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I’m not sure I could put my feelings into words if I tried. His compassion when he listened to my struggles about my talent manager, his willingness to give me time to come to terms with my decision, his sacrifice for his men. I’ve never encountered a better man than him. Sometime between waking up on this lost planet and now, I’ve softened for the big guy. It doesn’t hurt that he’s grown to be a phenomenal kisser in the short time we’ve been “practicing”.

“Would you like me to kiss you elsewhere?” he taunts playfully.

A needy groan escapes me. “Take me to bed, Breccan,” I say against his lips. “I want to do more than kiss. I don’t want to think about anything. I don’t want to worry about either of our fates. I want you to make me forget everything. I just want it to be me and you. Like we met somewhere and hit it off and you took me home. Can it just be me and you and nothing else?”

His clawed hands rake back my hair and then he cups my cheek. “I don’t understand your urgency, mortania, but I will do whatever you need. I’m here to ease all your fears, and I want nothing more than to lie with you.”

He picks me up then, and sprints to the room, his long, powerful legs traveling one step for what would have been three of mine. I hang on for dear life and pray I’m not making a mistake.

Then I decide, to hell with it.

I deserve one night to have him without reservation.

After that, I’ll decide what I’m going to do.

But for now, I plan to lose myself in my mate—because it may be the only chance I get.



Her brown eyes gleam with hunger. More intense and fierce than the look half my morts had when we had to live forty-seven solars straight on Galen’s green-bunches alone. But I don’t think she’s hungry for sustenance.

She’s hungry for me.

I think about the way she bit my throat with her useless teeth. My cock stiffens. Little Aria can attempt to feed on me all she wants as long as she lets me stick my tongue in her sweet mouth. Her kissing is one of my favorite things. I don’t think she realizes she tastes so rekking good. I lose my mind on her taste alone. So much so, that I find myself craving her more than the UVs. I’m completely healed and haven’t been back since.

I’m stronger because of her.

The darkness that lives inside is being chased away by her light.

With each smile and word, she changes me.

Her eyes remain on mine as she begins undressing. Her body is pink and soft. The swells of her breasts seem to speak a language only my cock knows. I let my eyes trail down to her tuft of brown hair. I’m quite fond of the way it tickles my nose when I lick her cunt.

“Take your clothes off,” she demands, her voice fierce. She is a fine mate for a commander.

“At your service, Madam Commander.”

She laughs. And, rekk, I was trying to be humorous this time. Our moments together are becoming easier and I think we are learning a lot about each other. I’m certainly learning how to make her smile more. I count them and store them away in my mind to get me through dark thoughts. Horrible memories of my past or a future without her in it. Sometimes the blackness eats at my mind. She chases it away though.

I peel away my minnasuit and am undressed within seconds. I abandon my boots and suit to prowl her way. My cock bobs, eager to have her, but I’ve grown wise to Aria’s ways. Stopping before our chests touch, I look down at her and stroke my claws through her silky hair.

She runs her fingertips down my chest and my cock jumps, tapping her soft body. Her eyes narrow as she slides her hand between us and grips it. “He’s happy to see me,” she purrs.

“You speak of him as if he has his own mind,” I growl. “I’m happy to see you.”

Her smile is my undoing. She gently strokes my shaft. “I’m happy to see you too. All of you.” She bites on her bottom lip that I want to bite too. “I missed being with you.” She turns and points at the bed. “Lie down, lover boy.”

Amused by her bossy behavior, I obey my mate and stretch out on the bed, my cock pointing straight up. She walks over to me, her breasts bouncing with her movement. When she’s filled with my child, her breasts will swell with sustenance for our mortling. That’s something I do remember from my past.

“We are to mate like this?” I ask with a raised brow.

Tags: K. Webster The Lost Planet Fantasy