Page 145 of Season of Seduction

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“Not unless you use your safe word,” he promised. And even then, it would be close. He’d do it, but it would probably kill him. With his free hand, he caressed her cheek as he drove back into her mouth, going deeper this time. “So damn sweet.”

She watched him with innocence and trust and a desire for him and him alone. Best fucking gift, ever.

Firelight flickered over her face and reflected in her eyes. She started making small noises in the back of her throat and the vibration of it drew him closer and closer to the point of no return.

The next time he stroked into her mouth, he went deeper than he had before. It felt like heaven, but Becca’s eyes flared slightly. “Too much?”

She held up the hand holding the belt and squeezed it tighter.

“You like the feel of my cock in there, don’t you? Pushing you somewhere you’ve never been. And you know it’s not all in there. I bet you’re wondering how much more you can take. Curious little kitten, aren’t you?”

Her face went soft and she wrapped her tongue around his dick, sucking as he withdrew part way.

He groaned and laughed at the same time. “You are trouble, sweetheart. Take a deep breath.”

She did, and he stroked in, a longer one this time. The moment he felt the head of his cock tap against the back of her throat, he pulled back out. “Again?”

She squeezed the belt and h

is hip at the same time.

Jesus, she was something else. He tightened his grip on her hair and pumped his hips once, twice, three times, four, going deeper each time, and she took everything he gave her. She only gagged once, her eyes going wide, but she never dropped the belt. “Next time, when you feel me close, swallow.”

Her throat closed over the head of his cock and he shuddered, gritting his teeth against the need to come. Her first time or not, her action nearly brought him to his knees. He set his palm against her neck and stroked in again, feeling it expand as he pushed deeply into the warm cavern of her mouth and throat. Her eyes were bright, her lips swollen and glossy red. Fucking beautiful.

She gagged again, her eyes tearing, and he pulled out. He hadn’t planned on this tonight, not this soon, but she was willing and needy and he’d wanted her for so long. Still wanted her, underneath him naked and writhing as he teased and tormented her, but this would take the edge off, if she could handle it.

“Do we need to stop?” He hoped she’d say no but feared she’d say yes. He waited, breath caught in his chest.

Chapter Five

“Please,” Becca begged, digging her fingernails into his hip. Please please please. He swiped a thumb across her jaw, catching the tear she’d felt trickle from the corner of her eye when she gagged. How could she explain to him that she liked that feeling when she couldn’t figure out why she did, herself. All she knew was that she was wet and swollen at her core, and her nipples ached to be touched. Desperate frustration made her open her mouth and she tried to move forward, but Jeremy was still holding her steady by her hair and her throat. A raw, pleading noise escaped.

His hips flexed and he plunged into her mouth again. “Christ, babe, you’re killing me. I don’t have much more control left in me, so if you don’t want me to come in your mouth, we have to stop now.”

No. She moaned her denial, obvious even though it was unintelligible.

He locked gazes with her as he drove into her mouth, over and over again, short strokes now. Under her hands, she felt his muscles tense, and he pulled out of her mouth.

“Open wide, kitten, and take it all,” he muttered, stroking himself harder and faster.

God, yes. I want it.

She did what he said and he groaned, his release spilling out onto her tongue in long spurts. The taste was unique, salty but not unpleasant, like nothing she’d ever tasted before. She swallowed, then darted her tongue out to lap up the small drops that kept coming from the tip.

His voice came out deep, ragged, thoroughly satisfied. “That’s right. Lick me clean.”

She hummed as she did exactly that. There was something so satisfying in knowing she’d brought him—this tough yet gentle man—to this point where he was trembling, shaking with the force of his orgasm. She’d done this to him, and it didn’t feel the slightest bit dirty. It made her feel sexy and wanted and...

He rubbed his knuckles across her face, blocking her from touching him again. “That’s enough, babe. Things get a little...sensitive after.”

She sat back with a happy sigh and he reached down, covering her fist with his hand.

Huh. She’d forgotten she still held the belt and, when she opened her fingers, there were marks where the leather had dug into her skin.

He took her hand and kissed the ridges it had made. “Thank you, kitten.”

For a second, she floundered. What was the right response for that? “I, uh...sure.”

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic