Page 15 of Dark Origins

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He pauses and then. “It is nothingness.”

“What does that mean?”

“It is simply nothing. You exist, and yet you do not; it is an entrapment of sorts. In the future, people will talk about how gods live in the Abyss, how the Titans have been trapped there for centuries when it is merely my brothers sleeping, they will wake up one day as if a minute has passed.”

“Will they suffer?” I ask.

He closes his eyes. “When they wake—they will be judged.”

“And you?” Tears form and start to trail down my cheeks.

“My punishment was already given.” He grits his teeth. “A lifetime where I cannot be with the one I love more than seventy-seven days, where I will constantly pray my son does not go dark—where I will know the love that I have for you and for him but never experience it the human way I dreamt of. It was wrong, however, to hope for so much when you know the outcome of your choices.”

“Would you still make it?” I ask.

He smiles down at me. “I wish I were strong enough to say no.”

“Then don’t.”

“I love you,” he says. “I love you very much, Nephal.”

“And I you.” I cling to him. “Is this where we will stay then?”

“No, we must be more isolated, where no harm will come to Cassius, we must continue to walk, and if we cannot walk”—he picks me up in his other arm as his wings spread out–“we fly.”



He’s beautiful, finally sleeping in the small crib I’ve made him, and so is she, laying there watching me like she wants me again when I know I shouldn’t.

Seventy-seven days to do whatever I want.

And I know exactly what I want to do.

So while Cassius sleeps—I love his mother. I slowly pull her clothes from her body, and I kiss up and down her legs then between them. I suck on her neck, wanting to almost bite into it with my teeth. My mouth finds hers again as I thrust into her, knowing that nothing will come this time as I hold my seed back, seed I had no idea had any power to impregnate a human.

She bucks beneath me. “I need you, Sariel.”

“I’m here.” My thrusts become more urgent as her mouth demands more and more of my tongue.

Sweat drips down my back as I allow her to flip me over. I massage her breasts as she rides me. It is so beautiful watching her find her own pleasure that I can’t hold back the scream of pleasure erupting from my throat as I feel her release. I soon follow, quickly pulling her off me before I spill into her the exact seed that put us in this situation.

And so our nights continue.

With more kisses.

More talking.

Taking turns with Cassius even though since he’s half-angel, he’s one of the best-behaved babies I’ve ever seen—possibly it’s because he’s mine that I think that or ours, but still, it’s true.

He’s beautiful.

From his inky messy hair to the way he coos at us or even cries.

The days go by faster and faster.

I cling to Nephal on the last day as we rest Cassius between us. She’s wrapped in a fur; I kiss our child’s forehead and watch the fur drop from her naked body as she walks him over to the crib and lays him down for bed.

Soon this will be over.

Soon I will visit her as much as I can without making everyone angry, but I know it will be a while.

My heart burns in my chest.

I want to cry out.

Instead, my little immortal human stronger than any angel I’ve seen, walks toward me, straddles my body then brings her mouth to mine in the sweetest kiss I’ve ever felt. “We will live.”


“—You’ll come back for him, and you’ll take care of me. I am immortal now, after all.” She smiles, her blue eyes glistening.

“I will take care of you both for an eternity and more, my little downfall.”

“And what a wonderful result of that downfall, don’t you think?” She looks over at the crib as a tear slides from her cheek onto my chest. “I wouldn’t want it any other way because I get my life with you, my Sariel, my guardian angel.”

“Always,” I swear. “Always, I will protect you.”

“I know.” Her smile is sweet, her words soft. “Now show me with your body before you leave me, so I can remember what it feels like to be yours.”

I flip her over on her back and cling to her so desperately my hands hurt, and I suddenly hear the stars again as they sing down on us, as they shine. I hear them sing the song of heavens, a song of promise.

They’re singing it for me.

For a fallen one given a second chance, an archangel who should have black wings but instead was able to keep what he was given, plus a partner and a son.

Tags: Rachel Van Dyken Paranormal