Page 79 of Hold on to Hope

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My arms wrapped around his waist in an attempt to tackle him to the ground. Frankie was there again, trying to get on his back, screaming, “No, no, no, you’re going to hurt him. His heart. His heart.”

Didn’t she fucking get that it beat for her?

Rage pummeled through my senses, a frenzy of fear spinning through the air, Frankie so terrified I wanted to weep. To tell her it was my job to protect her.

Not the other way around.

I came at him. One fist then the other. One clipping his jaw the other striking his nose as his head jolted one direction.

“Get out of the way, Frankie,” I shouted as I started to go in for another hit as headlights burst across the yard. Red and blue lights suddenly whirled into action as the car slid to a stop behind my car.

Seth jumped out with his gun drawn. I reared back, and Frankie dropped to the ground in relief. Could tell she was rasping around her shock. Completely freaked. The feel of her shaking rushed across the ground. Her fear slamming me, crash after crash.

I wanted to go for her, but Seth was yelling, “Sit the fuck down, both of you.”

I dropped to my ass, chest heaving from the exertion.

The agony from the blows I’d sustained rushed me in one acute wave.

I squinted at the lights, trying not to topple over on my side from the adrenaline bleeding out.

From the relief that Seth was there.

“Evan didn’t do anything, Seth. It was Jack. He came after him on my porch.”

“Stay right there,” he told Jack. Jack who didn’t move. Jack who stood there glowering at me like he was getting ready to come in for another attack.

I’d be happy to go another round.

“Told you to get down,” Seth repeated.

“Fuck this,” Jack spat as he charged for me again.

Gun trained, Seth rushed him. “Get down. Face down. On the ground. Not joking around, Jack. Do not make me do something I don’t want to do.”

Seth had to grab him by the shoulder to force him down before he finally conceded, fighting the cuffs Seth snapped around his wrists. He hauled him onto his feet, saying something to him that I couldn’t see.

Could only feel the hostility blistering from the prick who’d come undone.

Blood dripping from a nostril and bitterness in his eyes when he glared at me.

Guy could hate me all he fuckin’ wanted. But if he turned that aggression on Frankie Leigh? That story wasn’t going to end in his favor.

Seth shoved Jack into the backseat of his cruiser while I sat there trying not to pass the fuck out.

Getting in a fist fight with that asshole was like getting in a wrestling match with a grizzly bear.

Groaning, I slumped back onto the ground, just trying to breathe.

Unease sloshed around in the deepest part of me. Where awareness and trepidation met.

Wanting it to be over, but none of it adding up.

Ashley and that note and the one that was tacked to my door.

Could feel the shockwaves of worry blast through the atmosphere, the spiral of energy and the rustle of movement vibrating the ground floor.

I forced myself to peel open an eye, finding Frankie leaning over me, all frantic and tremoring, her fingers fluttering over my face.

Wanted to welcome her touch, but I flinched.

“Are you okay? God, what were you thinkin’? What were you thinkin’?” Frankie was pleading, those eyes searching my face, girl trying to hold back tears. “You’re a mess, Evan. Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.”

“What are you apologizing for?”

“For dragging you into my mess.”

A frown deepened my brow, and I started to answer her until a shadow fell over us. I forced myself to sit up, fighting the rush of dizziness that spun my head.

“You good?” Seth asked.

I swiped at the blood I could feel dripping down my chin. “Yup. Good as fucking new.”

“You’re not fine. Look at you. You are a mess. I can’t believe this. I can’t believe this. We need to get you to a hospital.”

I DON’T NEED A HOSPITAL, FRANKIE. I let a bit of frustration weave into the response.

She shook her head. YES, YOU DO.


Seth bent his knees to sink down in front of me. “You sure you’re good?”

“Yeah,” I told him.

He gave a tight nod. “Okay then. I’m going to take him down and process him. See if I can get him to confess about what’s been going on around here. You two try not to touch anything on the porch. I’ll have someone come tomorrow to dust for prints. Problem is, Jack lives next door. A print of his on Frankie’s porch isn’t going to be all that condemning.”

Seth looked skeptical.

About everything.

I was, too.


Seth straightened to standing, hesitated. “You’re sure you’re good? Face is busted up pretty bad, man.”

Tags: A.L. Jackson Romance