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When she lifts and turns to regard me, I can’t hide my need for her. Her brown eyes are soft, but as they drag down the front of my minnasuit where my cock strains, they grow fiery hot. She bites on her bottom lip. It makes me want to take a bite, too.

“Time for bed,” she announces, her voice breathy.

I sniff the air, catching the smallest hint of her female scent.

And like a mort on a hunt, I stalk after my prey.

The only difference is, she doesn’t run or hide.

No, my mate runs right into my arms.

I grab her round rump in both hands as she wraps her legs around my waist. My claws puncture the minnasuit she’s wearing, and she whimpers when the sharp points tease along her bare flesh beneath.

Ignoring the open mouths of Sayer and Jareth, and the flare of envy in Galen’s eyes, I storm off with my mate.

It’s time to make her mine in every sense of the word.



I let him carry me, mindless of the others, until we reach the hall. Then, with a flirty, fiery look over my shoulder, I dart off for his quarters with him close on my heel. He gives chase with a growl that sends shockwaves along my skin.

Tomorrow, we’ll hunt, but tonight, I’m the prey, and he is the predator.

I make it all the way to his door where I’m stymied by the lack of an armband to unlock the door. But it doesn’t matter because he’s there, pinning me against the cool metal, before I have a moment to consider my next move. His towering form blots out any light, and in the shadows cast by his body, it feels like we’re the only two left on this lonely, lost planet.

“Shouldn’t we, I don’t know, get ready for the hunt tomorrow?” My words are as useless as my lungs, which struggle to find air. There’s nothing we can do while it’s dark out, but my mouth moves without conscious decision.

His dark, crazed eyes roam over me hungrily as though he can see through the material of my suit. I itch to have his gaze replaced by his hands. “There’ll be no work tonight, unless you count what I want to do to you as work.” He cocks his head to the side as though amused. If I wasn’t mistaken, he almost looks like he’s…smiling. Draven smiling?

He waves an arm at the sensor by the door, and it glides open, the emptiness beckoning us inside. Draven takes one step forward, our bodies brushing, and I take a step back. He does this again and again until we’re in the solitude of his rooms. Once the doors close, we’re completely alone with only the double moon glow from the other side of the blood-smeared window to illuminate the cave-like space.

“Are you sure we should do…this?” I babble. “I mean, this was only supposed to be something platonic. We were going to be each other’s safe space, you know? If we bump uglies and it goes bad, we’re going to be stuck in this place with each other. If it goes bad, it’ll go really bad.”

Finally, my back reaches the far wall, and there’s nowhere else to go.

“There is no part of you that is ugly, Molly mate. Every part of you is beautiful.” His claws scratch against my minnasuit. “I will investigate further to prove it to you this solar.”

He moves to unzip my suit, and I stop him with a hand. “Whoa there, buckaroo. Even though I don’t think it’s a good idea, if we’re going to do this, we need to take it slow.”

“Take it slow?” he asks. “I can do this.”

I gulp. The closer he gets to me, the faster I want to go. It’s been so long since I’ve let loose that the heat is washing away all my common sense. Keep it together, Molly girl. I open my mouth to explain, but Draven covers it with his.

So much for the rest of my common sense.

This is all so new between us, but already, kissing him feels a little bit like being at home. I’ve never had a place I truly called home, not really, but if I did, it would be in Draven’s arms.

I taste a bit of the madness inside him in the kiss. Tangy and wild. His kiss is unfettered, a temptation. The rabbit leading me down the bottomless whole. I should be cautious. Should try to keep my head on straight to figure out my next move, but then he shifts, the kiss deepens, and I leap without thinking.

Before, he hadn’t known what to do with his mouth, his tongue, but a few short kisses and it’s as though he’s soaked up all the knowledge of seduction the universe has to offer. He parries my defenses with hard, dominating kisses that leave my lips tender and bruised, then soft, drugging kisses where he drags my bottom lip in, sucking it, then nipping it with his teeth and releasing.

Tags: K. Webster The Lost Planet Fantasy