Page 10 of Dark Origins

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My fingers twitch.

She walks out of her tent and pauses, the smile on her face is bright, and then it falters as she looks to her left. Her eyes feel like they’re burning through mine.

I want her desperately.

I don’t even understand this feeling inside me as I look down at her. I can hear warnings around me as my brothers read my thoughts and body language.

For the first time in my life, I truly look away from the mountain—all I see is her, my Nephal.

So I walk.

It takes next to no time to make it down the mountain, along with the protests of my brothers. I ignore those voices most dear to me and follow my heart until I stop right in front of her.

Gasps and whispers are heard around us.

I toss off my helmet, and I pull her into my arms, then whisper against her lips, “You will be mine.”

“Yes.” Tears fall from her eyes. “Even if we are punished.”

“Even then,” I say back. “To have your heart, I will take all the punishment in the world.”

She kisses me hard. How I missed her taste. My fingers go to her silky hair and enjoy the feeling of it against my skin, and my heart finally feels whole, possibly for the first time in my entire existence. I only pray that if the creators are looking down, they understand why I came down from the mountain.

I was captured, heart, body, and soul.

I had no choice but to follow what I was given the minute I was created—not just my mind but the heart that beats for this woman over and over again.

I don’t think, I simply carry her into her tent despite the people watching us, despite my brothers looking on with anger—I can hear their thoughts, that we will doom them, that we will be cast out.

And yet I don’t stop pulling off my armor after I set her down by the furs. I peel it off for the first time since first putting it on. It lands with a thunk and gleams from the floor as I stand before her in nothing but a black tunic and matching trousers.

Her eyes widen as I continue to undress. Does she know what’s about to happen can’t ever be undone? That I’ll love her forever and even more past that?

I hesitate only to have her reach for my clothing, my shirt first, as it comes over my head. With my help bending over, she gets it off and gasps; a warm hand touches my smooth skin.

And I thought all this time I was missing Heaven.

Heaven was right in front of me all along, wasn’t it?

My heart beats so hard it nearly hurts my chest. I reach for her shoulder, where her dress connects across her body, and give it a tug. It falls to a pool at her feet.

She doesn’t cover herself up, merely looks at me with pride.

As she should.

She’s the Crown of Creation—not this planet—this woman.

I want to worship her with every part of myself over and over again until she screams my name from her lips and then again for more screams, more worship, more everything.

Her breasts are heavy, I’ve never looked upon a human woman this way, and now I understand at least partially why the creators have been so protective of this certain race, this planet.

They are perfection.

They are special.

Her body is beautiful, unique. Her curves fit into the palms of my hands as I reach for them and simply hold her in front of me while her own hands move to my trousers. Our eyes lock.

And I’m again reminded that there will be no coming back from this.

I exhale as she unties them and pulls them down.

I have never felt so aroused in my existence, have never slept with a woman, or any sort of being, and yet my body knows exactly what it’s supposed to do.

I’m rock hard, aching, dripping for her.

I’m almost afraid to breathe or move for fear of spilling myself on Nephal when I want this experience to be everything it should be—a mating of two souls into one.

She takes me in her hand.

I let out a moan I know my brothers hear and feel.

I can sense their ecstasy and immediately try to shut down our connection—this moment is for me and her—not them.

Every part of me is big, but she seems to take it in stride as she feels me and then stands up on her tiptoes and beckons me to follow her down.


And down we fall—onto her furs. I flip her over onto her back, careful to keep my weight off her, as I kiss down her chest, suck her nipples and massage her body. When she arches from my touch, I continue my ministrations, exploring her. I may have never been with a woman, but I have seen everything there is to see on how to please one. I have looked. I have wanted. I have sinned. And yet, I have not. I stay in this moment and finally understand what true beauty is. What love is. Why this creation is special. And I want all of it.

Tags: Rachel Van Dyken Paranormal