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“I’m sorry, I—”

But I wasn’t done yet. I wanted her to truly understand, to know it had always been about the money, only the money. “We were so broke I wasn’t sure where we’d be living from one month to the next because we were evicted so often for being constantly behind on rent.”

She looked pained to hear this. “Please, you don’t have to convince me—”

“We were so broke,” I went on forcefully, “I remember feeling guilty for buying rice, and cereal and milk for a week’s worth of groceries.”

“Dear God.” Reese hugged me hard. “I had no idea.”

I stroked her hair. “After that, I could never make enough or save back enough to feel completely secure. I think I’ll always carry around an innate fear of being that poor again.” I met her gaze. “That’s also why we never moved after I started…you know, after what I became. Even though she owned our place, it’s the most permanent home Sarah and I have ever known.”

Reese’s shoulders sank. “And here I am, forcing you guys to move again.”

I covered her hand with mine. “Trust me. This move will be okay. It’s entirely different now. When you don’t have to move out of necessity and you’re moving because you just want to, it’s actually kind of exciting. I am honestly so ready to get away from that witch, I swear I’m vibrating with impatience.”

Reese made a big show of touching my arm before she nodded. “Yep. I think I do feel a subtle tremor in there.”

I winked. “Well, that’s just because you touched me.”

Reese smiled and kissed my cheek, sliding her hand up and down my arm hypnotically. “Have you thought about how we’re going to convince your mom to move halfway across the country with Sarah?”

I shrugged. “If we do all the muscle work of finding her a job and a place to stay before we even present the idea to her, I think she’ll be fine. I honestly believe she’s as miserable here as I was before you arrived. Nothing’s tying her to Waterford. If we offer her a new life with a neat little bow tied on top, I think she’ll jump at the opportunity.”

Reese nodded. “And, hey, last time I talked to my mom, she was actually complaining about needing some reliable people to work for her. I didn’t even bring it up, so I bet we’ll get lucky there. We just have to find her an apartment, and—oh! Wait…” She looked up, her eyes extra blue in this light. “Does you mom prefer renting a full house, or would an apartment be okay too?”

My lips twitched in amusement. “After the shitholes we’ve lived in, she’d be happy with four standing walls, electricity, and water.”

Reese pointed her pen at me. “Heat and air too,” she said. “Remember, you’ve moving to Illinois.”

“Holy shit,” I murmured, faking shock. “I’m going to have to buy, like, a coat or something, aren’t I?”

Reese snorted. “God, you’re so cute. You’re going to have to get an entire winter wardrobe, Florida boy. Not just a coat. Probably some gloves, scarves, boots, and stocking caps. Ooh, I bet you’ll look really hot in lumberjack-type boots.”

“Jesus,” I sighed, thinking about the headache buying a new wardrobe for not just me but Sarah and Mom too was going to be. “Clothes,” I said as I typed that onto my list I was creating in a word document.

“And maybe some chains for your Jeep’s tires,” Reese added helpfully. “For when it snows fifteen inches at a time.”

I glanced up. “Snow?” Knitting my brow, I asked, “That’s the cold, white, wet stuff, right?”

Reese rolled her eyes. “Go ahead. Be funny. You think I’m joking about the culture shock you’re going to experience

, but don’t say I didn’t warn you when you’re freezing your balls off come December.”

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I burrowed my face into her neck. “I was kind of hoping I’d have you around to keep those warm.”

“Always,” she murmured, cupping my cheeks in her hands. Then she blew out a breath and shook her head. “I still can’t believe we’re actually doing this. I’m going home, and you’re coming with me! It’s just… It’s so crazy awesome.”

I nuzzled my nose into the hair at her temple. “Having second thoughts yet?”

She shook her head. “No way. It just feels too good to be true.”

“Every moment with you feels that way for me, so this isn’t much different.”

Sighing out her pleasure, she kissed my cheek and hummed when she must’ve felt some hardness growing under her ass. Then she ground against my erection and gently bit my earlobe. “Just promise me something,” she murmured in my ear as I began to unbutton her shirt.

“Anything,” I said, kissing the swells of flesh above her bra as soon as I exposed them.

“Never stop loving me.”

Tags: Linda Kage Forbidden Men Romance