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I blink, still dazed from what just happened. My boyfriends are always touching me at the most inappropriate times, and sometimes it’s hard to get my bearings after such an intimate interlude.

“Wha?” I ask in a dazed voice. “Mmm.”

Cam grins and presses a kiss to my cheek.

“I know, sweetheart. That felt good, didn’t it? But as we were saying, Patty, Chris and Chase figured it was best to skip this year’s event with the baby on the way. Otherwise, they attend Sanctum vents on the reg, it seems. I had no idea they were so nasty.”

I nod and smile, my eyes finally coming back into focus.

“Yes, and it’s exciting that Patty’s pregnant again because this is going to be number two. I just feel like it would be nice to have a friend here, that’s all.”

My other lover comes up behind me, squeezing my shoulder.

“You have us,” Justin growls. “There’s no need to be nervous because the event’s going to be fun. If you don’t like it, we can leave after five minutes. It’s as simple as that.”

I frown.

“Yeah, but I don’t want to be a party pooper and drag you guys out of here when you’re not ready!”

Justin merely chuckles and drops a kiss on my décolletage, making me inhale deeply.

“You’re fine,” he soothes. “And you won’t be doing anything wrong. Just know that Cam and I are here for your pleasure, so whatever you want is good for us.”

I nod, feeling relieved.

“Thanks,” I murmur with a grateful smile at my two lovers. “I appreciate you guys.”

They grin.

“Now, shall we head out? I believe the event’s being held in one of the penthouse suites.”

I nod and take the elbows of my two men as we walk to the elevator in the hallway. Cameron and Justin are incredibly handsome in dark suits with white dress shirts, their black hair brushed back from their foreheads. I’ve never been so proud to be seen with them, and melt a bit inside.

“Don’t fret because we’ll be there with you the entire time,” Justin says, tilting his head my way again.

“I know,” I smile. “And thank you.”

The elevator door opens on the penthouse floor, and we make our way down the hall to the only door in the wall. Cameron knocks, and a handsome man in a suit answers.

“Do you have an invitation?” he asks courteously.

Justin produces a white envelope and hands it over. The man checks it out and then opens the door wider while bowing.

“Welcome, Mr. Kay, Mr. Hanssen and Miss McNeil. I understand this is your first Sanctum event, so please feel free to ask any questions. All that I ask is that your personal electronic devices be placed here,” he says, holding a basket forward that’s already filled to the brim with cell phones. “As you know, discretion is key and we have a strict no-photography policy.”

I smile.

“I didn’t bring my phone,” I say. “I don’t even have a handbag!”

But my two men growl as they fish into their pockets before pulling out all sorts of devices.

“Here,” grunts Justin. “Take my entire life while you’re at it.”

“Yeah, seriously,” growls Cameron with a frown. “My cell better be waiting for me here at the end of the night.”

“Oh, it will be sir,” the host smiles and bows again. “Most assuredly so. Now, if you’ll just step inside.”

We make our way into the suite, which is magnificent. There’s a kitchen area to the left with a granite counter covered in drinks and fancy-looking appetizers. The space opens to a gargantuan common area with double height ceilings and a breathtaking view of Manhattan. It’s filled with furniture in complimentary tones of gold and deep crimson, and an enormous chandelier sparkles in the middle of the room.

But it’s not the setting that makes my heart go fast. It’s the people. There are clusters of elegantly dressed men and women standing about chatting with drinks in their hands. The men are uniformly handsome in dark suits, while the women’s cocktail dresses leave little to the imagination. Cut-outs abound, as well as hem lengths so short that I swear, I get a peek of a woman’s pussy as her dress rides up a bit. Her companion obviously notices and reaches forward to run a finger through that pulsing pinkness, making her throw her head back as her lashes flutter deliciously.

“Wow,” I say quietly.

“Pretty mind-boggling, right?” Justin remarks, watching the same woman squirm with pleasure as her companion reaches down to pinch her bulging clit.

“Right,” I breathe. “This is so crazy.”

Cam grins.

“Well, it is a sex party, so I guess the debauchery isn’t exactly unexpected. But before we dive in, should we get some food? Of course, that’s only if you feel like eating, honey,” he adds.

I nod and follow the men over to the appetizers. We each fill a plate with shrimp, meatballs, and caprese skewers, which look delicious with juicy red tomatoes and tender, creamy mozzarella. But I’m not hungry for what feels like the first time in my life.

Tags: Cassandra Dee Romance