Page 40 of Season of Seduction

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“You told me people don’t change. Not fundamentally.”

He shrugged, dragging his hands out of his pocket to hold them up in a mea culpa gesture. “I was an ass. Shall I apologize again?”

“No.” She had to drag in a breath, because he’d stepped closer and slid his hot hands inside her jacket to settle on her hips.

“Maybe you could find a place for me in your life, Tilda. A small corner.”

She laughed, an emotional edge to it. Not sure who to be with him now. She’d wanted him to see her for herself. Now she was so nervous of what he’d see. Ironic.

“Somehow,” she said, “I can’t quite see you occupying only a small corner of anything. You have a way of taking over everything.”

He cocked his head, studying her face, his fingers stroking her waist. “Does that bother you? Roo never seemed to mind.”

“Roo had a lot less to lose.”

“Is that why you did it?” His hands rose, caressing her ribs through her silk blouse.

“At first, sure.”

“And then?”

“And then I liked it.”

His gaze darkened, the wolf glinting in his eyes. He cupped her breasts and she nearly moaned. Her mind swirled with the same sense of dislocation as this morning, as if part of her was still naked in the sun, playing with her lover.

“I liked it, too,” he murmured, brushing her cheek with a kiss. “I want more. Much more.”

She melted against him, lifting her chin so he could trail a line of kisses down her throat, while his thumbs brushed her taut nipples. Outside the windows, the city lights sparkled through the snowfall.

She wrapped her fingers around his wrists, moving his hands away from her breasts. He let her, his face clouding with disappointment. “Is that a no?”

“Do you live in Philadelphia? I don’t even know that much.”

“I have a place here in the city. I have to travel some, but I can arrange quite a bit so I can be here most of the time.”

“I can’t do like we did in Cozumel—the 24/7 games. I’ve given up a lot to build what I have. It takes a lot of time and attention.”

He turned his hands to lace his fingers with hers. “I understand that. I think we are much the same that way. Our jobs are important. We work hard. Which means that we, you and I both, need to blow off tension, too.” Slowly, as if testing her, he moved her wrists behind her back, eyes falling to her cleavage as it strained against the blouse buttons. Her blood surged, demanding another hit of this particular drug.

Of him.

She didn’t resist, and he held her wrists there in one hand, the other coming around to undo her top button.

“I don’t want to do the other thing either,” she blurted.

He raised an eyebrow at her and undid another button. “Which thing is that?” he asked mildly.

“The whole relationship negotiating thing. Boring dinner dates and fighting over which movie to see.”

“So—” he traced a finger along the upper curve of her breast and she knew he felt her shivering response, “—sex only?”

“No!” She said it too forcefully and he smiled, wryly amused, and freed her nipple to kiss it with exquisite gentleness. She squirmed in his grip, wildly titillated.

“What do you want?” He held her naked breast in his hand and searched her face, intensely listening. “Let me try to be that.”

How to answer that? “I want it all,” she confessed, in a trembling whisper.

Miguel didn’t laugh. Instead he considered it, unbuttoning the remainder of her blouse. “You and I are both clever and ambitious people. I don’t see why we shouldn’t have exactly what we want.”

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic