.D.:Sure. I can do that. Might even beat you there.

Cody:It's a date!

Right on the tail of that came another.

Cody:No! I didn't mean it like that!

J.D.:Oh, now I got it in writing. Lucky for you, I'm a gentleman.


Damn, but I was grinning at my phone like some teenager. Setting it down may have been the hardest thing I'd ever done, but if I wanted to be close to her, then I needed to smell a whole lot nicer than I did now. Thankfully, the hot water woke my ass up. It also loosened a few of those muscles that weren't so happy about my lifestyle.

Because the truth was that riding bulls hurt. It hurt when we did it, and it hurt for days afterward. So far, I'd had surgery on my knee, had sprained almost every joint I owned, and wore a helmet because the docs on our sports medicine team warned me that I couldn't take another concussion. I had a couple of pins in my neck, one in my arm, and three in my leg. Metal detectors weren't my friend, but coming from an old gangbanger from Nashville, that still amused me.

I eventually climbed out, still dripping. The clean towel went to wipe down the mirror first, then my body. I debated not shaving so it didn't look like I was trying too hard, then changed my mind. I was trying too hard. I wanted to see her do a double take when I walked in. If I could get Shelby drooling too, then I knew I was in. So, I headed back into the main room, grabbed my things, and went back to make sure I could knock this girl's boots off.

And no, I didn't just shave my face. A man had to be prepared, after all. By the time I was done, I needed another dip in the shower to wash the loose hairs away. I'd just pulled on my jeans when my phone dinged again.

Cody:In case I didn't tell you, it's a casual thing tonight.

Damn, but she was asking for it. So, I snapped a picture in the mirror over my hotel dresser and sent it. My belt was through the loops but still hanging open. The top button on my jeans wasn't done up, and I hadn't found a shirt yet.

J.D.:We talking this kind of casual, or should I get a shirt?

It took much too long for her to answer. In those few seconds, I started to think that I'd gone too far. I started to type out that it was supposed to be a joke - which was the truth - but just before I hit send, her reply popped up.

Cody:Who's Maria?

Ah, so she'd been checking out my ink. Well, that was one question I could easily answer.

J.D.:That's my mama.

Cody:And Isabella?

J.D.:Little sister. She's fifteen, and gets a car this fall. Only women whose names are on my skin are the ones who can't leave me. Sorry. No good stories there.

Cody:What about the two moons on your hip?

I quickly opened up the picture I'd sent and checked. Yep, my jeans were open enough for most of that one to be visible. Well, damn. Explaining the meaning of my ink wasn't really something I wanted to discuss over text. Or at all, when it came to that one. So, I decided to weasel my way out of that.

J.D.:You really want a lesson on all my tattoos, or do you want me on the road so I can pay for lunch?


Cody:Just kidding. I'll wait until you're here to ask you about them. Since you were showing them off.

Oh, it wasn't the ink I'd intended for her to look at, but I had a feeling she knew that. I also had a feeling she'd looked, just like I'd wanted. Well, Ty could bitch at me about it later. Right now, that was going to be enough to make the half hour drive to her wanna-be little town that didn't even have its own city name a little easier.

J.D.:I'm leaving. Stop talking to me girl, and purty yourself up, because you got a real man coming to make you look good.

Cody:I do? Where? You bringing someone?

J.D.:You're still distracting me. Texting and driving is bad, you know.

Cody:And you're still in a hotel! Means I have at least half an hour to shave my legs! See you in a few!

That little comment made me grab a shirt that would be just a bit tighter and pick up the ballcap instead of the cowboy hat. Well, if she wanted to show off, then I could too. I might live in my boots and jeans, but that didn't mean that I was quite as country as the rest of these boys. Maybe it was time to broaden Cody's world just a little bit.

The best part, though, was that as I left my room and headed down for my truck, I didn't feel like I was headed to a date. I felt like I was going to meet up with my partner in crime.

Tags: Kitty Cox Romance