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We didn’t have to wait long for someone to come by and bring a bottle of wine. They showed it to Nikolai and when he gave a small nod the waiter poured a small sample into a wine glass. After a taste test and Nikolai’s approval, both our glasses were filled and we were left alone once again.

I noticed there were no menus but I didn’t question it when the first courses were brought out, as if the chef and staff dropped everything to cater to Nikolai.

I'd never had authentic Russian cuisine before, but with every dish that was presented and a small description by Akim personally, I felt like I’d traveled to a foreign, faraway place and was experiencing firsthand his Mother Country.

I realized, as the minutes passed and I became lighter, more relaxed, that I'd been tense, almost expecting this awkwardness, this uncomfortableness to fill the space. This was our first date. My first date. But as Akim initiated so much of the conversation, telling me snippets of his life when he was a child in Russia, and how his mother and grandmother made these dishes, I grew comfortable. I laughed genuinely at his jokes, blushed at his compliments, and felt Nikolai’s gaze on me intently the entire time.

The rest of the meal passed pleasantly, with me savoring each and every dish that was brought out, and I got to the point where I didn’t mind Nikolai’s intense gaze on me. In fact, I felt flushed and heated every time I looked over and his gaze lingered on my mouth as I brought the fork or spoon, or even a cup to my lips.

I’d never felt so attractive in someone’s eyes before, never felt like I was the object of someone’s obsession. But I knew that feeling now.

Once the table was cleared and a fresh bottle of wine was brought out, I lifted a hand to my face and touched my cheek, the skin warm from the alcohol, a pleasant buzz filling my veins.

Nikolai leaned back, one forearm resting on the table, the other on the armrest of his chair. And of course his gaze on me.

“Come closer,” he said in a low voice.

I had a feeling that even though he could have easily reached out and tugged my chair closer, jerk me toward him in a very dominant way, he liked the fact I’d obey him so readily.

But he said nothing once I was close enough to smell the spicy dark notes of his cologne. “What now?” I asked softly and his eyes grew even more hooded as the corner of his mouth curled seductively.

“We’re going to sit here and finish off our wine and you’re going to act completely natural the entire time.”

I felt my brows lower in confusion, not understanding what he meant. But before I could ask or even try to sift through the meaning of his words, the heavy weight of his hand was on my knee, his fingers curling against the fabric of my gown as he slowly pushed it up.

My back went ramrod straight and I glanced around the restaurant. Although it was late enough in the evening and there were only a few tables filled, all I could think about was one of the patrons looking over and seeing what Nikolai was about to do.

“What are you doing?” I whispered and placed my hand over his, which had now crept up to my upper thigh, bringing my dress along with it and exposing the garter of my hose.

I felt like my eyes were so wide as I stared at each person at the tables, but when I heard Nikolai make a gruff noise, I glanced at him and saw his focus was on the black lacy garter on my upper thigh.

“I’m so fucking glad I picked this out for you to wear.” He kept moving his hand up, my palm over his adding zero force so he was able to do whatever he wanted. “Grab your wine glass and take a drink, sweetheart.”

I swallowed, my throat suddenly so tight and dry it felt like it was closing in. But I did what he said, reached out with a shaky hand and curled my fingers around the stem of the glass.

The liquid inside sloshed ever-so-gently as I lifted it off the table and brought it to my mouth, taking a long drink at the same time he slid his hand inward. The wine had no flavor, not with how turned on and humiliated I was, not when I couldn't think of anything else but the skilled touch of his fingers.

Anyone could see us, a sliver of shame filling me at the knowledge he was going to touch my pussy, play with me in public.

Nikolai kept snaking his hand along my inner thigh, and then his fingers were brushing along that sensitive area where my pussy and inner leg met. I nearly choked on the wine as I swallowed, and I continued to look around the restaurant, just knowing someone was going to glance over and see what was happening.

“You’re doing so good, printsessa, being a dirty girl for me.” He moved his lips to the shell of my ear. “But you’re only going to be dirty for me, isn’t that right?” He had his fingers over the lace that covered my pussy and I sucked in a breath when he added slight pressure.

When I gasped and tried to close my legs, he laughed low and deep.

“You know what would happen if anyone ever touched you?” His voice was so low by my ear that I wasn’t sure I heard him. He added more pressure to my pussy, right over my clit, drawing slow circles over that swollen bead of tissue. “Do you know what I would do to them?” He moved his fingers away from my clit and I was about to protest, but the words lodged in my throat when I felt him pull the edge of my panties aside and slip his fingers under the fabric.

At that first touch of his fingers along my bare skin, I let my head fall back on my neck and had to force myself to close my eyes. The pleasure was instant and a soft mewl left me, one that made my face burn with shame and had me snapping my mouth closed and gritting my teeth.

“I’d make them hurt. Real slow. Make it really gruesome.” He rubbed the pad of his finger over my clit and my entire body tightened. “If they looked at you with lust I’d take their eyes.” He twisted his hand so he could still rub my clit but was now circling my opening. “If they touched you I’d take their hands.” He gently pushed his fingers into my body and I felt my eyes widen and more liquid spill from my pussy. “And if they thought to take you from me, take anything from you, I’ll kill them as easily as I killed Edoardo.”

My pleasure was rising so swiftly, I squeezed my fingers around the wine glass until my hand ached.

“I’ll cut off little pieces of them, then bring my victories to show who’s protecting you, to show you how far I’d go to ensure you’re safe.”

My eyes fluttered closed then as pleasure raced through me. He kept rubbing my clit in slow, steady circles, adding a little pressure as he circled my hole. I felt my orgasm start to climb and knew there wasn’t anything to stop it. But I tried.

“Oh no, baby girl. You’re going to give it to me because you know how much it turns me on when you obey me so fucking well.”

Tags: Jenika Snow Crime