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“Ahhh.” My knees tremble.

His thumb strokes my clit, and he adds another finger and then a third. I whimper, biting my lip to stop the moans. In the quiet, I hear the sounds of my wetness as he strokes and rubs and his fingers possess me. He bends to bite my breast, the pleasure-pain sharp even through my clothes, and I burst. I wail, and it echoes in the laundromat, blending with the swish and tumble of clothes in the machines. My backbone melts. The only thing keeping me upright is his hand between my legs.

“God, yes, Banner,” he says. “Touch me.”

“Touch you where?” I’m slurring like a drunk woman, intoxicated by his fingers and his mouth and his heart racing for me.

“Where do you think?” He laughs, his eyes lit with humor and passion. He drags my hand to his dick. I squeeze without thinking, and he drops his head so our temples kiss. He’s long and thick and hard in my hand through the denim. He spears his fingers into my hair.

“Pull on it,” he gasps. “Stroke me. Roll my balls.”

“Um . . . are you always this bossy?”

He angles his head until our glances collide and lock.

“Fuck me and find out.”

I couldn’t say no with a gun to my head, I want it so much, but for a moment I freeze. Wanting something badly, secretly, for so long that suddenly drops into your lap is disconcerting.

“Banner, don’t . . .” He squeezes his eyes shut, and his fingers twist tighter in my hair. “Stop thinking and just say yes.”

He’s right. Indulge.


My whispered consent drifts between us like a feather, but Jared doesn’t wait for it to hit the floor before he pounces, capturing my mouth and touching me everywhere.

He kicks the door closed, blocking out the spin cycle of my last load for the night. I’m in a cloud, a daze, my body barely solvent as he walks me backward, one hand on my hip, guiding me, the other at my neck, holding me steady while he ravages my mouth. The backs of my knees hit the couch, and I fall onto the lumpy cushions. How many nights have we studied here? Talked here? Laughed? And I never knew this was brewing inside of him. I never suspected he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

He stares down at me and raises his arms, pulls the hoodie over his head. The T-shirt beneath strains across his chest. He tugs again and the T-shirt is gone.

Ave Maria and good God in heaven.

I’ve never seen a chest and abs and arms like this in real life, this close, in the flesh, not on a screen. Sculpted and carved and chiseled and all the words that call to mind cut and molded into a work of art. Unselfconscious, comfortable in his flawless skin, Jared slides his jeans down over lean hips and muscular legs. My eyes scroll over every inch of him. I’m covetous and awed.

“Wow.” I don’t mean to say it aloud.

He pauses, hand at his briefs, and cocks a brow. “Did you say wow?”

I forgot about this part. The brain-numbing pleasure dimmed my rational thought. I didn’t consider that sex typically happens, for the most part, naked. And though Jared Foster is a work of art, I am not.

Everything jiggled when I fucked her.

Like tiny stilettos, Byron’s words boomerang from the past, leaving a million tears in my self-esteem as they pass through. That passion, that deep desire in Jared’s eyes, will it die? Will it disappear when he sees me? My jiggly parts? My un-sculpted body? I’ve had it less than an hour, that look in his eyes, the anticipation of wanting me. No way I can keep it, sustain it if he sees me. I just want to hold on to it a bit longer.

“Let’s turn out the lights.”



“Let’s turn out the lights.”

Her whispered request deflates the moment. I’m so close to having Banner Morales for the first time, and she thinks we’ll turn out the lights? No way we’re fucking in the dark.

“Hell no.”

Disappointment scurries across her pretty face at

Tags: Kennedy Ryan Hoops Romance