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"Well, shit," she said, rocking Skylar in her arms. "That was definitely a first for me."

I have no idea why I thought that was funny, but I threw my head back and laughed.

Chapter 25


We didn't get the kids to bed until almost an hour after their usual bedtime. I caught Pick watching me a lot, as if he were waiting for that moment when I'd finally let the stress from the entire evening get to me and I'd fall apart. But I managed to hold it together.

When we finally slid under the covers, facing each other in the glow of the nightlight, I tucked my hands under my face and studied him across the bed as he did the same, examining me right back.

I'd been so sure the next time he had a night off, we'd finally get in some physical yumminess . . . but alas, my father had completely smothered that idea. Pick looked too scared to even touch me, which made me wonder how I'd ever gotten a kiss out of him in the bathroom earlier.

A soft smile lit his face. "What're you thinking?"

I smiled back. "I was thinking how sweet it was of you to get a babysitter for us tonight so we could go out."

He sighed. "Yeah, well, I'm sorry that fell through. I guess that's what I get for making plans."

I reached out to stoke his cheek. Then I straightened the ring in his eyebrow. "It was the thought that impressed me."

He continued to watch me as I groomed him, combing out unruly strands of his hair next.

"We were actually going to celebrate," he said. "I received a letter in the mail today. My annulment was finalized."

I drew in a surprised gasp. "Really? So you're a single man again?"

He nodded but an odd look flooded his features. I could almost swear it was guilt. "I know it was pretty presumptuous of me to take you out on the very day I was no longer married. I'm sorry. It didn't—"

Suddenly, I realized what he felt so bad about. "Patrick Jason Ryan," I murmured in a teasing scold as I sat up. "Were you planning on getting laid tonight?"

Before he could stop me, I flung open the nightstand to find a new box of condoms inside.

Pick jerked upright, looking even guiltier than before. "Eva—"

I pulled the box free and studied it. "Aww, and you even got ribbed for her pleasure. How considerate."

That didn't seem to soothe his remorse, though. "I didn't mean to—"

I leaned in to kiss him, shutting hi

m up. He tasted of surprise and the apple he'd eaten before coming to bed. I opened my mouth to taste more. The very tip of his tongue touched the very tip of mine and he groaned, starting to lean in before he yanked himself back.

"We probably shouldn't," he said, though his breathing was already thin and fast. "Not after what happened tonight."

But I caught his hand. "Do you know what he said to me once? He said it didn't matter how many other boys I had, I'd never be able to wipe away his touch. He'd stained me forever."

Pick's face turned purple with fury. "Mother fucker," he gritted out right before he pulled me close and pressed his forehead to mine. "He was lying, baby. You are not stained. Not at all."

I hooked my hand around the back of his neck, my gaze pleading. "But he made me believe him. I never . . . enjoyed an intimacy with any guy. Not until you. I just zoned out and pretty much erased every encounter from my head. When I'm with you, though, you make me feel everything. I'm beautiful, loved, and clean. I need you to make me feel that way right now. I need you to prove that bastard wrong."

When I pressed the condom box into his hand, he closed his eyes and groaned. "I love you so much." His fingers trembled as he touched my cheek.

"And I love you, Patrick. Now make me your Tinker Bell."

He opened his eyes, and the confusion on his face told me he wasn't sure how to respond since I'd ordered him to never call me that again.

"You called me Tink tonight when the cops were here," I said. "And before that in the bathroom."

Tags: Linda Kage Forbidden Men Romance