Page 153 of Season of Seduction

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“You okay, kitten?”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“So don’t say anything. Not now, anyway. How about we go get the rest of our stuff from the car, and go from there?”

She nodded and pushed away from the railing, stopping in front of him. She hesitated briefly but leaned forward and placed a butterfly kiss against his injured cheek. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. You just startled me.”

They grabbed the rest of the things from the trunk, including one bag he made sure he carried himself. He didn’t want her opening it or stressing out about it, but he’d brought a small bag of toys with him, things he’d love to use on her if the situation arose. He wasn’t planning on it, exactly, but he wanted to be prepared.

When they had everything in the cabin and had the food stowed away, he turned to her. “So, what would you like to do first?”

* * *

You. I’d like to do you first. The erotic thought flashed through her brain even though, not ten minutes ago, she’d flinched as if he was going to backhand her. It wasn’t him, though. She had no fear of Jeremy at all, and her reaction had come out of nowhere. Damn Sam and what he’d turned her into. Enough. She was taking her life back, and she was doing it now. “How about a walk before it gets too dark? It was a long drive. Maybe we could stretch our legs.”

He looped his camera around his neck. “Sounds perfect.”

“Wait, before we go. I made something for you.” She’d worked on it, not knowing if she’d ever give it to him, but now she was glad she had. “A Christmas gift. I forgot to give it to you yesterday.”

“Aw, hell, kitten. I don’t have anything for you.”

Was he kidding? “You brought me here with you. That’s all the gift I need. Besides,” she said dryly, “Christmas isn’t my holiday.”

He tweaked her nose. “Okay, elf-girl. If you say so.”

She reached into the bag she’d brought with her then handed him a small, wrapped bundle.


He opened it, grinning. “Love it, kitten. Thank you.” He took the knitted scarf out of the box and looped it over his shoulders. It was blue and green, the exact colors his eyes turned. And they turned greener, now. “We could have fun with this.”

They left the cabin and he locked the door behind them. He reached for her hand and she took it, happy to have this small connection with him. They followed a path that led down past the row of connected cabins they’d driven by earlier, walking hand in hand with Jeremy stroking her skin with his thumb. The touch was both mesmerizing and enticing at the same time. When they stopped to look through a break in the trees, he flipped his new scarf over her head and around her shoulders and tugged her close, kissing her breathless.

He broke the kiss and swept a loose piece of hair behind her ear. “Hi there.”

She wondered if she looked as dazed as she felt. “Hi.”

He grinned. “So what do you think of Shenandoah so far?”

“It’s gorgeous. I don’t think I’ve ever been anywhere this quiet.”

“It really is. I think it’s the lack of leaves or something. Plus, not too many people here this time of year. Maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll get to see some wildlife.” Right as he finished his words, a herd of deer darted out of the woods and ran across the trail about fifty feet in front of them.

She grinned even as she jumped at the unexpected show. “Ask and ye shall receive?”

He laughed, but his face turned serious and intense. “Ah, kitten. If only that were true in all things, I’d ask for a whole fucking lot more than that.”

Without consciously thinking about it, she moved directly in front of him, placing her hand against his chest, looking up at his handsome face. “Give it a try.”

His eyes went hot like molten lava. “You’re playing with fire, babe. You may not be willing to give me all I want.”

Willing? Yes. Able? Maybe. “You’ll never force me anywhere I don’t want to go. You’ve told me that more than once, and you’ve told me all I have to do is say red to make things stop. I’m telling you I believe you.” His eyes flashed with satisfaction, and she continued. “I want you to show me what you mean when you say things like in my world. I want to know what it’s like for a woman who surrenders to you.”

“Fuck, Rebeccah. You’re killing me, I swear,” he said, his voice deeper than usual.

“I can’t promise I won’t react like I did earlier, but it’s not about you.”

“I know.” He squeezed her hand. “If it happens, we’ll work through it, together.”

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic