Page 16 of Season of Seduction

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“And ravishing.” He kissed her again. “Bathroom is through there. Take your time. I’m having breakfast outside. We’re alone, so you don’t need to wear anything.”

“You’re wearing something.”

“Yes, but you look prettier naked than I do.”

“I could argue with that.”

“Never argue with a lawyer.” He flashed her a charming smile and left her to her privacy.

In truth, she had little choice. Her bikini was missing and there was no robe to put on. Not even the top to those pajamas Miguel had been wearing, which defied logic. So, freshly showered and sunscreened, she walked barefoot and bare naked out to the rooftop deck.

At least she would get an all-over tan.

Four calling birds, today. She r

eally wondered what that would be. Miguel put down his paper when she sat down and passed her a plate of chocolate croissants. “Where’s my bikini?” she asked.

“Getting cleaned. I thought you wouldn’t need it today.”

She raised her eyebrows. “But I can’t go without my turtledoves.”

He gave her a speculative look. “Day four shall be different. We’ll forgo the gifts of the first three days and concentrate on something else.”

The chocolate croissant was sheer bliss, buttery, flaky, piercing sweet chocolate. “Like what?”

“Unless you are bored, I thought we’d stay here today. Swim, sun, eat, make love. I want to saturate myself with your company.”

“Sounds marvelous. But what about the four calling birds?”

“We’ll do that, too.”

“Do I get to know?”

“Yes.” He leaned forward, laced his fingers together and propped his chin on them. “You came four times last night—without my permission.”

She nearly choked on the croissant. “You made me!”

He smiled, tremendously pleased. “This is true. But I also told you not to. It’s gratifying that my powers of persuasion convinced you otherwise, especially when you knew what the punishment would be.”

The vinyl seat grew slick under her naked bottom. “You’re not really going to...spank me? Are you?”

“Yes. Four times, to be exact. Evenly spaced throughout the day. Don’t look so stricken. You’ll enjoy it far more than you think.”

“When will they happen?”

“After breakfast—so, soon. Then after lunch. Again late afternoon—maybe for sunset. Then before bed.”

“Oh.” She picked at her croissant, both anxious and so aroused already she almost couldn’t sit still. Could she really go through with this? Yes, because she had to. She’d signed up.

“You can back out of this, Roo.” He told her softly. “Don’t agree to something you don’t truly want to experience.”

She held up a hand to stop him. “No—don’t give me an out. I want you to make me do this. To do all these things I wouldn’t dare do on my own.”

He wrapped his fingers around hers, eyes bright with excitement. “It’s like you were made for me. But if we do this, you need a safe word.”

“I don’t want—”

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic