Page 42 of Season of Seduction

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Jeffe can be found online at her website,, and every Sunday at the popular Word Whores blog.

Naughty Nicks

By Christine d’Abo

Kim has been the coordinator at Naughty Nicks, home of the sexiest Santa strippers, every Christmas for three years—and for just as long, she’s lusted after her boss. She enjoys their flirty banter and heated looks, but she’s getting tired of Blake being nice when she’s feeling naughty. This year, there’s only one kind of Christmas bonus she wants.

With each passing holiday season, Blake’s attraction to Kim has grown. But after a bitter divorce, he’s not sure he’s ready to jump into a new relationship, especially with an employee. One passionate kiss under the mistletoe and he realizes he’s had enough of looking and not touching. Fortunately, he knows the perfect way to seduce Kim—a private striptease to prove she’s the only elf for his Naughty Nick.

31,000 words


To Mark.

I’m so proud of you for all you’ve accomplished

this year. I love you. Keep being awesome.



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight


About the Author


Blake sat at the bar, a warm beer in his hands, listening to “White Christmas” blaring from the speakers overhead. He’d been in this exact spot every night since Megs had walked out of their house a week ago. The thought of being home alone, surrounded by Christmas decorations, held absolutely no appeal to him. If he was the dramatic type, he’d have thought Megs had put everything up before telling him she’d been cheating and was going to leave him, just to ruin Christmas forever.

Actually, he had no doubt that was exactly what she’d intended.

The bitch.

The bartender kept checking on him, refilling his mug of draft when necessary and trying to engage him in conversation. Blake barely managed a few grunts in response. He didn’t have a civil bone in him these days and no doubt was giving off enough angsty vibes to scare off most sane people. What the hell was he going to do? Megs had dumped his ass for a man five years younger. While he wasn’t old by any stretch of the imagination, the thought of starting over again was far from pleasant. Christ, he’d been with her since first year of university. He’d never really done the whole dating scene, didn’t need to because he’d been blessed to have found the love of his life before going out on the prowl.

“The bitch.” He abandoned his beer and pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes, trying to keep the tears at bay.

Get a fucking grip, man.

Peals of laughter exploded from a group of women that had fallen into the booth directly behind him an hour earlier. That should be him right now, out with friends enjoying the holidays and getting ready to spend a week doing wonderfully nasty things to his wife. Instead, his life consisted of running his property management company and coming here.

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic