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“Harder,” Demitri orders.

I shake my head. “I’ll hurt you.”

“That’s the point, Isabella.” His eyes are hard on me. “Show me what you can do.”

We’ve been sparring for the last hour, and it just doesn’t feel right attacking Demitri. After all, we’re on the same side.

He lets out a breath, then says, “If you manage to hurt me, it’s my own fault for not blocking you. Give me your all.”

“I need to know you can hold your own against Demitri, or I won’t risk taking you with me,” Alexei suddenly says.

I glance over my shoulder as he walks toward us. Crossing his arms, he stops on the side of the sparring mat, raising an eyebrow at me as if he’s daring me.

“Okay,” I mutter. Another thing that’s frustrating is that I can’t remember the training I received. I have no idea what I can and cannot do.

Suddenly Dimitri lunges at me, and twisting his body into the air, his leg darts out. Automatically, I dart forward, and grabbing hold of his leg, I pull my body up and manage to wrap my legs around his neck. I twist myself and flip him, and then we both crash to the floor, Demitri’s full weight knocking the air from my lungs.

“Fuck yes!” Alexei shouts. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

Demitri rolls off me, letting out a chuckle. “Good move.”

I let out a groan as I peel myself off the mat. “You weigh a ton.”

“Again,” Alexei orders.

Glaring at him, I say, “It’s easy to stand there and give orders.”

He tilts his head and then begins to remove his coat. “Okay. You and me.”

I let out a burst of laughter. “Actually, I meant you should go find something else to do.”

Alexei shakes his head as he removes his boots, and then he steps onto the mat. “Come on, babe. Dance with me.”

“Rules first,” I say as I keep my eyes on him. “Not the face.”

“And not between the legs,” he adds.


I dart forward and take a swing at Alexei. He blocks the blow, and then his fist connects with my right shoulder. Knowing he didn’t use his full strength, it still stings.

Jumping back, Alexei shakes his head at me. “Come on, little princess. You can do better than that.”

I run, and jumping at the last minute, I grab hold of Alexei’s shoulder, but as I swing myself into the air, he turns around and grabbing hold of my arm, he yanks me down, causing me to fall to the mat.

Rolling over, I push myself into a kneeling position, and then I use the back of my hand to wipe the sweat from my forehead.

Alexei crouches in front of me with a bottle of water. “Take a break. Demitri and I will spar. Watch us and memorize the movements.”

I take the bottle from him and nod, not feeling half as badass as he’s made me sound. Climbing to my feet, I walk to the side of the mat.

Demitri and Alexei face-off, and then Alexei smirks at his custodian. “It’s been a while.”

Demitri smiles. “Take it easy on me.” And then he attacks.

The bottle of water is forgotten in my hands as my eyes move to keep up with the two men. Neither’s getting a blow in. It seriously looks like they’re completely in sync with each other. I focus on their actions, and they feel familiar.

God, the fight will keep going until one of them grows tired. Only then will the other be able to get past the blocks.

They’re equally good.

Suddenly, Alexei manages to wrap his arm around Demitri’s neck, and twisting his body, he slams Demitri down on the mat.

Speed. Alexei’s faster.

The two men chuckle as they climb to their feet, and then Alexei asks, “What makes you stronger than your opponent?”


“Good girl,” he says with a wink.

I toss the bottle of water at him. “Get off the mat so I can train with Demitri.”

Alexei catches the bottle then gives me a fake hurt look. “Why not train with me?”

“You’re faster. I’d like to actually train instead of being on the defense all the time.” Then I smile at Demitri. “Demitri’s also more patient than you.”

“I’ll leave the two of you to train then,” Alexei chuckles as he walks to where his coat and boots are.

I wasn’t lying, Demitri’s much more patient than Alexei. Plus, he’s a good trainer, and his energy is calm.

We practice for another hour, and with Demitri’s guidance, I start to move faster, feeling more confident with every move.

When we take a breather, Demitri smiles at me. “You’ll get there, Isabella. You did well for your first day.”

“Thanks,” I say breathlessly.

“Same time tomorrow.”

I nod at him. “Okay.”

When Demitri begins to walk away, I say, “Thank you.” He stops, and when our eyes meet, I add, “For training me. I really appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. Take a warm bath to relax your muscles.”

As he walks away, I stare after him before turning my attention to Alexei, who’s been silently watching us.

“I like my instructor,” I tease Alexei.

Instead of getting jealous, he gives me a pleased smile. “I’m glad to hear that. Demitri’s very important to me.”

“You’re the best assassin and clearly trained in fighting. Why did you get a custodian?”

Alexei glances to the doorway where Demitri disappeared through. “I needed someone I could trust one hundred percent.”

Frowning, I say. “But you have Carson.”

Alexei shakes his head. “Even brothers can turn on each other. A custodian is loyal until death.”

Nodding, I walk closer to Alexei. “Well, I’m glad you have Demitri.” I smile up at him. “And me.”

He just stares at me for a moment. “Do I?”

The smile fades from my face. “Of course.”

Alexei holds the bottle of water out to me. “Drink before you dehydrate.”

I take it from him and swallow a couple of sips while a weird feeling slithers through my heart.

Alexei doesn’t trust me.

Tags: Michelle Heard Romance