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Swipe. Swipe. Swipe.

Small, needy sounds escape her and I jolt from my stupor.

“I apologize,” I croak out as I regretfully pull my hand from her cunt. “I only wanted to make sure you were clean.”

My cock is swollen and hard in my suit. Lies. I became enraptured in her pink folds and golden hair. I enjoyed touching her.

“It’s okay,” she assures me, her voice shaking. “I liked it.”

I blink at her in confusion. She likes when I cleanse her or… Based on the way her neck turns bright red, nearly the color of the aliens’ blood—which we’ve learned is brighter and less black looking than our own—and how she bites on her bottom lip, I would say she means something else altogether.

She liked it when I touched her.

Memories of nights where sleep wasn’t even an option flood through me. Nights where I would run my fingers along her smooth flesh that was available to me as she lay in the cryotube. The way, even in her sleep, sweet whimpers and glimpses of smiles were gifted to me.

She squirms on the table and it is then I get a scent.

A scent so sweet and decadent, it speaks to every fiber of my being.


Another growl rumbles through me and my eyes sear into hers.

“I need to study these samples,” I croak, my gaze never leaving hers.

“Okay.” Her bottom lip wobbles and tears well in her eyes. The dulled blue transforms into the color of the glassy stones we sometimes mine from the underground caves.


“I…I…” I start but trail off. “Should I continue to, er, cleanse you there? I don’t want to make you sad.”

A tear leaks out and she gives me a small nod. “I, uh, I just…it felt good and I’ve been denied anything good for quite some time.”

I drag the small wet cloth back to her cunt and swipe it between her folds. Her body jolts and her flesh rises with bumps. My chest contracts as I worry that she is reacting badly to the touch.

“Just use…don’t use this,” she whispers as she pulls away the cloth and sends it fluttering to the floor at my feet. Her hand, small and icy, grips my wrist. “This. Use this.”

I rise from my chair and it rolls out from beneath me. My cock is aching in my minnasuit and I’m thrumming with need. She is so fragile and suffering. Who am I to deny her a small pleasure?

Rekk, who am I trying to fool?

I’ll give her any rekking thing she asks for.

Even this.

Aria will be maddened if she finds out.

“Perhaps we should not,” I say, hating the words as they tumble past my lips.

Her frown is my undoing and I find myself heeding to her sweet unspoken demands without further argument. I run my claw along her slit, reveling in the way her body jolts. Intensity burns in her gaze and this is the first time since she was awoken that she looks alive. Truly alive. Using my other hand, I greedily rove my palm across her hip bone and pull aside one of her folds. I’m curious to see what hides inside.

A small bud.

Pink and swollen.

Like that of a lilapetal.

I wonder if it smells sweet, too.

Retracting my thumb claw, I rub along the bud. She arches her back and sputters out a moan mixed with a cough. I panic, but then she urges me on.

“More, Calix.”

Another growl rumbles from me as I give her little bud more attention. Her arousal becomes heady in the air. It is so thick I could bottle it up and inhale it later. I watch her expressions, listen for her sounds, and take note of the way her body moves. Quickly, I learn what makes her feel good.

She climbs and climbs and climbs.

So many times, I have climbed that same steep slope. Alone, in my quarters. My hand wrapped around my thick length. Imagining my own little alien naked and squirming beneath me. I would spill and spill. Over and over again. But I was always alone. There was never a fall, just the lonely climb.

Yet, now?

Together, we climb.

Up, up, up.

The pleasure I felt physically now saturates every part of my insides. Like I’m infected with a disease, but one I would gladly die from.

She reaches her delicate hand my way and I groan when her fingertips graze along my aching cock in my minnasuit. Her movements match the way I touch her. Frantic and desperate.

Climb and climb and climb.

A croaked moan rattles from her and it lures out a groan of my own. Her body silently shudders as my seed spills unapologetically into my minnasuit. There is no room for shame as our eyes greedily seek out the other.

Fall and fall and fall.

Together we fall.

Into something.

We’ll never be alone again.



I can’t breathe, but for once, it doesn’t scare me and send me into a panic that only worsens the symptoms. Instead, I’m calm…happy. He scurries off to a closeted area. I hear some running water and some shuffling before he returns wearing a new skintight suit that accentuates how well-endowed he is.

Tags: K. Webster The Lost Planet Fantasy